26 Jul 2022


Student Evaluation Report

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2686

Pages: 10

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Description of Student 

Aaron is a 12-year-old active boy whom enjoys solving complex math problems in class. Aaron has strong math skills, but of late, he does not like participating in class activities. When the teacher hands out any group math assignment, he becomes anxious, and does not want to participate in any group work. This is a continuous behavior observed by the teacher. Like other children his, age Aaron is more conscious of what other students think about him. He is more preoccupied with other perceptions of him. Thus, he feels embarrassed interacting with his classmates. 

Aaron has been an active boy who can take care of himself.  He  dresses and bathes by himself. He knows how to use the restroom as shows kindness to other students in class .He helps them solve mathematical sums. He takes pride of his personal belongings like his school bag and toys. He also offers to help around the house, he can fold his clothes, take out the trash, help create a grocery list and help in reading recipes when his mother prepares simple meals. Aaron is a caring boy who loves playing with his friends. 

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He is physically fitting, while not in class, he loves participating in a variety of outdoor activities, including sports and music. His sleep patterns are constant, and he does not show any signs of depression apart from feeling stressed when pushed to do something he does not like. According to his medical history, Aaron has never had any major illness or accident. He has not witnessed any traumatic event except for when he witnessed a motorbike accident some years back. He has not been taken any medication. 

Aaron stays with both his parents and has a younger sister. However, one of the significant changes he recently experienced was the death of his grandmother. The school records reveals that he rarely misses school unless he is attending something important like going for regular checkup or attending a family issue like when he recently lost one of his family member. He is an active student and his grades are average. 

Presenting Problems 

Of late, Aaron has lost appetite, he does not like eating his favorite snacks, he interacts less with his friends and often feels embarrassed, and gets irritated by small things. He is a star student in math, but does not want to participate in joint activities in class. Instead, he prefers looking through storybooks with pictures of dinosaurs and reading comic books or plays his favorite block game. Unlike the previous instances where he loved math, of late, he just wants time to draw a pictures. When reprimanded by the teacher, Aaron displays temper outburst, which can last for more than an hour before he clams down. 

At times when he feels stressed, he destroys any material he finds in front of him. He seems to be having serious problems with his classmates. These behaviors are visible when he is in class, and the teacher insists that he work with other students to solve math problems. He feels anxious and gets irritated because he does not want to share his knowledge with other students. Instead, he prefers doing the work alone in a quiet place without supervision or any interruption. These are not normal changes in behavior caused by growth and development. 

Stresses to Which Student are Reacting. 

Aaron displays inappropriate emotional and behavioral responses, which have persisted; of late, he is withdrawn and does not carry out the normal routine. He comes to school with shaggy hair. He does not take care of his personal belongings with care as he used to, and he does not complete most of his homework assignments. He is not active in class and often does not concentrate in class. He refuses to participate in any voluntary activities and avoids interacting with his friends. When confronted by the teacher to participation joint activities, Aaron prefer sitting in the group, but will not participate in the activity. Instead, he takes a paper and a pencil and starts drawing instead of collaborating with his team to complete the assignment. 

What stresses him the most is when the teacher appoints him to show other students how he came up with the answers for the task the teacher gives for each group. Aaron feels irritated when other students laugh at him for not properly explaining or for not getting the correct answer. This makes him feel incapable. The teacher often does not encourage him to try, instead he orders him to sit down, and appoints another student to come and solve the equation. He feels the teacher does not like him and feel as if he is not as smart as other children are his class. As a result, Aaron has lost interest in mathematics, he is struggling to complete his homework assignments, and he feels overwhelmed by the daily tests the teacher present in class. At home, Aaron has to seek for his parent attention because all the attention is given to his younger sister. His parents spend more time with the infant more than they even spend with him. He feels neglected leading to frequent anger outbursts. 

Student’s Perceptions of School Experience and Utility of the Curriculum 

Aaron feels discouraged by the learning process; the learning environment makes him not see the value of learning math. On the other hand, the teacher is not well prepared for such students with learning difficulties. His teaching is not focus on individual. The atmosphere is not motivating enough for him to engage meaningfully in the learning process. The curriculum can be modified to meet student needs better by incorporating different types of teaching devices. These can be devices like pictorial representation or even changing the amount of input or period for learners. The teacher can also increase the level of support for Aaron. One technique that can be helpful is accommodation, this is a modification technique of instructions meant to meet individual student needs enabling them acquire the necessary inputs from each lesson .  

For example, the teacher can instruct a student to focus on mastering division of a mixed fraction with like denominators while other students master mixed fractions with unlike denominators. In such cases, the conceptual difficulty of the knowledge that the student with learning difficulties will acquire, is slightly changed, but the content, which in this case is the concept of division, remains the same. Other ways of modification is to use picture cards to display keyword by narrating a story or using the other devices like calculator to aid the student complete the assignment. 

Utility of Students Responses to Stressful Situations 

Aaron’s behavior has been affected by the stressful situation he is facing in class and at home. As a result, he is withdrawn and does not want to participate in activities that might trigger some behaviors he is currently exhibiting. Instead, Aaron prefers doing simple tasks like drawing, playing with his toys or simply working alone instead of working with his classmates. The teacher has tried to get touch with his parents to understand his situation. At some point, the teacher referred Aaron to the school counselor for further observation since he had become more defiant in class, and he was not completing most of his home assignments. Aaron has been having difficulties coping with his classmates and friends he get irritated easily and at times fights with his friends. 

In most cases, Aaron tries to avoid interacting with his friends and classmates, however, while in class, he has no choice but to participate in joint activities. He has to meet the daily obligation, which forces him to interact with his classmates. Most of his responses to stress have not been reasonable because he gets irritated with small comments, which he cannot resist reacting towards. As a result, he finds himself retaliating by fighting or throwing away any item he find in front of him to express his anger. 

Reinforcement Variables 

One of the notable circumstances that make Aaron respond inappropriately is when pointed out among other students to work out a math problem. He fear being embarrassed or laughed at by other students because he believes he is not smart enough to solve some of these equations. The antecedents that trigger Aaron inappropriate behavior are mostly people and things that make him feel uncomfortable. In this case, Aaron fear being embarrassed and laughed at in class for not getting the correct answer. The physical environment also plays a  crucial  role in Aaron defiant behavior. The activities that go on in classroom and at home are responsible for his current behavior. 

For example, at home the parents have given all the attention to his younger sister, making Aaron feel that he is not loved by his parents. The absence of attention, at times he feel he is being ignored by peers or adults, and the absence of some of his favored activity in school are some key antecedents. Aaron becomes withdrawn from his friends and classmate because he believes that they do not understand him. The teacher also plays an important role because he also triggers his inappropriate behavior. For example, the teacher reproaches him for not completing his math assignment without finding out the reason behind his actions. 

Expectations of Self and Others 

In this case, mathematics is the main issues that make Aaron feel discouraged because he lacks support . As a result he becomes withdrawn from all the classroom activities. He prefers staying silent during joint activities in class and also does not want to participle in any activity that would require him stand in front of class to answer or explain anything  Feeling withdrawn Aaron becomes lonely, and does not like performing any math related tasks. Instead, he prefers doing easy assignments like drawing or singing to avoid feeling stressed. Being aware of these Antecedents, which trigger the problematic behavior, is important because several interventions can be initiated to reduce the future occurrence of these bad behaviors. The best intervention should eliminate the antecedent even, or modifying the content to build the Aaron levels of confidence. 

The plan 

In this case, Aaron can benefit from response to intervention which focuses on academics, social, emotional and behavior inappropriateness. In developing a plan it is important to understand that Aaron like other children with emotional difficulties lack the capability to behave in an acceptable manner, which can be consistent with his social environment, especially in school. This is why it is important to identify a type of intervention to address the student behavior emotionally and social competence. The key concept in developing an intervention plan is to address the underlying issue, which should not be based on commutations disorder or cognitive limitation, or learning problems, but to assess the underlying behavior .  

There is a need for careful consideration to immediate influences that Aaron is subjected to within his environment. A behavior intervention plan will include strategies of rewarding positive behavior. Using the strategy Aaron will have the opportunity to explain what he feels or will be given the chance to show his reasoning. This plan will have three e key par the iris being list often problem behaviors. The second par will describe what he be hour happens and the last section will document strategies a support that Aaron can benefit from. A school team will include Aaron’s teacher, school nurse and counselor who are expected to interview him and make observation. The team will also talk to Aaron’ family to understand the underlying causes of his inappropriate behavior r. When appropriate, testing might be used to review past reports incidence this is a process is known as function behavior assessment. 

The functional  behavior  assessment is a systematic process where a chills' behavior will be assessed to underlie the learning difficulties the child experiences . When  the school team figures out why Aaron is having frequent outburst, they can put together the plan to prevent it One of the strategies is to help Aaron channel his problems in a more positive way by letting him engage in informal activities where he does not have to necessary feel restless. He can be permitted to take a break, which this case will be more of offering support at some point student conference with parents can hell Aaron discusses the consequences of his behavior in a non-threatening environment. 

The team can also involve parents in the process to facilitate communication. Having a class wide reinforcement should be constant in delivering of reward for desirable behavior and ales eliminating undesirable behavior Individual class reinforcement will be between the teachers, and Aaron whereby the focus will be to plan or draw a contract of clear expectation, and adapting new study skills. When necessary, it would be appropriate to modify the learning schedule to enable Aaron adjusted to new program. Student adjusts to implementation of new interventions. The teacher needs to focus more by giving Aaron attention by engaging him in frequent conversation to assess his progress to the new intervention. The teacher is expected to note down positive changes on Aaron assignments or tasks, and show caring attitude to motivate him. 

Using a buddy system, can help Aaron manage his impulses, and change his expectations. Using self-management approach like practicing social skills, he can effectively control hi s reactions to stressors. The main consideration of to guide Aaron by showing him how he can handle stressful situation. Thus, the teacher plays an important role. The teacher is expected to show a caring t attitude to help him solve emotional and academic difficulties. The teacher coordinates activities with other people’s like the school counselor to help Aaron adapt positive outlook about learning. The teacher can modify the learning process and make appropriate accommodation to help patron overcome his learning problems. Aaron can only adapt positive behavior when the teacher display-welcoming attitude, and offer appropriate support in adopting positive behavior. The teacher needs to develop a trusting and accepting relationship with Aaron. 

The teacher’s style should be more empathetic and supportive, but also maintain appropriate boundaries in the relationship. Meaning the teacher is expected to limit Aaron’ behavior, and have clearly explained consequences of displaying unacceptable behavior. However, the teacher is expected to encourage Aaron to develop more socially acceptable reactions while also expressing confidence in his ability to change for the better. Changes to expectations should involve having a supportive team, including involving parents, peers, or friends and relevant professionals like the school psychologists. 

What is the student’s basic personality style? 

Based on Aaron observation, he can be categorized as an introvert; Aaron prefers working independently with few of his classmates. He does not like working in large groups and does not move quickly to provide answers. He is more of a reflective thinker. Aaron has his own prefer learning style, his cognitive learn style is whereby he acquires and prose information. Thus as an instructor, the teacher is expected to offer contrite facts which includes interactive sessions to illustrate complex problems. Learning should be engaged in hands on activity. The nature of relationship between leaner has and instructs should be interactive to sinus detail that will allow the learner connect their idea on his own. Being an introvert Aaron is more inclined toward the inner world of reflection and thought. He tends to enjoy written work over active discussion in class. Thus, the instruct needs to devise creative ways whereby Aaron needs to be given individualized attention instead of being in a large group of learner with different personalities. Thus, the teacher needs to offer uniquely tailored instruction  to appeal to Aaron’s personality type. 

In this relationship according to Previously Acquire Competence stages(PAC),Aaron interaction with teachers can be described to be at stage three, which is conscious competence. In this stage, Aaron understands and knows what is expected of him. He demonstrate skills and knowledge differently, thus he needs support to ultimate acquire new skills. He needs practice achieving the desired behavior, in this stag Aaron can acquire skill or task well but requires a lot of concentrations and support from his teacher and parent to encourage him practice new skills. 

Diagnostic Impression 

The most appropriate diagnostic category for Aaron is conferencing, approves that involves his family, and he teacher. Conferencing help promote positive behavior outcomes. Having a joint discussion with Aaron, this provides an opportunity for him to express his feelings, thoughts, and challenges. Conferences are brief meetings fusion learning but discusses problems students face such has student  behaviour and also s see the need be more involved to help the child overcome some challenges that affect his learning progress. The goal of conferencing is not to discourage but to encourage the child focus on his strengths and observe some of his weaknesses. 

Problematic behaviors can only be addressed by understudying the child perspective. Conferences provide the best platform where a child can openly share his thoughts and dislikes, and provide suggestions. Teachers and parents also have common understanding of the child’s learning difficulties and find collaborative way to help the child overcome some of these challenges during the early stages in life. 

Evaluation of Student Improvement 

When conducting an evaluation, diagnostic assessment of the best formative ways for find the root cause of any behavioral problem and develop suitable ways of improving leering. When conducting an evaluation, it is important to assess how student comprehends the content from regular classroom instruction using the simple quiz or test at the end of each unit. The results can be measured against the original diagnostic testing done to compare e the outcomes. This can be documented in the form of charts which can be shared by students to encourage them improve on their performance. Using visible outcomes hard by the class, students can develop practical solution to improve in specify subjects if only they are aware their progress. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Student Evaluation Report.


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