14 Jul 2022


The Benefits of an Operation, Technology, and Management Plan

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 1697

Pages: 6

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Operational Plan 

For this part of the business plan involving supper drinks, there will be a detailed explanation of the physical location, the equipment that the company will use, and the facilities that are present at supper drinks. The company will have competitive advantages that will keep it in touch with the levels of competition in its industry and among the other beverage joints in Richmond, Virginia, the United States of America. The first advantage will be the use of the latest technology in the production of the beverages and the marketing of the products to the target customers in and out of Richmond. The other advantage will be the presence of the dedicated staff who will advance the business operations forward. 

One of the facilities that supper drinks will have is the land. All the branches of supper drinks will have land bought for their establishment. The building that the company will use in the city of Richmond will be erected to add on to the list of facilities that the company will initially own. At the time of startup, supper drinks will not be renting any facilities. The main branch of supper drinks will also hold other facilities such as conference spaces, parking lots, swimming pools, kitchen, dining area, a drive-through window, and the dining area. Later on, a semi-forested fun park will be constructed for supper drinks. Supper drinks will require equipment such as computer hardware and software, and the telecommunications equipment. 

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Supper drinks will make use of the periodic inventory system for inventory control. The management of the inventory control at the company will be done using the barcode system. In the periodic inventory control system, supper drinks will note the beginning and the ending inventory to determine the products sold. The supplies will come from the agricultural areas outside the city of Richmond and the other small towns in Virginia. In case the supplies are few in Virginia, supper drinks will source for them from the neighboring states such as West Virginia and North Carolina. Once the order for a beverage is placed at a supper drinks outlet, it will take supper drinks less than ten minutes to prepare. Soon, more advanced and automated equipment might reduce the turnaround time to only five minutes. 

The distribution method or channel that will be the most appropriate in the case of supper drinks is the producer selling the product to the consumer directly. As such, the customer will have to walk into a supper drinks outlet and have their beverages served to them. Summatively, the deliveries within the city of Richmond and the other towns with the outlets of the supper drinks will be made after the order is placed. The distribution will be facilitated by the presence of the weekly offers and the diverse menu. The distribution in the company may be hindered by the possibility of the consolidation of the smoothie market, and the little knowledge of the freezing operations, which should be the basis of preservation of the company's beverages. 

It will be ultimately vital for supper drinks to stay updated on the new developments in the industry. Supper drinks will make use of some strategies to ensure they are always up to date with the changes. One of the methods will be the constant education of the staff by the human resource department to impart them with the newly developed skills and technologies in the restaurant industry. The other approach is by having a mentor in the restaurant industry. Some of the successful restaurant chains in the USA such as McDonald's and Starbucks would be essential to the motivation of the newly formed supper drinks in Virginia. Networking will be inherent to the updating at supper drinks. The company will have a team of business analysts and consultants who will continuously evaluate the company and identify the areas that change is necessary to keep up with the latest trends in the restaurant industry. 

Supper drinks will be involved in the research and development to contribute positively to its industrial development. For instance, the feasibility study in the potential market for supper drinks beverages will enable the company to make informed decisions on the allocation of the resources that will help the company have sustainable financial development over time. The feasibility study will also ensure that the company has a proper budget, which will allocate the resources at the company more convenient for the financial analysts and the department. The feasibility study will also be instrumental to the condition of the marketing with the use of the strategies, which may mainly involve technology in the contemporary restaurant industry. 

Technology Plan 

The company mission is to provide healthy drinks from natural ingredients for the customers. The technology plan that the company should put in place should have a mission that complements the overall mission of the company. The mission of the technology plan at supper drinks will be to make use of technological advancement to make the community surrounding supper drinks healthy. The mission of the company's technological use will involve the constant use of the equipment and the systems in the company to provide a health benefit to the potential customers of the company. 

Technology will be an indispensable factor that contributes to the growth of the company regarding both the financial and production needs. The personnel in the company will also require being conversant with the use of technology at the various capacities in the company. The output of the beverages at the company will count on the advancement of technology in the company. The company will, therefore, require computers and other necessary hardware, and the software, which will make the functions such as production, marketing and financial analysis possible. 

The technology plan at supper drinks will have various goals that will be important to ensure that the process of technological integration is a success. One of the goals is to come up with a way to combine technology and health maximization of the customers. Contrary to the popular opinion that the increase in the level of technology degrades human health, supper drinks want to turn the tables. The other goal of the technology plan is to assist in the normal day-to-day operations of the company. For instance, the barcodes will be used for inventory control and management, the employee clock system will be used to manage the personnel in terms of timekeeping at the company, and communication with the customers will take place via the company's website as well as the social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

The current technology level among the personnel working at supper drinks requires an additional technological education. The human resource department at supper drinks will be involved in the constant education of the staff at the company to ensure that their education and technology standards conform to the targets of the company in the same. The personnel will be educated on how to use technology to operate the production systems of the company and come up with the beverages. The staff will be educated on the marketing, inventory management, and the customer service. The all-round education will be an advantage to the company in the long run. 

For the capital purchases at supper drinks, the technological facilities will account for over sixty percent of the facilities and equipment required by the company for the operations. The responsible parties to be involved in the technological plan at supper drinks will include the various types of stakeholders at the company. The stakeholders who will actively be involved in the project will be the employees and the company leadership. The stakeholders whose input will be lower in the planning will be the customers and the shareholders of the company. 

Evaluation will be necessary for the reporting of the progress of the technology plan after its implementation. Notably, the company will use some of the evaluation mechanisms for the reporting of the technological planning. The method of evaluation, which will be used at supper drinks, is the increase in the return on investments. The technological integration at supper drinks will be linked to the financial improvement of the company and the realization of more gains. At a particular point in the integration of technology in the operations of supper dinks, the return on investments will be determined. The returns on investments after a year will also be established to find out the progress of the implementation of technology at the company. 

Management and Organization 

Supper drinks will use the hierarchy management. The hierarchy style will be necessary for the delegation of the duties at the company. The management style will also ensure that the staffs at the various leadership positions are responsible for having juniors under them. The hierarchical management style also has a clear chain of command. The directives given by the top management will reach to the juniors and be communicated with the juniors easier than it would on another management style. The style may have various limitations too. The hierarchical management style may have communication barriers. The communicators in this management style ought to have quality communication passed to one another. In case the quality of communication is compromised, there may be unclear communication among the managers. The hierarchical management style is also inflexible to the changes in management that are taking part in the contemporary world. 

The following is the management hierarchy at supper drinks. 

The investors and the owners will be at the top of the management hierarchy. The owner of the supper drinks will have the noble role of negotiating the business deals for the company within the state of Virginia and out of the state. The investors will mostly provide the funding at the company. Some of the investors will be involved in the management of the operations of the company while the others will not. Below the owners and the investors will be the general managers. The general manager will be in charge of the general operations of the company and will head all the branches of supper drinks in Virginia. Under the general manager, the managers at each branch of supper drinks, the VIP hosts, and the heads of the door will be positioned. 

Under the VIP hosts will be the bottle hosts and the door staff for each branch of supper drinks within the state of Virginia. Below the bottle hosts and the door, staff in each of the branches will be the promoters, security, bartenders, and the wait staff. They will be responsible for the direct handling of the customers at the various outlets and restaurants across the state of Virginia. The bar backs will be at the bottom of the management hierarchy at supper drinks. Bar backs will have a range of activities at the restaurant outlets across the state of Virginia. They will be involved in the cleaning of the restaurants and the outlets and be making sure that the restaurants and outlets have the necessities in places such as the napkins, the drinking straws and the cutlery and crockery. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Benefits of an Operation, Technology, and Management Plan.


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