2 Nov 2022


The Book of Mark: Bible Book

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Religion and theology constitute an essential part of the lives of Christians. It enables them to address different issues and concepts in life by relating to what the different scriptures say on matters that touch on the economic, social as well as political aspects. Various books in the bible that constitute both the new and old testament play an essential role. They ensure that religion and theology as a discipline achieve its goals and objectives in the life by providing references and guidelines that themes and messages about different issues are explained. Also, in the provision of the instructions and direction that not only Christians can take as well as approach different concerns in life but also other people that believe in the bible. Education on religious studies and theology that has resulted in different careers that include but not limited to preachers, lecturers, teachers and authors of different ideas and concepts related to the discipline and subject of religion and theology as a whole. Various books in the bible, thus, have mixed messages and themes that they give and contribute in the discipline and subject of theology and religion. It has made the Bible become the most significant resources that all concepts and ideas that touch on the subject can be made and referred. However, this paper analyzes the book of Mark noting different variables that include chapter summary as well as conveyed messages, the history of the book and also what the book says when compared to the present world happenings. 

1. Explanation of Each Chapter 

There are sixteen chapters in the book of Mark where each chapter presents different developments that note the life of Jesus Christ and various activities that Jesus did in different places and setups 1 . It is, hence, an essential book that provides an excellent reference for Christians and interested parties that note the movements and life of Jesus Christ and teachings and lessons they learn from the different encounters that Jesus Christ went through. 

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Chapter one 

The first chapter shows the baptisms of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist where John asserts the prophecy that was revealed to him in the past of the son of God that would be baptized with the holy spirit and not water as other people that he had baptized before. The chapter shows the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the baptism of Jesus Christ, a voice from heaven assured that indeed the one being baptized was the son of God whom God was pleased with him 2 . It is because of the unique message and responsibility that he had come to do as a sacrifice that God wanted for all the people to receive Christ and see the kingdom of heaven. John the Baptist is dressed in traditional clothing of camel hair and eats wild honey and locusts 3 . The critical events in the chapter also include temptations of Jesus Christ for forty days in the wilderness by the devil that he overcame. The chapter notes the genesis of the gospel of Jesus and the work that Jesus made that include selection of his disciples. Simon and Andrew are assured of being made fishers of men if they followed Jesus. John and James are also added to the team that would work with Jesus throughout his gospel and life that he had. Jesus launched his work and performance of the messages that he had that include teaching people at the synagogue, preached and also remove out demons from one possessed man 4 . Jesus at the time was in Galilee where he continued to perform miracles and healed a leper as well as the mother-in-law to Peter. All these developments that Jesus did he asked those who witnessed and healed to keep the secret and not tell anybody. 

Chapter Two 

The second chapter shows the continuation of Jesus healings and teachings. Jesus cured a paralytic man and his sins forgiven an act that results in Jesus being accused of blasphemy. More accusations are launched from the actions of Jesus when he called Levi to be among his disciples and dined with Levi alongside his friends 5 . The attention of Jesus begins to capture different interests, and more questions continue to be poured in his directions as a result of the actions that he does. Jesus response to the issues presented to him did not results in a direct answer and response, but he answered them in parables and indirectly. Jesus action of dining with Levi considered as a sinner and plucking the heads of grain on Sabbath all were questioned as contravening the local rules and laws that guided the people at the time 6 . The chapter begins the confrontation and captures the attention of the local administration and people about Jesus because of the magnitude that had started to follow him and the miracles that he did such as healing of people. 

Chapter Three 

The third chapter continues with miracles that he did and also the contradiction that was raised against him such as working on Sabbath among others. Jesus healed multitudes on the Sabbath and commanded them to keep his actions as a secret. The chapter also notes the team of disciples that Jesus was to work with chosen and twelve disciples start working alongside Jesus Christ in the different places that he went and also learning from him on various issues 7 . Jesus continues to contravene the status quo and more blasphemy and accusations laid against him for violating the Sabbath as well as other rules and laws of the land. However, Jesus responds further in parables and tells that any person that does the will of God remains to be His brothers and sisters. He challenges those who doubt him and his actions that some attributed to Satan and ask them how Satan can cast Satan and reminds the multitudes that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and God would never be forgiven. 

Chapter Four 

Jesus teaching intensifies and gets momentum where he starts to teach using parables that makes it difficult for some to understand his messages including some of his disciples that find it complicated 8 . For example, the parable of the sower taught at sea. Jesus explained his parables and its meaning to his disciples. Other parables taught in the chapter include the parable of the growing seed and Parable of the mustard seed among others 9 . Jesus calmed the storm in the boat when he was with disciples and questioned the faith that gave him an opportunity to teach them more and further on different issues. The chapter prepares the disciples for more work and miracles that also helps them grow and get made for various tasks of spreading the gospel. 

Chapter Five 

More miracles done by Jesus continue to be displayed in the chapter. Jesus heals a possessed man who had been strained by chains for a longer time. Jesus additionally shows his powers and strengths where he commanded the spirits to enter into swine and drowned that show he can even command the devil and spirits. The healed man presented himself and talked for the first time and revealed his name to Jesus as “Legion.” The miracle surprised and shocked the residents that they asked Jesus to leave to avoid getting into that the local rulers would have drafted against them for asking Jesus to intervene in the situation that had puzzled and challenged many in the society at the time 10 . The healed man is commanded by Jesus to reveal what the Lord has done to him as a testimony of the greatness of the lord. Jesus does more healing in the chapter that includes a woman with a hemorrhage by only touching the garment worn by Jesus as well as Jarius who worked in the synagogue as rulers that Jesus healed the daughter. The more severe miracle that Jesus did was to bring back to life Jarius daughter who had been declared dead whom Jesus brought her back to life. The witnesses of such developments and miracles were commanded by Jesus to keep quiet and not share with anybody. 

Chapter Six 

The chapter notes the start of the disciples to work and preach independently as they have learned and had been mentored. Also, trained by Jesus to preach, heal and teach about the Gospel and Jesus instructs the team to shake the dust from their feet as a testimony against those who will not believe and listen to the messages that they had. Herod executes John the Baptist after along imprisonment for criticizing the administration led by Herod 11 . The daughter of Herod had asked for the head of John after a dance performance that she did and pleased his Dad prompting his dad Herod to ask her for anything that she wanted where she chose the option of John’s head. Jesus in the chapter performs more miracles that show his greatness as the son of God that made more people and magnitude followed him that brought tension and stress to the leadership and administration. Five loaves of bread and two fishes fed to over five thousand people where they were satisfied, and others carried food along with them to their destinations when he blessed the meals. Additionally, Jesus walks on water that adds to the miracles that he did and continued with the healing responsibility where many were healed to show the greatness of God. 

Chapter Seven 

Jesus and his team that is made up of the twelve disciples continue to be questioned and monitored on their actions that contravene traditions and rules that guided the society at the time. For example, the action that disciples ate bread before washing their hands. However, Jesus further enhances the use of parables and giving indirect answers while referring to the old testament and other teachings in the Christianity that had existed in the past that provide a vital reference that Jesus used to support his statements 12 . He challenges the Pharisees and Scribes to change and uphold the commandment of God at the expense of traditions of men. Jesus reminds the critiques and the accusers of breaking the laws that a man is defined by what comes out of him and not the opposite, which is what goes into him. More miracles continue to be performed by Jesus where He heals the daughter of a Greek woman (Gentile) and also deaf and at the same time dump man that he commanded not to tell anybody. 

Chapter Eight 

Jesus still feeds thousands using seven loaves and a fish 13 . The Pharisees note the miracles and the magnitude and more significant following that Jesus attracts and challenges Jesus for a sign that he answered on the negative and stated that no signs should be revealed. Jesus speaks in parables and warns of the leaven of the Pharisees as well as that of Herod, but the disciples do not understand the message and what Jesus meant. More miracles are done by Jesus where he healed a blind man. The first disciple (Peter) confesses Jesus as Christ where he commands Peter to keep that a secret and not share with anyone. Jesus sees and prophesizes the events that would follow in his life that include his suffering, death as well as resurrection. Jesus advised his disciples that anyone that wishes to follow him must be ready to take up their cross and follow 14 . 

Chapter Nine 

The revolution of Jesus happens in the presence of his three disciples that include John, James, and Peter. Moses and Elijah appear to Jesus, and another miracle happens where a voice from the clouds asserts that Jesus indeed is God’s son and urges those close to him (Prophets) to hear him. Peter then offered to build three turnbuckles and Jesus equally ask them not to tell anyone until he rises from the tomb. Elijah promises to come at the second coming even when not noticed at the first round. Jesus predicts his death and resurrection, but some of the disciples do not believe 15 . The faith and power of the disciples are also tested where they cannot cast out a demon from a possessed boy. The disciples try to compare Jesus and other past prophets trying to notice the greatest among them. His teaching continues, and the disciples start to get and receive the holy spirit that gives them the power to begin performing miracles and healing. Jesus gives more and more parabolic teachings. 

Chapter Ten 

More and more respect for Jesus including the Pharisees due to the actions that he has done that has convinced vast multitudes to believe and follow him. Jesus continues to respond and teach through the use of the parables 16 . For example, he returns to a Pharisee question regarding divorce and says that what Lord has put together let no man separate or put asunder. The teachings that ask people to exemplify little children that can enable them to see the kingdom of God is encouraged by Jesus. The rich also pointed out by Jesus, and he notices how it will become more difficult for the rich to enter heaven than a camel to pass through the eye of the needle. Jesus assures those who have decided to follow him and have left the family that they would be rewarded hugely. Jesus performs more miracles and heals a blind man. He also continues to predict his death, suffering, and resurrection and John and James start to understand the message of Jesus and ask if they can join him in his crucifixion, but he answers that the decision is not his but God’s. 

Chapter Eleven 

Jesus rides on a donkey (colt) in triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He curses a fig tree that has no figs and chases the money lenders in the temple. The messages spread like wildfire and the leaders ask who gave Jesus the authority to do that 17 . More teachings from Jesus about life and what people need to do to enter the kingdom of God in the chapter. Jesus refuses to answer the questions of where he got the authority to act in the manner that He did and leaves them confused. 

Chapter Twelve 

The continuation of teachings in parables such as that of the owner of a Vine Yard that abuses its servants as well as that the tenants killed the son. More questions continue to be thrown to Jesus, but he answered those indirectly using parables that amaze many such as the case of Caesar’s and Sadducees question. Jesus encourages the love of neighbor and recites the Shema when asked about the greatest commandment. Jesus notes how his teaching is changing the people including the scribes who have started to come and follow Jesus closely. The contribution of a poor is praised and treasured as a great sacrifice. Jesus asserts that Christ is the Lord of David 18 . 

Chapter Thirteen 

The chapter notes Jesus is predicting and forecasting about the second coming and the indicators that would reveal and show signs. He predicts the destruction of the temple, the existence of false prophets and messiah’s and asks people to flee to the mountains when abomination appears. He gives hopes and prepares his disciples for different tasks in spreading the gospel 19 . Jesus teaches and warns people to take care and watch out as they do not know the time that the master shall come and give more prediction and indicators that would alert the people of the second coming. 

Chapter Fourteen 

The most engaged chapter in Jesus life that the scribes and chief priest want to put Jesus to death but are concerned about doing so at ate time of Unleavened Bread. What Jesus had predicted in the previous chapter about his suffering, death, and resurrection comes to pass. Jesus' head is anointed by expensive oil by a woman. Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus and affirms his word at the last supper that Jesus had predicted that one of his team members would betray him. He teaches them more about the blood of the new covenant in the bread and wine and the symbols that would present them. Jesus predicts Peter’s denial and the dissertation of the disciples. The cup taken from him in Gethsemane is prayed for and rouses the disciples who were sleeping. Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. The high priest ear is cut off. Jesus is brought to Sanhedrin and false accusation laid against him 20 . Jesus assures the high priests that he is Christ and will be seen in the right hand of God coming with the clouds in heaven. Jesus is accused of blasphemy where the high priest tore his clothes. Jesus is blindfolded, mocked and beaten and Peter denies Jesus three times. 

Chapter Fifteen 

The road to crucifixion is building momentum. Jesus is brought before Pilate who has nothing to say about Jesus. Barabbas is chosen to be released at the expense of Jesus by the crowd, and he is handed over to the scourged and crucified. He is dressed in a purple rod and made to wear a crown of thorns. The Cyrenian Simon carries Jesus cross to Golgotha and mocking continues including from priest. Jesus dies and the veil of the temple torn from top to bottom. A centurion confesses Jesus as indeed the son of God and Joseph of Arimathea takes Jesus body and entombs it. 

Chapter Sixteen 

The stone at the entrance of them has been rolled away, and this shocks and surprises Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany who had gone to anoint Jesus body with oil. A young man tells them that Jesus has risen and asked them to tell the disciples 21 . The disciples do not believe her and Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, faults them for their unbelief but Jesus commissions them to spread the gospel to all corners of the world and Jesus ascends to heaven. 

2. Explanation of Message Each Chapter Is Trying To Deliver 

Chapter one tries to connect the new roles that Jesus would play in the life of Christians from the old role that characterized and guided the people at the times of the old testaments. The chapter helps in the transition where John asserts that he already had been sent a message and foretold by the prophets and, thus, the chapter brings the news of new dawn for Christians and believers in God. 

The second chapter also reinforces the changes and anticipated with the new dawn and Jesus Christ introduction in the life of believers where from his actions it seems he contravenes the expectations and rules set in the past such as respecting Sabbath. The chapter sends the message that the transition in the life of believers would come with changes in characters, attitudes, and practice in the life of believers 22 . 

The third chapter message is of the twelve disciples appointed by Jesus. Jesus prepares and builds the framework that after his mission is accomplished in the world as sent by God, the gospel and the word of God shall continue to exists and spread throughout the world as witnessed in the present times 23 . 

The message delivered in the fourth chapter is that of teaching, mentoring the disciples and preparing them for the ministry and tasks ahead. Jesus also wanted to assure the disciples and raise their faith in God when he calmed a great storm. Jesus had launched the frameworks and necessary for teaching the disciples and prepares them for tasks ahead. 

The fifth chapter message was to show the disciples and believers that power of the Holy Spirit and the power of God through the miracles that He did such as healing a hemorrhaging woman, raising Jarius daughter and commanding the spirits to leave a possessed man 24 . The message that the chapter brings is that Jesus and God have power over sickness, death, and even spirits and the Lord is superior to all the noted aspects. 

The sixth chapter message is the induction and practice of teaching that the disciples were sent. All the twelve disciples are spread out to start practicing preaching the gospel from examples and what they had seen Jesus doing. He also additionally challenged and proved to the disciples the powers that God has that commands everything including the sea 25 . 

Chapter seven messages are to show the difficulties that the Pharisees and scribes had in accepting the changes and traditions as practiced in the present times as indicated through the actions of Jesus Christ that contravened the old rules and regulations such as the Sabbath expectations. The chapter message, as a result, is to reinforce the changes in practice and attitudes with the new dawn of Jesus Christ and actions expected from the believers. 

Chapter eight messages are starting the preparation of Jesus exit to the world by revealing to his disciples that he is Christ and giving them a hint on what would happen in the future as they continued working together and establishing a good relationship with his disciples 26 . He starts to prepare his disciples mentally and physically for transition when he departs by giving them a hint on what had been scheduled ahead. 

The message in chapter nine of the book of Mark is to show the connection between the past and the present. When Jesus was transfigured in the presence of Peter, John, and James, it made the disciples reveal the relationship that existed between the old prophets and Jesus as the new prophet relating them to the greatness of God. It made them try to compare them to see who is the greatest. The character message is empowering and prove to the disciples the connection that exists between the different prophets in the different generations and times. 

Chapter ten messages are to show the preparation that God had earlier before sending him to fulfill the task and mission in the world 27 . The disciples ask if they can join him in the crucifixion and encountered that he had hinted to them about his suffering, death, and resurrection but Jesus responds by saying that the decisions are not his but God’s that had planned everything before and, therefore, has no power to change. 

The eleventh chapter meaning was the start of the spread of the gospel when Jesus moved to Jerusalem from Galilee. He transitioned and changed believers practice and traditions that brought conflict between the parties and Jesus. He showed simplicity that is pivotal as guidance for Christians and believers life when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey 28 . 

Chapter twelve message is to convince the Pharisees and scribes of the changed status quo and realities that God has brought through his son Jesus Christ. It is essential to note that change is a complicated process. Jesus message is to convince them to start practicing the requirements of God at the expense of man and, as a result, embrace change 29 . 

Chapter thirteen message is to prepare and help the prophets and believers to note the second coming of Christ by giving them the indicators and signs that they can use to predict and prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ 30 . It emphasizes that believers and Christians observe and watch the commandments that Jesus had brought to them to be safe when the second coming arises because nobody knows the time or the hour. 

Chapter fourteen delivers the message of Passover and fulfillment of the prediction that Jesus had said would happen in the future such as betrayal by Judas and denial by Peters. It marks and prepares the start of transition and new dawn and the ascension of Jesus Christ as had been indicated and planned by God 31 . 

Chapter fifteen messages are the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his last preparation and existence in the world that indicated a mission accomplished as had been designed and sent by God. It also enhances the spread of the message of Jesus Christ as Lord when darkness fell, and Jesus breathed his last breath 32 . 

Chapter sixteen that is the last in the book presents the message of hope and resurrection of the dead when Jesus will return and came back seated in the right-hand side of the Lord as he had said. The message is giving hope to Christians and believers about the resurrection and their perception about death 33 . His resurrection also empowered the disciples and believers about him as the real son of God when he commissioned them to go and preach the gospel to the world. 

3. Explanation of the History of the Book of Mark 

a. Who Mark was 

Mark was a close associate of the disciple Peter that noted down the preaching that Peter had about the life of Jesus Christ and the gospel at large. Mark is also known as John where some prefer calling him John Mark. 

b. Who wrote the book of mark? 

John Mark wrote the book of Mark that mostly captured preaching of Peter about the gospel of Christ. 

C. Mark begins his record in Mark 1:1 by stating that “beginning of the good news about Jesus, the Messiah.” The significance of the verse and statement in verse prepares the readers and believers that read the book about the good news and information that touches on the life of Jesus Christ and also fulfilling the most crucial mission that God had sent him to do in the world 34 . 

D. The gospel of Mark focuses on the mission and accomplishment that Jesus came to do in the world. It starts on the recruitment process and selection of the disciples as well as the performance of numerous miracles, change of the status quo in the traditions and practice that dominated the society by then as well as the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ 35 . 

E. The purpose of the Gospel of Mark is to prepare believers and Christians for new life and the second coming of Jesus Christ and the lord during judgment. It was to give them an alternative that they would use in reaching and ascending to heaven as had been predicted by the prophets in the past and Old Testament in the plans that God had to the world that made him took the action of sending his only son to accomplish the task. 

F. The Deity of Christ in the Gospel of Mark is Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah. 

4. The Comparison from the Book of Mark to Our World Now. 

The book of Mark had predicted and shown the indicators that would help believers and Christians to note the signs and symbols of the last times and days before the second coming of Jesus and God to take his people to heaven who believed in him and the gospel that God had sent Jesus to the world. It predicted that there would be false prophets and messiahs 36 . There would be long wars in the world, and hunger as well as famine among other signs of struggle and troubles. The prediction as stated in the book of mark have continued to happen and occur in the world as the signs of the last times and, therefore, Christians and believers must be prepared for the last days as all the symptoms as having been indicated continue to show. People can relate to the events portrayed in the book of mark to the developments that happen in the present society and, thus, enable them to make informed decisions and accept Jesus Christ as preparation of the second coming as indicated in the book 37 . 

In conclusion, the book of Mark is among the essential books in the New Testament that elaborates the gospel of Jesus Christ. It also has many concepts and actions that Jesus did that starts right from his baptism and fulfillment with the Holy Spirit to also include the teachings, and miracles that he performed during his times. It also notes the conflict and reluctance to change the status quo by the scribes and Pharisees and the book hope about the future for believers with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and ascension to heaven. 


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1 Dennis Herman, Understanding Parables According To The Gospel Of Mark: Chapters 1 to 8 ( Dennis Herman, 2013) 24. 

2 Ardel Caneday. “The Rhetoric of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark.” Evangelical Quarterly 89, no. 3 (July 2018): 278. 

3 Christianity.Com, “ Mark.” 2018, par. 3. 

4 David M. Rhoads, Joanna Dewey, and Donald Michie, Mark as story: an introduction to the narrative of a gospel ,( Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012) 18. 

5 Jeffrey J Monk,. “A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.” Westminster Theological Journal no. 80 (2018): 167 

6 Austin Cline, “The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 10,” Thoughtco , 23 Aug 2018, par. 4 

7 Joel B. Green, The way of the cross: following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark , Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2009, 9. 

8 Evan Hershman, “Redescribing the Gospel of Mark.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80 no. 4 (2018), 752. 

9 David Guzik, “The Beginning of the Gospel,” blueletterbible.org , par 7. 

10 Timothy Keller, , Jesus the King: understanding the life and death of the Son of God , (New York, N.Y.: Riverhead Books/Penguin Group (USA), 2013), 14 

11 Wayne Baxter, “The Metaphor of Shepherd in the Gospel of Mark.” Review of Biblical Literature 19 (January 2017): 368 

12 Kelli Mahoney, “Know Your Bible: Gospel of Mark,” Thoughtco, par. 4 

13 James F Hatcher, III, Mark Masters Lodge Book of Marks Also for Royal Arch Chapters , Createspace Independent Pub, 2014, 23 

14 Werner H Kelber, “The Oral Ethos of the Early Church: Speaking, Writing, and the Gospel of Mark.” Review of Biblical Literature 19 (January 2017): 330 

15 Bible Summary. “Bible Summary by Chapter,” (Blogspot, 09 April 2011) par. 7 

16 Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst, Gospel of Judas , (Second Edition, New York: Random House Publisher Services, 2008) 32. 

17 Clifton Black, C., “Mark and Matthew I: Comparative Readings: Understanding the Earliest Gospels in Their First-Century Settings; Mark and Matthew II: Comparative Readings: Reception History, Cultural Hermeneutics, and Theology.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 77 no. 3 (2015): 578 

18 Today’s word.org. “The Gospel of Mark,” nd 2018, par. 2 

19 Bart D., Ehrman, Jesus, interrupted: revealing the hidden contradictions in the Bible (and why we don't know about them ), (New York: HarperOne, 2009) 12. 

20 Joshua D Garroway, “Mockery and Secretism in the Social World of Mark’s Gospel.” Review of Biblical Literature 18 (January 2016): 309. 

21 Access Jesus.Com. “All the Parables From the Bible.” 17 Jan 2016, par. 8 

22 Mark Sakamoto, Forgiveness , (Toronto, Ontario : HarperCollins Canada, 2014) 34 

23 Maverick Sweet, Mark: The Untamed First Gospel. Cistercian Studies Quarterly , 49 no. 1 (2014), 123–127 

24 Alfred Edersheim, “Why Did Jesus Teach In Parables?,” 12 April 2010, par. 10. 

25 Robert J Miller, The complete Gospels: the scholars version , (Salem, Or: Polebridge Press, 2010) 12. 

26 Frank England, “The Theological Role of Paradox in the Gospel of Mark.” Neotestamentica (48 no.1 (2014) 247 

27 Richard J Krejcir, “Why did Jesus Teach in Parables?,” Intothyword.Org , nd 2014, par. 3 

28 Raymond E Brown, and Marion L. Soards, An introduction to the New Testament ,( the abridged edition, 2016,)23 

29 Robert Macswain, “A Poetic Discontent: Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark.” Anglican Theological Review (94 no. 3 (2012):)) 579 

30 Felix Just, “The Gospel according to Mark: Literary Features & Thematic Emphases,” par. 5 

31 Alexander Maclaren, , Gospel According St. Mark: Chapters I. To Viii (Classic Reprint), ([S.L.]: Forgotten Books, 2015) 12 

32 Kent Brower, “Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel/Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect.” Evangelical Quarterly 85 no. 4 (2013 ): 374–76 

33 Helmut Koester, “The Parables of Jesus. Recovering the original meaning of Matthew’s parables,”26 Sep 2016 

34 Mark A Clark,, The problem of God: answering a skeptic's challenges to Christianity , 2017, 14 

35 Christopher W Skinner, “The Theological Role of Paradox in the Gospel of Mark.” Religious Studies Review 43 no.2 (2017): 171 

36 Greg Carey, “Abject Bodies in the Gospel of Mark.” Review of Biblical Literature 16 (January 2014): 359 

37 Keith Throop, “Parable of the Growing Seed (Mark 4:26-29 Teaching Outline),” par. 3 

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