25 May 2022


The Do’s and Don’ts of e-Portfolios

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 309

Pages: 1

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E-portfolios are essential tools that can help an individual secure a job, grant, program, or school. Therefore, when designing a portfolio, it is essential for an individual to consider dos and don’ts that influence the capacity for them to be selected for a lucrative position. When a portfolio is presented poorly, it can deny a skilled or qualified person from securing a lifetime opportunity. The extensive analysis of the components of a good portfolio shows the aspects a designer should consider for them to be selected for desired positions.

Firstly, the portfolio designer should edit their work carefully to ensure the end-viewer captures their intended narrative. The designer should not archive their work history on the portfolio as it will appear disorganized ( Petty, n.d.) . On average, a good portfolio should have at least 6 of the designer’s best projects and no more than 12 of the same. The presented projects should also give the final reader an idea of which project to click on first, meaning that the work displayed on the portfolio should be arranged in a logical sequence. Secondly, a portfolio should contain profession information only. The e-portfolio designer should not include irrelevant information, such as their hobbies. The primary reason for submitting a portfolio for assessment is to showcase skills, which would be undermined by including non-professional information. 

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Thirdly, a good portfolio should have adequate content on the projects showcased. The designer should not submit pictorial representatives of their projects only. A good portfolio should have accompanying narratives to aid in understanding the pictures displayed ( Andrade, 2019) . Fourthly, an excellent e-portfolio should be compelling and appealing. The designer should not have a standard format for all portfolios because if a competition mandates the designing of many e-portfolios for evaluation, then uniformity would be boring and unappealing. Lastly, a good portfolio should exude experience. The designer should not assume they can present their information without the help of professional software, such as Semplice. Therefore, an excellent portfolio should adhere to the five dos and don’ts discussed. 


Andrade, M. S. (2019). Portfolios and Online Learning: Applying Concepts of Organizational Behavior.  International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education 34 (1), 1-15.  https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1227689.pdf

Petty, B. (n.d.).  The dos and don'ts of creating a digital teaching portfolio . Hey Teach!.  https://www.wgu.edu/heyteach/article/dos-and-donts-creating-digital-teaching-portfolio1803.html

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Do’s and Don’ts of e-Portfolios.


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