26 Sep 2022


Terrorism and Emergency Management: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

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Intellectual Property and the Impact of Counterfeit Merchandise on U.S. Economy 

Intellectual property (IP) Refers to type of property that includes the creations of the human mind ( Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, & Shi, 2017 ). The common types of intellectual property include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Some other forms of intellectual property include inventions, literary and artistic works, commercial names and images (brands), symbols, and designs. Counterfeiting and piracy has a profound economic impact on the United States economy because of the wide economic costs associated with the practice ( Brander et al. , 2017 ). 

Counterfeit products 

Counterfeiting displaces legitimate economic activity significantly affecting the job market. This leads to massive job losses and cut-offs. There is an estimated loss in jobs of 4.2 to 5.4 million by 2022 in global estimates ( Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, & Shi, 2017 ). Counterfeiting interferes with the measure of a countries GDP and productivity hence the value of genuine labor and cost of goods is deemed to go down. Ultimately, counterfeiting stalls economic development in the United States. Generally, the effects of counterfeiting on the U.S. economy include the loss in revenue, the costs associated with replacements, and downtime ( Brander et al. , 2017 ). 

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Counterfeit products pose a significant threat to the health and safety of consumers. Some of the most dangerous counterfeit products include prescription drugs, cosmetics, electronics, safety equipment, and automotive parts ( Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, & Shi, 2017 ). Counterfeit airbags can cause malfunctions such as non-deployment, over inflation, under inflation, and the explosion of metal shrapnel in the process of deployment during a crash. Counterfeit laptop batteries may cause extreme heat or self-ignite and ultimately explode. Baby carriers and helmets or poor quality (counterfeit) may break. Counterfeiting of prescription drugs may lead to overdose or lack the active ingredient to tackle a specific medical condition ( Brander et al. , 2017 ). On the other hand, counterfeit cosmetic products can lead to allergic skin reaction for potential users. 

Counterfeit products often bear a legitimate trademark of a trusted brand but are often produced by another party and not for the specific purpose of the originally manufactured product ( Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, & Shi, 2017 ). The production and/or manufacture of counterfeit products is often illegal and sold at a profit to fund criminal activities which are a risk to national security. Therefore, the production and trafficking of counterfeit products is a transnational crime linked to criminal organizations, especially the transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) ( Brander et al. , 2017 ). Counterfeit food products and drugs may be carcinogenic or slow poison. Equally peeving is the fact that medical professionals find it difficult tracing the exact product that the clients consumed. 

IP Theft and its Impact on National Security 

China has been the greatest threat to the U.S national security through the theft of intellectual property. According to cases reported to the department of justice, 80 percent of the cases on economic espionage involve China. 60 percent of the cases on the theft of trade secret cases also involve China ( Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, & Shi, 2017 ). Thus, China steals the intellectual property of the U.S. and replicates it. Ultimately, the Chinese replace the company originating the IP in the China’s domestic market. Finally, the United States is displaced in the global market. China has a program called Thousand Talents which assists the nation in acquiring the IP of the United States ( Brander et al. , 2017 ). Chinese officials recruit American employees working for particular companies into the program and purchase the IP from them. 

The theft of IP by the Chinese government has a negative impact on the growth of the American economy ( Brander et al. , 2017 ). It is a potential threat to the national security. IP provides profound information about the operations of a company. The Thousand Talents program which recruits American employees to the programs and steals U.S. IP has massive information on the function of the operations/running of American companies ( Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, & Shi, 2017 ). This makes such companies vulnerable because autonomous control is not possible, privacy and security are also breached. IP theft by Chinese government has made the United States vigilant on the activities of Chinese citizens’ operations in the United States. 

Steps to Ensure Illegal Migrants are Treated with Inclusion and Respect 

Illegal migrants are a massive problem in the United States. However, such migrants are human and have rights just like any American citizen. The American constitution spells out the rights and freedoms of humanity and is the biggest advocate for human rights and the equal treatment of all because all men were created free ( Hocking, 2017 ). The most effective way of ensuring that illegal migrants are treated with inclusion and respect is through legal reforms. Countries should come up with clauses that clearly states the rights of illegal migrants and appropriate action taken against anyone/agency which discriminates or inhumanely treats illegal migrants. The clause should also involve the responsibility that the illegal migrants bear, and the right of the government to deport the illegal migrants if their reason for migration is not legitimate – political unrest, life under threat, and injustice, just to mention a few ( Crawford, 2020 ). 

Illegal migrants should be given citizenship. That is, illegal migrants who prove to be law abiding citizens and have been in the respective countries for more than ten years should have their papers regularized ( Hocking, 2017 ). The United States is a country for all free men. The country provides several asylums and green card lotteries across the globe. The illegal migrants should be allowed to apply for such, devoid of intimidation and/or threats of deportation. This can work towards putting an end to the mistreatment and discrimination at the work places. Further, such a move allows illegal migrants to get further training in the United States so that they can get better professional jobs at better pay. Currently, the Biden administration is lobbying for the increase of the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 per hour ( Crawford, 2020 ). Such initiative helps most college students and illegal migrants. 

Illegal migrants who have been granted citizenship have no motive of committing criminal activities, given the right to be an American and the associated benefits ( Crawford, 2020 ). Further, there should be a reform in the culture of Americans which embraces racial discrimination and the culture of police brutality against racial minorities. This is possible through creating social platforms in which Americans relate with each other productively and also implementing the existing laws without bias. Police officers racially profiling ethnic minorities reflects negatively on their image and profoundly influences the public trust on the police ( Hocking, 2017 ). 

Police reforms is the first strategy to ensure illegal immigrants are treated with inclusion and respect. Illegal immigrants make part of the ethnic minorities that the current United States police department has been accused of profiling racially ( Crawford, 2020 ). Law enforcement officers represent the government and their actions manifest the stance of the government with regards to particular aspects of leadership. Police reforms is a way of reassuring the American citizens, ethnic minorities included that the government is committed to fair treatment of the citizens of the U.S. and is reforming the police to enhance public trust. Within such reforms, the government should convict police officers who break the law and treat any American citizen contrary to the dictates of their oaths and/or constitution ( Hocking, 2017 ). 

The government should also introduce strict surveillance at the border. Boarder security would significantly reduce the number of illegal migrants. Further, such as step would significantly reduce crime and illegal activities such as drug and human trafficking. Former President, Donald Trump, had a preposition to build a wall between the United States and the neighbors ( Crawford, 2020 ). However, such a strategy is not only costly, but also shows the lack of trust on border security. Therefore, more resources should be channeled towards funding border security and equipping the teams with relevant technologies to curb illegal activities within the boarder ( Hocking, 2017 ). 

SMART Port Security, the SAFE Port Act, the Small Vessel Security Strategy, and the Marine Transportation Security Act 

The SMART Port Security Act was passed on 6 th June 2012 ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). The act intents to enhance maritime security programs under the Department of Home Security (DHS). The act has profoundly secured American waterways as a vital component of layered security. The bill has enhanced risk-based security measures overseas before such a fatality lands on the American shores. Ultimately, the SMART Port Security Act has emphasized on a stronger collaborative environment between the Border Protection and the Coast Guard of the United States. The Act has effectively reduced the redundancies through accepting DHS’s recognition of other countries’ Trusted Shipper Programs ( Botti et al., 2017 ). Further, the act also demands the DHS to update their maritime operations coordination plan for the purposes of enhancing interagency cooperation. 

Generally, the SMART Port Security and the Safe Port Act have effectively fostered security at the United States ports. The SAFE Port Act prevents threats from reaching the U.S., tracks and protects containers, and purposefully hardens the ports of the U.S ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). The principal objective of these measures is to ensure increase safety and security at the port. The need for safety at the port is validated by the fact that marine transport is thriving and substantially used for conveyancing of cargo transportation ( Botti et al., 2017 ). The cargo at the ports ought to me inspected before getting transferred. 

Another effective strategy used to ensure the safety of ports and cargo apart from the aforementioned methods are the Small Vessel Security Strategy and the Marine Transportation Act. ( Botti et al., 2017 ) The Small Vessel Security Strategy addresses the risk that small vessels might be used to smuggle terrorists and weapons of mass destruction in the U.S. The strategy also ensures that small vessels are not used as stand-off weapon platforms or as direct attack with WBIED (waterborne improvised explosive device) ( Botti et al., 2017 ). Equally, the Marine Transportation Act enacted in 2002 addresses port and waterway security through a consistency and security program for all the ports in the U.S for the purposes of identifying and deterring threats ( Botti et al., 2017 ). 

The acts and strategies have effectively improved port security. The American ports were a target for terrorists in the past. Many American citizens and people all over the world have lost their lives through acts perpetrated by terrorists ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). Ensuring the safety of the port and the American people who visit such ports has been the responsibility of coast guards. However, protecting the coast guards are also the responsibility of the United States government ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). 

The SMART Port Security and the safe Port Act have significantly increased the resources dedicated towards safeguarding the ports from terrorist activities or illegal activities like human trafficking and/or drug trafficking ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). Further, the use of technology has equally been enhanced at the ports involving the use of drones for surveying the ports and making them safe. Waterways are strategic targets of illegal activities. Making the ports as secure as the mainland has been the aim of the congress, these policies and strategies effectively enhance security at the ports and secures American waterways ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). 

The economic activities at the waterways steer the economy. Activities such as mining, fishing, and recreation activities take place at the ports ( Botti et al., 2017 ). SMART Port Security, the SAFE Port Act, the Small Vessel Security Strategy, and the Marine Transportation Security Act have increased attention on the ports leading to the increased security on the ports. Investors have increased their business activities on the ports because of the stability and enhanced security ( Molavi, Lim & Race, 2020 ). Therefore, economic progress is assured at the ports. The implementation of these policies at the ports have therefore led to increased taxes collected at those areas. 

Similarities and Differences of the External Borders of European Union (EU) with that of the U.S./Mexico border & the U.S./Canada Border 

Most European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) nations have an open inter-state border. The Schengen Agreement permits the free movement of people between nations: controlling the entry to the Schengen area ( Casas-Cortes et al., 2017 ). Therefore, the external borders at the European Union (EA) do not have a physical barrier and allows for free movement. On the other hand, the U.S./Mexico border and the U.S./Canada border have a physical barrier with tight surveillance which does not allow the free flow of people in and out of the regions. Further, the EU region has a common currency, The Euro ( ) which the member states use for trade. This has profoundly improved the economy of member countries of the European Union ( Slack et al ., 2016 ). 

The US and Mexico border is known as The Rio Grande and is popularly known for tight security. The United States has tight security in all of its borders including the International Boundary (US-Canada border) ( Casas-Cortes et al., 2017 ). The International Boundary is the longest international border in the world between two countries. Border security is time-consuming and profoundly regulates the movement of people for business and other purposes. It is possible to perceive the EU as one country. Before Brexit, it was possible to move unregulated by bullet train from Britain to France using the bullet train. Currently, member states of the European Union allow easy movement making it possible for people belonging to different nations to live and work within the EU member states. 

Despite the tight security at the Rio Grande and the International Boundary, the number of illegal immigrants is still at an all-time high in the United States ( Casas-Cortes et al., 2017 ). However, is akin to note that the economic stability of Mexico is profoundly different from The United States or Canada. Further, Mexico is full of illegal activities such as drug and human trafficking, opening the borders could substantially affect the security of the United States. The borders only serve to restrict movement and seclude the U.S. from her neighbors. Further, there is no common currency between the U.S and Mexico or the U.S. and Canada. The trade is regulated and the movement of human expertise across these borders are closely monitored ( Slack et al ., 2016 ). 

The difference between the United States external borders and those of the European Union are quite distinct. The U.S. has closed external borders while the EU has open external borders. Movement is allowed within the EU, while movement in the external borders of the U.S. requires a valid passport and a visa, which permits entry ( Slack et al ., 2016 ). Further, trade and industry profoundly thrive within the EU, which is restricted by the U.S. external borders ( Casas-Cortes et al., 2017 ). Trade requires permits and tariffs are also imposed. Despite these stringent measures, the United States has the highest number of illegal immigrants compared to the European Union. The greatest challenge of the EU and its external borders might be containing terrorism activities because of the wide region. Further, the EU has a common currency, which makes it easy for member countries to trade fairly. 

The open external borders of the EU also allow students within the region to exchange knowledge in a wide range of academic facilities all over the union ( Slack et al ., 2016 ). The relations between the member countries are substantially improved and nations can be bailed out in times of economic instability. For example, Greece was bailed out by the EU during the country’s economic depression. The open external borders also make it easy for retrogressive activities such as the smuggling of drugs and can massively contribute to highly-qualified people living the country. Restricting trade and industry has been the greatest demerit of the U.S. external closed borders. The EU has enjoyed easy movement of people with the region’s open borders ( Casas-Cortes et al., 2017 ). 


Casas-Cortes, M., Cobarrubias, S., Heller, C., & Pezzani, L. (2017). Clashing cartographies, migrating maps: The politics of mobility at the external borders of EU rope.  ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 16 (1), 1-33. 

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The geography of border militarization: Violence, death and health in Mexico and the United States.  Journal of Latin American Geography , 7-32. 

Molavi, A., Lim, G. J., & Race, B. (2020). A framework for building a smart port and smart port index.  International journal of sustainable transportation 14 (9), 686-700. 

Botti, A., Monda, A., Pellicano, M., & Torre, C. (2017). The re-conceptualization of the port supply chain as a smart port service system: the case of the port of Salerno.  Systems 5 (2), 35. 

Hocking, C. (2017). Occupational justice as social justice: The moral claim for inclusion.  Journal of Occupational Science 24 (1), 29-42. 

Crawford, E. R. (2020). The ethic of community and incorporating undocumented immigrant concerns into ethical school leadership.  Educational Administration Quarterly 53 (2), 147-179. 

Peng, M. W., Ahlstrom, D., Carraher, S. M., & Shi, W. S. (2017). History and the debate over intellectual property.  Management and Organization Review 13 (1), 15-38. 

Brander, J. A., Cui, V., & Vertinsky, I. (2017). China and intellectual property rights: A challenge to the rule of law.  Journal of International Business Studies 48 (7), 908-921. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Terrorism and Emergency Management: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family.


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