19 Jan 2023


The Consequences of Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is a common narcotic unlawful drug that has invariably been an issue of concern in the justice system. Particularly, debates have endured on whether to legitimatize it or not. Over the past years, there have been controversies surrounding marijuana due to the limitation of information concerning the hemp plant. However, during the last two years, opinions concerning marijuana have been modified due to different opinions from the public. A replacement survey finds that 53% of USA voters favor the group action of marijuana, whereas 44% opposed it (Kesler, 2019). The foremost frequent reasons cited for the legalization of marijuana are the economic benefits, unit medical advantages, and belief that marijuana isn't different from the other drug, with several suggesting that it's not dangerous as alcohol and cigarettes. Proponents of group action of marijuana suggest that it'll add billions of cash to the economy, create thousands of job chances, stop the racial disparities in marijuana social control and release scarce police resources. They claim that regulation of marijuana can lower the street crime rate. The rationale stems from the fact that many blacks are on the receiving end of arrests compared to their white counterparts. Its legalization will help reduce the cases of incarceration. Besides, scientists have found that marijuana has recreational and medical properties. Marijuana contains 113 reasonably cannabinoids that are proven to kill cancer cells. (Sarzi et al., 2019). Scientists claim that marijuana isn't harmful as alcohol, and adults should have a right to use it. Therefore, the drug should be legalized. On the other hand, opponents of marijuana have the notion that it'll increase consumption of the same by teens and results in many medical emergencies like traffic deaths when under the influence. They contend that revenue collected from group action is allotted to the hospitals to treat addiction, crime, geographical point accidents, environmental injury, and lost productivity. Medically smoking marijuana irritates the lungs; individuals who smoke marijuana have equivalent respiration issues with those who smoke tobacco. Marijuana causes the feeling of elation, conjointly panic, worry, and depression (Marvis, 2019). Besides, it has hallucinogenic effects, which can scale back short-term memory, coordination, and judgment, promoting psychosis or mental disease. There are also claims that marijuana use damages the user physically and mentally. Therefore, opponents feel that it should not be legalized. The primary reason marijuana ought to be legalized is that it's not a harmful drug. Marijuana may be a safe drug compared to different unlawful medication and a few legal like alcohol and tobacco. It shouldn't be placed below the class of arduous medication like painkillers, cocaine, and heroin as the result of these drugs are harmful to your health. Also, they can cost one’s health. Furthermore, these medications are normally associated with marijuana than arduous medication (Khan, Thompson & Tremblav, 2020). It's invariably clear that alcohol and tobacco are units harmful to an individual than marijuana; however, I don't perceive why marijuana policy isn't equal if no more favored than the alcohol and tobacco policies. Marijuana should have non-discriminatory legal policies similar to all the opposite medication that area unit thought to be within the same category. The policy should be therefore be modified. Another core reason to legitimatize marijuana is that it is supposed to be a plus to the government since it might save our government cash and perhaps create more revenue. Marijuana is tough on our justice system in terms of finances. If the government would amend the policy and legitimatize marijuana, it would often tax and use government funding (Khan, Thompson & Tremblav, 2020). In line with analysis, it's believed that marijuana might produce honest revenue. Not solely that marijuana will observe cash; however, conjointly, it will facilitate the justice system. Over 750000 individuals in the USA are arrested annually because of marijuana. Legalizing marijuana might facilitate the justice system to open up jail spots. Marijuana prisoners take many jailhouses that can be used for a lot of serious offenders. Generally, the justice system would be advantageous if marijuana was legalized; therefore, the policy should be modified. A healthy nation and also the comfort of the users is a serious concern to the government. Marijuana has numerous positive attributes that might aid individuals in their lifestyle. Several Americans full of indisposed symptoms will use this drug to facilitate nausea fitfulness and different symptoms that common medication can’t cure. It’s often conjointly the simplest thanks to permitting individuals to relax. Marijuana symptoms are gentle and simple to modify, and it's rare to hear of cases where individuals obtaining out of management are in a state of danger for using this drug. Marijuana builds tolerance and permits individuals to handle the symptoms when high. Since marijuana users handle the symptoms well, then marijuana ought to be legalized. 

In conclusion, marijuana has many benefits, including economic benefits and for recreational purposes. Its legalization will be an added advantage to the criminal justice system. There will be positive outcomes from the legalization, including reduced levels of incarceration among ethnic minority groups. Therefore, in my opinion, the drug should be legalized. 

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Kesler, K. (2019). Marijuana issues for voters: Studying issues US states have had with legalizing marijuana.  WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing 2 (2), 8. 

Sarzi-Puttini, P., Ablin, J., Trabelsi, A., Fitzcharles, M. A., Marotto, D., & Häuser, W. (2019). Cannabinoids in the treatment of rheumatic diseases: pros and cons.  Autoimmunity Reviews 18 (12), 102409. 

Khan, M. S., Thompson, P. N., & Tremblay, V. J. (2020). Marijuana tax incidence, stockpiling, and cross-border substitution.  International Tax and Public Finance 27 (1), 103-12 

Marvis, B. (2019). Reefer Madness in Federal Court: An Overview of How Federal Courts Are Dealing with Cannabis Litigation and Why It Is Necessary to Dig into the Weeds.  Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 23 , 967.7. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Consequences of Legalizing Marijuana.


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