27 Sep 2022


The Draw of Americans to Foreign Terrorist Organizations

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The terrorist organization will be based in the United States. The terrorist group aims to create an Islamic state in the country, hoping it will expand and cover other regions worldwide. The ideology of the terrorist organization is to combine Salafism and Wahhabism in support of Takfir. More so, the leadership structure of the terrorist organization will be hierarchical, led by a commander and regional operators. There will be a set of regional commanders that answer to the head commander of the group. Also, the commander will appoint ten Council members, and they will be responsible for overseeing the activities taking place in the regional bases. The council will equally be responsible for the establishment of policies that the local administrators follow. There will be a group of junior leaders taking charge of the terrorist group media branch under the committee, the enforcement of the law, and various military operations. The media branch will be responsible for producing video recruitment and propaganda content to disseminate the international audiences. 

In the terrorist organization, there will be more than single support varying in degrees. The primary support will be from the diaspora. Domestically the group will manage to get significant revenue after successfully seizing ports involved in trade operation in the United States. It is anticipated that the operations will raise funds ranging between $35-50 million per year. The recruitment process for the terrorist groups will primarily occur in the United States and counties in Africa like Kenya and Somalia. However, the online recruitment strategy will have been targeting the United States. The symbol of the terrorist organization is true to its name ‘Young Rebellion’ which is a representation of a terrorist organization where the main recruiters will be adolescents and young youths. 

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According to the United Nations, most of the weapons that terror groups receive are from coordination with other countries supporting their plan. The terrorist group aims at creating coordination of a network between Yemen and Iran to source weapons. The guns will then be transported to the bases through the border post, which is the main entry for most terrorist weapons as stipulated by Customs Board Protection (U.S. Customs and Border Protection, n.p). The security at the border will be strick and thus, a link will be created with the executive management for a safe passage. Other weapons will be obtained through raiding the various army bases. Due to poor governance in most developing countries, the terrorist group will be able to manage training camps without any form of domestic interference. At the moment, the organization's training goes for six months. Some of the activities to be done will include the reading and interpretation of the Koran, various physical exercises, and weapons handling. Some of the weapons have AK-47 rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. At the graduation ceremony, an open media will be held where 300 recruiters will become members. 

Planning of the various terror attacks will be done in the main base. The communication will be made to the other floors in multiple countries through a strategic communication channel. From one point of view, terrorism can be seen as a combination of strategies and tactics used to pursue power and achieve various political, social, and religious goals. Thus, the terrorist group will be working towards spiritual pursuits. The main focus will be religious-oriented ideology where they aim to intensify the Islamic religions in operations. The primary agent for the organization is to establish a caliphate state in each region. The plan is similar to that of many other terrorist groups such as Boko Haram and Al Shabab that want to create a fundamental rule of Islamic in Somali and hopes it will expand to all the other countries in the Horn of Africa (William, Chandler & Robinson, 2018). However, the terrorist group is expected to be more successful than Boko Haram or Al Shabab in terrorism towards achieving their ideology. The success of the group is attributed to two main factors. One of the factors is the leadership structure of the terrorist group, and the second element is the environment in which they operate. 

The leadership structure of the terrorist group is hierarchical. The structure is different from other terrorist groups, which are decentralized. In the terrorist organization, the leader will have subordinates who assist in overseeing the activities that take place at the group level. The strategy will make the leadership effective and easy to manage the recruits. Such is different from the decentralized administration, where there are only one leader and council members. The devolved administration makes the governance and overseeing of the activities at the ground level difficult. In the organization, the leadership ensures there is coordination in the events, making their operations a success. If there will be a lack of effective leadership, it will imply there is absence of coordination, and most of the procedures will fail. Having a decentralized administration can make the management of the terrorist group to split into two. The separation will result into challenges in the allocation of resources (Uhl-Bien & Arena, 2017). Such a division can lead to the leader's assassination, which will create chaos, hindering the group from attaining the intended goals and objectives. 

The environment of operation is another factor that will contribute to successful operations of the terrorist organization. The group will operate in a situation where the government is not well functioning. Therefore, it will be possible to allow the group to control the various training camps where there will be recruitment and training of operatives. A key challenge that the terrorist group will face is population composition making it hard to recruit into their terrorist group. Most of the people in the area of operation are Christians. Since the group's ideology is Islamic-oriented, it will be challenging to find members that will support the group's goals and objectives. It will be easier for the organization to recruit members from regions such as Somalia, where the population is mainly oriented towards the Muslim religion. There is also the issue of economic stability that will affect the operations of the terrorist group (Department of Homeland Security, 2019). The focus will be on creating bases of operation in regions where the economy is not stable, and unemployment is at its highest level. The young boys joining the terrorist organization will provide sufficient workforce in conduction the groups operations. 

The terrorist campaigns of the group will be carried out in demonstrations that will be violent in nature. The main focus will be to ensure that the needed message is delivered to the intended audience. The group will be an imitation of the ISIS Jihadist group, where religion is the key focus. Social media will also be effective in running terror campaigns. The role of social media will be to invite other people who support the operations, goals, and activities of the terror group. The movement will make it hard for the various counter-terrorist groups to handle the situation because of the general public's pressure. In the demonstrations, the participants will cover their faces with masks to hide their identity. The main intention will be to promote Islam as a true religion that all should accept. There are subordinated in the leadership structure of the terrorist group and thus the counter-terrorist group will have a tough time dismantling the organization. Even if the group leader is arrested or assassinated, the terrorist group will still be active and operational. The subordinates and members of the council will take over all the activities to achieve the set goal. 

Survivability of the group across countries, continents, and generations will be achieved through the recruitment process. The organization can only be operational if there are people in support of the ideology. Thus, the recruitment process in various countries will be continuous, and the main target will always be the young population. They will undergo training on how they will conduct the attacks and what is expected of them in fulfilling the set objectives and goals. It will also be possible for the terrorist group to survive if they partner with other terror groups with the same ideology. The partnership will not be towards merging the two terror groups. Instead, it will be a way of ensuring there is effective sharing of resources and ideas. Working together will ensure the aims and objectives of the organization are achieved with ease. The terrorist group will be actively involved in various terror attacks to maintain its public presence. Some of the group's operational capabilities will be centered towards the Civilization of the American society and concentrating the wealth present in the country among the small political elites. Terror attacks will be a significant threat to human security. When the group is created, their actions will be violent. There will be a shift of target to those who oppose the ideology to purify the Islamic religion in northern. The targeting of wealthy individuals will be an additional way of getting money to finance the operations of the terrorist group. 

There will be forceful conscript from the terrorist organization as a recruitment process. Also, it will be possible to recruit people by offering them loans and financial assistance. The loans will be attractive to business individuals who are delusional about the government's lack of economic opportunities. Individuals will join the group before receiving the credit and after the approval of the expectation to secure the loan. Weapons and other resources can be sourced from corrupt security agencies. When the campaign for terrorist organization military starts, the members will use various elementary tactics that do not require advanced training. However, the tactic will change when there are more sophisticated forms of weapons such as explosives. The security of the organization will come from the recruited members. After undergoing the training, they will offer the needed protection against attacks from security agencies and even other terrorist organizations. Technology will play a central role in the operations of the group. It will be easy to monitor the activities taking place on the various continents and ease communication. Coordination will essentially assist in making sure they are safe in carrying out their operations, and their tracks are covered. 

In conclusion the terrorist organization will aim at spreading the Muslim religion. The main operations will be centered towards making the religion be acceptable in the community y many people. The activities of the group will be violent and the source of funding will be from other well-established terrorist organizations. Creation of bases on operation in several countries will make the organization to effectively establish an acquire the needed resources for operations. The main concern will be on recruiting participants so that the needed workforce will be available. 


Department of Homeland Security. (2019). Small Vessel Security Strategy. DHS. Retrieved from https://www.dhs.gov/publication/small-vessel-security-strategy . Accessed 5 February 2021. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). (n.d.). U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service - Populating a Nation: A History of Immigration and Naturalization. CBP. Retrieved from http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/about/history/legacy/ins_history.xml . Accessed 5 February 2021. 

Uhl-Bien, M. & Arena, M. (2017). Complexity leadership: Enabling people and organizations for adaptability. Organizational Dynamics 46 (1), 9-20. 

William, J., Chandler, N. & Robinson, E. (2018). Trends in the Draw of Americans to Foreign Terrorist Organization from 9/11 to Today. RAND Corporation: Santa Monica: California 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Draw of Americans to Foreign Terrorist Organizations.


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