30 Jan 2023


The American Dream: What Does It Mean?

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Academic level: University

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Words: 266

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Considering the core values of American government, it is important to make mention of liberty, equality, and self-individualism. Significantly, the three abovementioned concepts should be referred to as constituting America’s basic beliefs. Speculating upon the major American political ideal, one has to be conscious that it predominantly rests upon assuring self-fulfilment for the citizenry. More importantly, however, since “freedom means many things to different people” (2010, Alderman), the U.S. government puts an emphasis on a dire need for setting the limits to this truly universal value. In particular, freedom itself does not incorporate the right to offend the others. The second core value gravitates towards providing fair treatment as an integral part of a democratic society. Yet, unlike the preamble in the U.S. Declaration with its great emphasis on attributing equal rights without distinction, the 21 st century reality seems to be much less optimistic. 

These days, African Americans continue to be treated differently than the whites; this in turn comes to allude to a serious human rights violation. The aforementioned example gives the chance to ascertain that the United States falters in quest for equality. In other words, since Western political structure is “designed to resist deep and rapid change” (El-Erian, 2015), one can assume that “question of race will still be with us, unresolved, waiting for yet another moment to explode” (Blow, 2016). Self-government occurs as the third of three major political ideals. To make it clear, self-government has a strong connection to empowering Americans to control their lives. Surely, the given political ideal positions itself a system in which a person may rule himself/herself on a daily basis. And it is owing to the concept of self-government that people have a say in the governing process. 

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Alderman, T. (2010, June 10). Is Freedom a Universal Value? — Maybe Not. The Huffington 

Post . Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tom-alderman/is-freedom-a- universal-va_b_607770.html 

Blow. C. M. (2016, June 30). The State of Race in America. The New York Times. Retrieved 

from http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/30/opinion/the-state-of-race-in-america.html?_r =0 

El-Erian. M. A. (2015, October 21). Governments Must Self-Disrupt to Innovate. The 

Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mohamed-a- elerian/government-self-disrupt-innovation_b_8344218.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The American Dream: What Does It Mean?.


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