7 Oct 2022


Technology in Criminal Justice

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Academic level: College

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Words: 728

Pages: 2

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Technology is among the resources that stakeholders in the criminal justice system employ in the execution of their mandate. For instance, today, police officers use sophisticated technology to monitor suspects. The integration of technology into criminal justice is a direct response to the increasingly complex techniques and tools that criminals are using. Basically, the courts, correctional officers and the police recognize that in order to effectively tackle crime, they must match the strategies and techniques used by offenders. There is no question that going forward, technology will remain an essential tool in the criminal justice arsenal.

Police Officer 

In this scenario, the police officer is tasked with conducting a burglary investigation. At the crime scene, he encounters blood, shoeprints, a handprint and a hammer. The main goal that the officer would wish to accomplish is to collect and preserve these items as pieces of evidence. To achieve this goal, the officer can use such technologies as digital cameras. Today, officers are increasingly relying on cameras as investigative tools for documenting and preserving vital evidence (NIJ, 2007). For instance, the police officer in the scenario can take photographs of the hammer, drops of blood, shoeprints and handprint. Thanks to the camera, the officer is able to protect the integrity of the evidence, thereby guaranteeing that the investigation is thorough and credible.

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Prison Guard 

The prison guard in the scenario can also benefit from technology. This guard is expected to ensure that visitors do not smuggle contraband into the prison. The weapons and non-permitted devices detector is among the technologies available to the guard. Basically, this detector is a hand-held instrument that is often used to search individuals and determine if they have any contraband items underneath their clothing (Bulman, n.d.). Another technology used to tackle contraband smuggling in prisons is the millimeter wave imaging system. Essentially, this technology fires radio energy at individuals and is able to produce an image with any contraband items highlighted (Bulman, n.d.). The scanners that are used at airports to screen travelers are yet another technology that can be incorporated into prison security (Bulman, n.d.). All these technologies would aid the prison guard by helping him identify contraband items without needlessly violating the privacy of the prison visitors.

Probation Officer 

The probation officer is yet another criminal justice official whose work can be made easier by technology. Ankle bracelets and the global positioning system (GPS) are among the technologies that probation officers usually use to manage and monitor probationers (Reinhart, 2014). Basically, these technologies function by notifying probation officers of the location of the probationers. For instance, ankle bracelets can send an alarm to an officer when the probationer has gone beyond the limits imposed. These technologies promise to enhance the ability of the probation officer to maintain close contact with the probationers by supplying her with information about their whereabouts.

Court Case 

There are numerous court cases which have highlighted the crucial role that technology plays in the criminal justice process. One such case is United States v. Jones (2012). In this case, the court was tasked with establishing the admissibility of evidence obtained through the use of GPS for which a warrant had not been obtained. In its ruling, the court declared such evidence inadmissible, finding that the use of the GPS amounted to a violation of the protections enshrined in the Fourth Amendment. This case has the legacy of placing restrictions on the adoption of technology in law enforcement and criminal justice processes. When they use technology for such purposes as conducting searches, officers must first obtain warrants.

Career Path 

The judicial, law enforcement and correctional branches of the criminal justice system have all benefited immensely from technology. However, law enforcement offers the most enticing career path as there are many available and emerging technologies that enhance the effectiveness of the officers in this branch. For instance, I understand that police officers use such tools as robotic cameras, unmanned aircraft (drones), systems that can detect gunshots and thermal imaging equipment. I think that these technologies are incredibly interesting and I would love to learn and utilize them. Given that law enforcement offers many opportunities for using a wide range of technologies, I would be excited to pursue a career in this field.

In closing, thanks to technology, the jobs of officers in the criminal justice system have become easier. Such officers as prison guards, probation officers and the police are able to pursue and deter criminals. Among other things, technology has enhanced the investigative process and is enabling probation officers to keep a close eye on probationers. Going forward, it is highly likely that modern technology will replace the traditional techniques that are still in use.


Bulman, P. (n.d.). Using technology to make prisons and jails safer. NIJ Journal. Retrieved February 1, 2020 from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/225764.pdf

National Institute of Justice (NIJ). (2007). Investigative uses of technology: devices, tools and techniques. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved February 1, 2020 from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/213030.pdf

Reinhart, C. (2014). Electronic monitoring of offenders. OLR Research Report. Retrieved February 1, 2020 from https://www.cga.ct.gov/2014/rpt/2014-R-0065.htm

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Technology in Criminal Justice.


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