6 Apr 2022


The Benefits of Combining Diet and Regular Exercise for Healthy Living

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Regular exercise refers to any activities that maintain as well as enhance physical fitness together with general wellness or health of the body. On the other hand, good and balanced diet refers to the intake of an array of foodstuffs that do not have a negative implication on the health of the body ("A balanced diet," 2010). As such, when a balanced diet is combined with regular body exercises, the result is a healthy living of an individual. A balanced diet refers to that which contains a broad variety of food, for instance, proteins, vitamin, starch, and carbohydrates, all in a right proportion. Some activities that are categorized under physical exercise comprise; strengthening the cardiovascular system and muscles, weight maintenance or loss, and honing an athletic skill (Anderson, Garner, & Klemmer, 2012). Apart from participating in these exercises for health purposes, many people do them for enjoyment as their hobbies. There are several benefits of combining diet and regular exercises. Whichever the case, research suggests that the best path to health is combination of healthy diet and regular exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle because it is that combination that helps people lose or maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of disease, and improve the overall quality of life.

Diet, as well as regular and frequent exercise, improves the immune system of an individual. As such, it assists in preventing diseases of affluence such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart ailments and cardiovascular disease. Also, it boosts the health of the brain, assists in preventing depression, assists in promoting or maintaining positive self-esteem and can enhance a person’s body image or sex appeal. These benefits are connected to raising the levels of an individual’s self-esteem (Anderson, Garner, & Klemmer, 2012). On the same note, obesity in the childhood age has been a global concern for many countries as well as organizations. It rises from poor feeding habits comprising of fatty foodstuffs which are not balanced as well as the lack of regular body exercises. However, a balanced diet and regular exercise by the affected children can help to reduce the level of obesity. 

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Physical exercises and a good diet are significant as they maintain physical fitness and wellness, as well as contributing to the positive maintenance of a healthy body mass, maintaining and boosting the density of the bones, strength of muscles, and joint mobility. In this way, a combination of diet and regular exercises promotes the psychological well-being, reduces surgical risks as well as reinforcing the immune system of an individual. On the same note, regular exercises help in reducing the levels of cortisol build-up. Cortisol is a hormone that causes stress and accumulates fats in the areas around the abdomen leading to difficulty in fat loss. As such, it is referred to as stress hormone and leads to many health difficulties, both mental and physical. Consequently, digestion and food intake is the core of the healthy body. As such, the consumption of vegetables is important in the diet. It is because they are responsible for fiber which is a key element during the digestion process. Fibers are believed to add weight to the food being digested, and this enables complete digestion to take place. As such, the intake of vegetable in a diet prevents constipation (Apekey, Morris, Fagbemi, & Griffiths, 2011).

Regular and frequent aerobic exercises and diet have been explained to assist in preventing or treating life-threatening and serious sickness, for instance, high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, obesity, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and among other conditions. Also, before any meals, endurance exercises helps in lowering the level of glucose in the blood more than doing the same exercises after eating. According to WHO (World Health Organization) and other researches, lack of body exercises and poor diet has led to roughly seventy per cent of diabetes and heart diseases, twelve per cent of the death of the elderly, as well as ten per cent of colon cancer and breast cancer (Anderson, Garner, & Klemmer, 2012). Consequently, some evidence provides proof that physical exercises that are vigorous have more benefits that moderate physical exercises. Vigorous body exercise is classified as 90% to 95% of VO2 Max while moderate body exercise is classified as 40% to 70% of VO2 Max. 

A combination of diet and vigorous exercises performed by healthy people can level up opioid peptides. For instance, opioid such as endorphins that occur naturally together with other neurotransmitters assist in the production of exercise-induced euphoria, which is explained to be addictive. On the same note, vigorous exercise, as opposed to moderate exercise, can help in the increase of growth hormone and testosterone. Both anaerobic exercises and aerobic exercises work to level up the mechanical efficiency in the functioning of the heart, through increasing the cardiac volume by aerobic exercise and increasing the myocardial thickness through strength training. If such changes occur due to exercises, then they are healthy and beneficial to the body (Apekey, Morris, Fagbemi, & Griffiths, 2011).

Regular body exercise and diet can help in preventing various health conditions, some of which may lead to loss of life after a given period. Amongst these health conditions are; thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, varicose vein, heart attack, indigestion, and kidney failure. Thrombosis is a complication where blot clots inside the vessels leading to pains at such instances where it forms. The possibility of the clotting of blood comes about due to the slow flow of blood in the vessels as well as a poor diet that is not reached in raw materials for blood formation. When people participate in exercises, their blood flows at high but healthy speed following the heartbeat patterns. It is because exercise leads to high energy and oxygen requirement in the joint and thus the heart has to purify and pump blood as fast as possible to avoid any impending failures of the body during exercises (Anderson, Garner, & Klemmer, 2012). Such initiatives maintain the activeness of the body and the blood circulation and help in controlling the possibility of developing thrombosis. 

On the other hand, arteriosclerosis is a complication of the arteries which results from the thickening of their walls due to lack of exercises and increased intake of cholesterols and fats. Arteries are important vessels in the human body since they are responsible for the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to all body parts. As such, their blockage due to arteriosclerosis can lead to serious health conditions like general body weakness because of insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body joints and other important tissues. As well, the accumulated fats, plagues, can burst to lead to blood clotting in the arteries. However, vigorous physical activities and responsible feeding habits assist in controlling the possibility of developing this complication. As people exercise, there is the need for more energy leading to increased rate of respiration in the mitochondrion (Apekey, Morris, Fagbemi, & Griffiths, 2011). As a result, there are higher rates of burning fats into other products like fatty acids and glycerol that are useful to the body. In this way, the fats will not accumulate in the arteries and thus allowing for an uninterrupted flow of nutrients and oxygen to other body parts through the blood. Conversely, those who do not perform regular physical exercises are advised to practice controlled intake of fats to avoid accumulation of cholesterol in their body systems (Apekey, Morris, Fagbemi, & Griffiths, 2011). 

On the same note, just like arteriosclerosis, varicose vein is a complication of the veins in the legs that rise due to a variety of factors, for instance, obesity and lack of exercise. It is the swelling of veins that are found in the legs and can cause pain as well as difficulty in walking. While arteries transport blood, which is rich in nutrients and oxygen, from the heart to all parts of the body, veins transport blood that is rich in waste materials and carbon dioxide back to the heart for purification. As such, veins and arteries that are found in the legs obey the law of gravity since arteries contain blood flowing downwards, vein carries blood that flows upwards. As such, the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the wall of the veins in conjunction with the valves that they contain help in the smooth upward flow of blood without any backflow (Archer, 2014). These rhythmic movements are not possible when an individual does a lot of body exercises and eats food that does not contain more fat contents. In situations where someone is obese, the body activities go down due to the low rate of exercises and physical activity. As such, blood accumulates at the legs causing varicose veins. Moreover, obesity can be controlled by decreased intake of fatty foods and balanced diet as well as physical body exercises ("Diet, Exercise, and Endothelial Function in Obese Adolescents", 2015). 

Also, heart attacks and failures are complications of the heart where the heart abruptly stops to function and lead to loss of life. The heart muscles help in the expansion and contraction of the walls of the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body with recommended pressure. Moreover, these muscles exist on the walls of the heart and are supplied with oxygen and nutrients by coronary arteries. Coronary arteries are considered a critical function in the supply of blood to the heart. But, just like other arteries, coronary arteries are affected by excessive intake of fats and lack of body exercise (Archer, 2014). When fats accumulate on the walls of the heart they can block blood from flowing in the arteries, lower their elasticity, and in case the accumulated fats break it leads to clotting hence blockage. In situations where the coronary artery is damaged, and there is no blood supply to the heart, it will lead to the instant death of a person. It is because no nutrients and oxygen will be supplied to other parts of the body for other metabolic activities to take place so that life can be sustained. The condition is referred to as heart failure which is closely related to cardiac rest and has caused many deaths around the world. The main remedies for such complication are the intake of fewer fats and regular body exercises. When people do exercises, there is increased rate of metabolism which generates the required raw material for life sustenance. Apart from regular exercises and a good diet, people should practice healthy living through avoiding smoking since it leads to inelasticity in the walls of coronary arteries, veins, and other blood vessels. Consequently, when the walls are inelastic, the rhythmic contraction and expansion can cause its breakage leading to failure of the body operations.

The Cardiovascular System

As Archer (2014) believes, the relation between cardiovascular activities, physical activities, and diet is clear and direct. As such, the connection between cardiovascular mortality and physical inactivity is a factor to diseases of the coronary artery. Most of the vessels and the heart contract and expand to generate n pressure for the blood flow to be continuous. Moreover, high intensity of exercise allows the heart to pump blood and maintain the pressure due to the clear vessel. In this way, there will be no complication rising from the accumulation of fats or due to slow speed of blood circulation. Also, when there is good consumption of food that is rich in energy and maintained rates of physical activities, there will be high rates of metabolism (Bray, 2012). Activities like respiration help in the production of energy which is required during exercises and any other body function. The rate of respiration goes high when an individual is participating in an exercise since the body requires a lot of energy to function. During the metabolic process, the end products may accumulate in the body when there is a low rate of physical activity. Conversely, when the rates of physical activities are high for example, running, cycling, amongst others, the waste products are released in different forms like through sweating (Bray, 2012). 

In the kidney, excretion takes place through ultrafiltration as well as osmoregulation. Even though these are normal processes of the body function, diet, and regular exercise can ease the work of the kidney to avoid its complications such as kidney stones, kidney failures, amongst others. Through ultrafiltration which takes place in the Bowman’s capsule, the kidney can separate waste products such as urea in the form of urine and water. The process maintains the osmotic pressure of the body. In people who participate in a lot of exercises, their osmotic pressure is at a standard level because all the activities that occur in their bodies are efficient (Burckhardt, Dawson-Hughes, & Weaver, 2010).

The Immune System

Epidemiological evidence proposes that a given amount of exercise and a good diet has a positive influence on the health of an individual. As such, moderate physical activity has been connected to a decrease of twenty-nine per cent in the attack of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection). On the other hand, a good diet helps in enhancing the immune system since some foodstuffs are made up of some medicinal elements (Burckhardt, Dawson-Hughes, & Weaver, 2010). In some traditional communities, there is a range of classes of vegetables that were cooked and eaten to heal certain diseases for example; stomach discomforts, heart attacks, amongst other complications. Apart from existing in the diet as a vegetable, such food is essential for the well-being of an individual.

The Brain

Regular exercise upholds the cognitive ability of the brain through enhancement of learning via hippocampus-dependent spatial ability. As well, it helps in the improvement of the neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity. In many neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, physical exercises have been neuroprotective. As such, it lowers the danger of developing dementia. Moreover, evidence from anecdotal proposes that regular physical activities are capable of reversing brain damage caused by long-term consumption of alcohol. There are other benefits of doing a lot of exercises for the brain some of which are; maintaining as well as increasing the rate of oxygen and blood flow to the brain, promoting the synaptic plasticity and the creation of new cell through increasing growth factors. Also, regular exercise can increase the levels of chemicals in the brain that assists in cognition. These chemicals include serotonin, glutamate, dopamine, and norepinephrine (Huerta, Huerta, & Vargas-Luna, 2002).


Many factors that can lead to depression and they include low self-esteem, anxiety, stress, and being overweight. Endorphins which act as a natural antidepressant and pain reliever in the human body have been viewed as responsible for euphoric feelings. Consequently, a person can get these feelings under physical exertion which is intense. As an individual exercises, the amounts of both circulating endorphins and serotonin go up. These levels can stay high even for many days after the physical activity has been stopped, possibly making the mood improve, increase the self-esteem, as well as managing weight. As such, these exercises alone are a possible prevention and treatment method for minor types of depression (Schmitz, 2008). 


For most people, healthy diet and exercise improves the sleeping habit, and assist sleeping disorders for instance insomnia. The maximum time to perform exercises may be four to eight hours before going to bed. Also, in the dietary schedule, a person should take light meals before going to bed because such meals allow for faster digestion without bulkiness. Conversely, heavy meals should be taken in the morning before any activities of the day (Schmitz, 2008). 

Public Health Measures

In some countries, signs that direct the use of stairs instead of lifts, and community campaigns have been efficient in increasing physical activity in a population. Such initiatives are aimed at reducing the rates of chronic infection that may arise in the lives of citizens, for example, obesity. 

Recovery and Nutrition

Combining exercise with proper nutrition is vital for the health of the individual. As such, when having an exercise the body balances the correct amounts of macronutrients and at the same time offering appropriate micronutrients. In this way, the body is aided with the processes of recovery following physical activity. Also, in healthy exercise and feeding, recovery and rest are essential; otherwise a person will not be able to recover from the injuries incurred during the physical exercises as well as adapting to these exercises. After an exercise, it is important to refill the stores in the liver and skeletal muscle that provide glycogen during the physical activity. Some nutritionists recommend that within thirty minutes of physical exercise people should drink recovery beverages or chocolate milk which contains water, carbohydrates, and proteins. Moreover, branched-chain amino acids can also heal in the exercise recovery process (Wani, Raja, Jacob, Rajiv Lochan, & Asthana, 2014).

In conclusion, healthy living can only result from regular physical exercises and balanced diet. Healthy lifestyle refers to being free from chronic infections as well as conditions that can be avoided through dietary measures and physical exercises. Amongst the conditions that can cause loss of lives and can be controlled by regular exercise and a good diet are; diabetes, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, heart attack and failure, coronary disease, thrombosis, depression, and kidney failure. In general, when people participate in physical body exercises, they have increased intake of oxygen which supports respiration amongst other metabolic reactions that help in maintaining life. Also, exercises help in the excretion of waste products through sweating and also make the process of ultrafiltration fast leaving the body fresh and active. Moreover, during physical activities people burn fats which may have accumulated in their bodies and could lead to blockage of vessels and also hinders the expansion and contraction of heart muscles? Consequently, during exercise, there is a need for good diet since the activities may cause damage to some tissues which can only repair when the diet is observed.

Annotated Bibliography

“A balanced diet.” (2010). New Scientist , 206 (2761), 65. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0262-4079(10)61280-8.

This journal explains what is meant by the term a balanced diet. A diet should consist of all the necessary food categories, which are responsible for a healthy living of an individual. In this way, readers of the journal acquire adequate knowledge to help them in planning of their diet. The Journal “A balanced diet” have been researched in relevant dietary fields of biological sciences. It contains huge information concerning food components. The journal equips individuals with enough information about how they should eat and what they should consume. In this way, people can live a healthy life through balancing their diet and participating in physical body exercises. 

Anderson, J., Garner, S., & Klemmer, P. (2012). Diet, nutrients, and bone health . Boca Raton: CRC Press.

In this book, Anderson and his colleagues look into details the relationship between diet, nutrients and bone health. The authors have a broad knowledge in the field of bone health, diet, and food nutrients. They have conducted several researches to come up with the analysis in this book. Their analysis equips the readers with adequate information regarding how specific class of food supplies the body with given nutrients, which leads to formation of strong bones. Also, these researchers provide information on the effects of poor diet on the bone health. This book is important to the research topic as bone health, diet, and nutrients are vital during exercises. The book enlightens in a way that readers will consider the proportion of nutrients in their diet, which will make their bones strong and able to sustain regular exercises. 

Apekey, T., Morris, A., Fagbemi, S., & Griffiths, G. (2011). Benefits of moderate-intensity exercise during a calorie-restricted low-fat diet. Health Education Journal , 71 (2), 154-164. doi: http://.doi.org/10.1177/0017896911398235.

In this journal, the authors illustrate the advantages of moderate physical exercises when there is low fat consumption by an individual. Apekey, Morris, and their partners are scientist who have conducted a research on the connection between exercise and diet as well as factors that surround their topic. They have offered pieces of advice to people, through their research, regarding what amount of calories and fats they should consume as well as the intensity of the physical exercise they should participate in, as determined by the diet. 

Archer, T. (2014). Health benefits of physical exercise for children and adolescents. Journal Of Novel Physiotherapies , 04 (02). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2165-7025.1000203.

Archer’s journal on importance of physical exercises on children and adolescents has a broad view of how age can affect the capability of participating in physical exercises. Archer has experience in the field of health and indicates that young people are more active than the elderly. The author explains that physical body exercises help to develop healthy brains and active lifestyles. Archer advises that parents should ensure their children actively participate in exercise because it helps them to be active in all that they do including learning. Consequently, he notes that for a person to be healthy, it is necessary to participate in physical exercises and observe a balanced diet that provides the body with energy and nutrients. 

Bray, G. (2012). Diet and exercise for weight loss. JAMA , 307 (24). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jama.2012.7263.

In his journal Bray wrote about how diet and exercise can help an individual to lose weight. Bray is a health scientist who has written journals and conducted many studies concerning diet and exercise. According to his expertise, he believes that weight or body mass is solely dependent on the feeding habit of a person. He notes that people who consume fatty food tend to have more weight than those who control the intake of fats. Bray explains that when individuals gain weight, then there are fat accumulations in their body tissues. He indicates that during exercises, accumulated fats that are harmful to the body are synthesized. As such, Bray advices that people should avoid fatty foods and participate in exercise to maintain their body image and health. Consequently, in his journal it is clear that physical exercise will help in the synthesis of fats and low fat consumption will reduce the amount of fats in the body hence a healthy living. 

Burckhardt, P., Dawson-Hughes, B., & Weaver, C. (2010). Nutritional influences on bone health . London: Springer-Verlag.

In this book, Burckhardt, Dawson-Hughes, and Weaver carried out a research on the connection between nutrition and the health of bones. The authors are well-known nutritionist with expertise in the field of nutrition. Their finding is that there are food components that contain minerals for example, iron, zinc, and calcium, which initiate strong formation of bones and should not lack in the diet. As well, when people consume such food components they can control the possibility of having bone diseases like arthritis amongst others. This wok by the researches enables the learner to balance the intake of essential minerals. Their research and results in the book assist people to know what amounts of mineral they should consume so that they develop strong bones to enable them participate in strenuous exercise without any danger of getting fractures. 

“Diet, Exercise, and Endothelial Function in Obese Adolescents.” (2015). PEDIATRICS , 135 (3), X25-X25. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1542/peds.2014-1577d.

As in the journal, diet and exercise help in the control of obesity and other endothelium diseases. The journal contains elaborate research with a lot of information about diet and exercise. It illustrates the characteristics of adolescent for example, their passion for sugary and fatty foodstuffs. It offers a significant platform for the control of obesity amongst this generation. As is the journal, obesity can lead to serious health conditions if it is not controlled. As such, the journal is in line with the topic of healthy living since it provides information about how to control obesity and endothelium diseases through balanced diet and regular exercises in adolescents. 

Huerta, R., Huerta, E., & Vargas-Luna, M. (2002). Benefits of regular physical exercise on the mood of adolescent girls. Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise , 34 (5), S239. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00005768-200205001-01343.

The authors of this journal are professionals in the field of medicine and science in exercise and sport. They have a broad knowledge due to their active research around the population. As they noted, there are importance for regular physical exercise on the mood of individuals. Mood can rise from different factors, some of which are, stress, depression, sicknesses, and rejection. In girls, they can have changes in their moods during menstruation and when they are pregnant. As such, the researchers illustrate that regular exercises can help in the release of endorphin, which is responsible for euphoric feelings. Consequently, a person can get these feelings under physical exertion which is intense. As an individual exercises, the amounts of both are circulating endorphins and serotonin rises and the mood changes to normal. In this way, they conclude that regular physical activities together with balanced diet initiates exertion and thus preventing moodiness. 

Schmitz, K. (2008). Physical activity and lymphedema: understanding risks and benefits. Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise , 40 (Supplement), 56. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000321173.06196.fa.

Schmitz is a skilled biologist with exemplary skills on the immune system. He wrote the journal on his research on physical activity and lymphedema. In the journal, he talks about benefits of participating in physical exercises. Also, he explains that physical activities assist people through improving their immune system as well as preventing diseases of affluence like obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and heart ailments. Schmitz noted that body exercises boost the health of the brain, assist in preventing depression, promoting or maintaining positive self-esteem, as well as, enhancing a person’s body image or sex appeal. He elaborates that exercise upholds the cognitive ability of the brain through enhancement of learning via hippocampus-dependent spatial ability. As well, it helps in the improvement of the neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity. Schmitz points out that in many neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, physical exercises have been neuroprotective and lower the danger of developing dementia. Consequently, the work of this researcher supports that people should exercise more often to live a healthy life. 

Wani, A., Raja, K., Jacob, M., Rajiv Lochan, J., & Asthana, S. (2014). Benefits of an aggressive diet-exercise regimen in weight reduction for living liver donors. Indian Journal Of Transplantation , 8 (4), 138. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijt.2014.12.033.

The authors of this journal are health scientist with wide knowledge about benefits of health on the lives of people. As they note, a combination of diet and exercise lead to positive health advancement. They explain that during exercises, the processes of excretion are much faster than when somebody is inactive. When excretion is fast the body is relieved of wastes and hence remains fresh. After an exercise, it is important to refill the stores in the liver and skeletal muscle that provide glycogen during the physical activity. The authors note that when people participate in physical body exercises, they have increased intake of oxygen which supports respiration amongst other metabolic reactions that help in maintaining healthy living. This book by Wani and other researches supports the topic of diet and physical activities for healthy living because it states that when people exercise regularly they lose weight through burning of fats which could lead to diseases. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Benefits of Combining Diet and Regular Exercise for Healthy Living.


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