4 Dec 2022


The Effect of Video Gaming Playing on Academic Performance at a Community College

Format: MLA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Dissertation

Words: 8758

Pages: 30

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Technology is one of the human disciplines that has evolved significantly over the past few years. Among some of the most notable technologies today would be video games. These are the digital games people play using consoles such as the Sony PlayStation 4, Xbox, the Internet Games, and Computers. Today, video games are a popular pastime activity for students, especially with the many advancements that most consoles have experienced in the past. This paper aims to show the correlation between video gaming and students' performance at local community colleges. The focus is on community college students because they are often from low-income or minority families. The effects of video games both have proponents and opponents, who have different arguments to support the impact of such technologies on students' academic performances. Due to their popularity among children, particularly students, there has been much controversy surrounding their effects on academic performance. Proponents of video games claim that the games help boost cognitive development, problem-solving, and other benefits. They often focus on the game genres, and time spent playing positive can positively affect a students' academic outcomes. However, opponents claim that it can lead to poor academic performance due to various issues. These include problems such as cravings, addiction, and problematic gaming. 

Keywords: Video Games, GPA, Academic Performance, Community College Students. 

The Effect of Video Gaming Playing on Academic Performance at a Community College 

By Name 

Dissertation Proposal Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of 

Doctor of Philosophy 

Clinical Psychology 

Walden University 



I want to thank my coursework instructor, who has been instrumental in my academic journey. I would also like to thank my parents and family who have been supporting me in my academics. The thanks also extend to everyone who has supported gathering data and preparing this research paper. 

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Table of Contents 

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study 7 

Video Games 8 

Effects of Video Gaming Academic Performance of College Students 9 

Video Game Addiction 12 

Problem Statement 13 

Purpose of the Study 14 

Nature of the Study 15 

Scope of the Study 15 

Research Questions 16 

Theoretical Base 16 

Definition of Terms 16 

Assumptions 17 

Hypothesis 17 

Limitations 18 

Delimitations 18 

Summary and Transition 19 

Chapter 2 20 

Introduction 20 

Literature Review 21 

Literature Search Procedures 21 

Models Useful for the Proposal 22 

Chapter Summary. 23 

Chapter 3 Research 24 

Research Design and Approach 24 

Justification for Using the Systems Theory 26 

Role of the Researcher 26 

Research Questions 27 

Criteria for Selecting and Setting the Sample 27 

Data Collection Procedures 29 

Instrumentation, Materials, and Coding Procedures 31 

Protection of Human Participants 32 

Dissemination of Findings 33 

Chapter Summary 34 

Chapter 4 – Results 35 

Evidence of Quality 36 

Summary and Outcomes 37 

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations 39 

Interpretation of Findings 39 

Implications for Social Change 40 

Recommendations for Action 40 

Recommendations for Further Study 41 

Appendix A: Request for Approval to Conduct Research 46 

Part I: Identifying Information 46 

Project Title 46 

Part II: Research Description 47 

Abstract 47 

Part III: Submission and Approval 49 

Appendix B: Letter of Invitation for Research Project Participation 50 

Appendix C: Consent Form for Participants and Guardians 51 

Appendix D: Participant Feedback Letter 51 

Appendix E: E-mail Survey Questions 52 

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study 

The modern-day world features technological resources in almost every facet. In a relatively short amount of time, the world has become home to various forms of technology, and they keep on evolving. A good example would be video game technology, which has become a popular leisure-time activity. A recent report did well to show the significant increase in average gaming hours for each child across the country. The study showed that the gaming time increased significantly from 5 to 6.4 hours per week in 2017 (von der Heiden et al., 2019). Plus, many experts have claimed that video games have several benefits, including improving memory, focus, and multitasking. However, some experts have also shown that the technology can also have adverse side effects when used excessively, especially to academic perfomance. By spending a significant amount of time playing games, students can expose themselves to various academic compromises. These include decreased academic performance and compromised career attainment. Still, the use of video games is prevalent among students, and this research hopes to focus on its effects on community college students. 

Video Games

The term refers to a game that includes audio-visual apparatus and involves manipulating images produced by an electronic device. The device can be a computer display, a console, handheld devices, and various other mediums. Research on the effect of video games on academic students has increased significantly. While some researchers focus on the advantages of the games and even therapeutic benefits, others have been concerned about their side effects. The effect of video games on academic performance is a particularly concerning issue among community college students who are often from low-income or minority families. Parents and guardians have also expressed concern about excessive video game playing, with one of the significant focus areas being its effect on academics (Clark, 2018) . They often cite the negative tendencies that commonly include the loss of control and craving for games. Even though it is still debatable whether video games people should consider video gaming addiction as a form of behavioral addiction, researchers have done well to affirm its status as a mental health issue. A recent publication by the American Psychiatric Association showed the Internet Gaming Addiction shares a solid co-relation to gambling disorders (Parekh, 2018) . However, researchers have also associated gaming with various cognitive benefits among students. 

The International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences recently conducted a research study and determined that multiplayer games have considerable benefits in the ability of students to cooperate in academics. The study involved breaking up six middle school students into three categories: competitive, cooperative, and zero gameplay. The students in the gameplaying category played Call of Duty Modern Warfare. They were allowed to practice for two hours, and then the researchers observed their gameplays sessions. The results were aggregated after a total of 20 trials, and it showed that students who cooperated had significantly better results in academics (Badatala et al., 2017). Aside from evaluating the links between problematic video games and the academic performance of community students, it is also good to assess the types of games these students prefer. There are several game genres, including strategy, action, role-playing, and simulation. Each has different side effects and shares a relationship with the amount of time the students spend playing. Video games should appeal to students with weak cognitive development and provide situations that can help develop valuable academic skills. Problematic video gaming should be of concern because research has shown that it can decrease students' performance in various facets. 

Effects of Video Gaming Academic Performance of College Students

There are two sides of the coin regarding the effects of video games on students' academic performance. Doing anything excessively, such as playing video games, can have several adverse effects. While video games are likely to lead to various compromises in the academic performance of college students, it is also good to identify their benefits. 

The first negative effect of video games would be lower grades. Getting good grades has a considerable impact on the expected career outcomes of a student (Floyd et al., 2019) . However, gaming addiction means that the student is no longer competent at meeting all their academic obligations. The students often spend lots of time gaming instead of grasping all the vital coursework concepts. The outcome of this issue is that students will start having a low GPA, and a major red flag should be when the parents of the students receive a warning from the schooling facility. Some students can maintain their grades despite experience gaming addiction. However, the issue still means they will suffer academically due to insufficient access to suitable academic opportunities. A good example would be when the student spends a whole weekend playing video games instead of completing a research paper. The gaming addiction will also cause the student to experience compromised sleep, which will affect their ability to focus in class. 

Gaming can also have financial consequences, which might indirectly affect the students' academic performance. Usually, community college students study using resources such as financial aid resources. However, the students have to meet specific eligibility regulations and maintain high standards in academic. Each academic facility has particular requirements, and a student has to maintain a good GPA level. However, the consequences that arise from excessive gaming mean that the student can not keep with their academic progress. Failing to keep with their academics will easily make a bad impression on the people who offer financial aid such as sponsorships. 

The third side effect of gaming would be that it can lead to a lack of sleep. The lack of sleep occurs when the students feel the urge to play for hours and fail to consider their academic obligations. Without a lack of adequate sleep and rest, the cognitive performance of the students will decrease significantly. Due to sleep issues, the students will not keep up with the many elements involved in coursework (Maley, 2019) . Furthermore, students with delicate health metrics are also likely to experience various secondary problems due to the lack of sleep such as mental instability. All these health conditions put the student at an increased risk of experiencing the compromised academic performance. 

While video gaming can lead to compromised academic performance, researchers have shown that it can have many benefits. For instance, video gaming helps improve the performance of students with cognitive problems such as Dyslexia. Usually, Dyslexia occurs due to visual complications that students face. A recent study did well to show that up to 12 hours of video games was beneficial for students' academic performances (Franceschini et al., 2017) . The results were so promising that the coursework instructors started creating programs to address such needs. 

The other benefit of academic performance would be that it helps improve the mental capacities of all students. Researchers refer to theory as executive function, which refers to one's ability to allocate cognitive resources for specific purposes. These include objectives such as perception, memory, and attention. Additionally, student who play video games regularly are also likely to be better at multitasking. The students will experience improved mental flexibility, especially in working on challenging or technical academic tasks. Such benefits have caused parents and coursework instructors to re-think how they control children's access to video games (Kowert, 2019) . Most proponents of these benefits argue that most research relating to the negative impacts of video gaming is mostly mythical and baseless. 

Video games can also provide reinforcement benefits. A reinforcer in this context refers to any pleasant stimulus that causes a behaviour to recur. The games offer a sense of satisfaction, making them ideal for reinforcing positive behaviours in academic students. Usually, reinforcement falls into categories, which are the negative and positive forms. Positive reinforcement is a key benefit of video games on academic performance as it focuses on a specific problem-solving skill. The student's reward for solving the problem acts as a reinforcer, which can apply to academics. However, the enforcement can also be harmful, leading to a negative perception of handling challenges in problem-solving. Such a negative issue can compromise the student's ability to perceive academic challenges, such as assignments that require brainstorming (Lopez-Fernandez, 2019)

Video Game Addiction

Since researchers have already identified that video games have both benefits and drawbacks, this study will focus on an overarching concept, which is video game addiction. The addiction causes college students to compromise the student's academic performance, even if gaming can be healthy. Addiction refers to a neurological complication where one engages in negative social behaviour to get a specific reward. The individual will engage in the negative behaviour, even if the side effects are detrimental towards their life quality. Addiction also compromises the individual's ability to stop the harmful activity, with gambling being a good example. A video game is a form of a computer, and its use can lead to various addiction complications. The process of gaming leads to the product of dopamine which is an essential neurotransmitter in the brain. The body produces the chemical such as when winning, and it helps to elevate the individual's mood. While gaming often starts as an innocent activity, it soon escalates into a full-blown problem. 

The addictive gaming for college students often starts early, such as when they still live with their parents. However, the problems exacerbate when the students go off to college, and there is no one to monitor their behaviour. The issue is prevalent among community college students due to various reasons. First, community college students are often people from low minority communities who do not often prioritize academics due to socialization or limited perspectives on the benefits of academics. Second, community college students are often the people who come from low-income families. Such individuals also often set a low priority for academics, and they also often lack the finances to pay for better education platforms. A college student's average time on gaming can average up to 5-8 hours per week, totalling about 30 hours each week. The time average gaming time for a college student is almost similar to having a full-time job. The result of such an issue can have devastating effects on the student's academics. That is because gaming often escalates into a full-blown addiction that requires intervention. 

Problem Statement

The problem statement for this study focuses on both the negative and positive effects of video games on students' academic performance. Video gaming is pervasive among industrialized countries, which often have several community college institutions. Usually, most of these games are exciting and fast-paced, which could compromise college's ability to focus on less attention-grabbing tasks such as academic work. Based on this perspective, high levels of video gaming have shown a significant correlation to the attention problems that students present. Additionally, such students often face other secondary issues such as poor sleep efficiency and attention deficit. The increased levels of poor sleep and attentional deficits lead to high levels of compromised academic performance. Students' time playing video games may also reduce the average home student times that community college students display. Currently, the available evidence on whether negative video gaming can negatively affect academic performance is too weak for casual claims. While some researchers have portrayed a negative correlation between the time one spends playing video games, others have found no similarities. 

While many people attribute video gaming in students to various negative issues, it is also good to realize the possibilities that such a resource offers. Instead of focusing on negative gaming issues alone, researchers and any other relevant parties should recognize the potential of video games. Students, academic instructors, parents, the government, and guardians all have a significant role in understanding the effects of video games. 

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to use research and statistical analysis to outline the specific effects of video games on the academic performance of college students. The focus will be on college students, who often come from low minority or low-income backgrounds. This study hopes to provide suitable recommendations for managing the problem by outlining the trends and patterns in video game addiction. The study will also seek to identify any practical solutions that can make gaming a part of academics in the future. 

Nature of the Study

The study will involve the use of two main research techniques to identify the effects of gaming. These include experimental and derived research techniques, which will help outline any significant patterns. The research will also include data from previous research projects that document the positive and negative effects of video games on community college students. Addiction makes up a considerable portion of the gaming issues that students face today. Thus, a part of the research will also focus on identifying any issues relating to gaming addiction. 

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study focused primarily on all types of community college students. Whilst researchers have done well to identify the side effects of video games on academic performance, these studies have not often focused on community colleges students. A recent report showed that the average community college students fall in the 21 to 59 age group category, which applies to this study. The scope of the study will also have a limit of 100 participants, who the researchers will contact through e-mails. The recruitment period will take an average of 8 weeks. The researcher will also complete when the researchers have found at least 100 volunteers or the 2-month passes. Data collection will involve the use of short questionnaires and the aggregation of academic performance results of college students. 

Based on the information above, it's clear that there is a significant constraint on the scope of the study and the sample size. These limitations occurred to help narrow down the samples required and the accuracy of the data acquired from the research process. Furthermore, the research process also limited access to the internet and could complete the research survey by providing accurate answers. The researchers will also face a considerable compromise in evaluating data from different sources, especially academic fields. 

Research Questions

What are the positive and negative effects of video games on the academic performance of college students? 

What are the specific effects of gaming and the expected performance of academic students? 

Is there any future for gaming in the academic field, and especially for community college students? 

Theoretical Base

The theoretical base of this study focused on the specific ways video games benefit and compromise students' academic performances. It will also focus on the habitual impact of games, especially addiction, which researchers have documented in the past. Students who portray poor results in academic performance are usually victims of video game addiction. 

Definition of Terms

Addiction: refers to one's over-dependence on an object, item, or substance. 

Dyslexia: refers to disorders that can lead to difficulty learning or interpreting terms, words, or symbols, which affects general intelligence. 

Video games: a game that people play by manipulating the images that a computer program produces through a display. 

Academic performance: refers to the measurement of student achievement through various platforms and different subjects. Course instructors usually measure the results based on classroom performance, standardized tests, and graduation rates. 


The following are some of the assumptions for this research study: 

Video games have both a positive and negative effect on the academic performances of students. 

Students who display tendencies of video game addiction are more likely to experience compromised performance than those who game occasionally. 

Different types of video games have different kinds of effects on students. 


The hypothesis is that video games might have more benefits than people would expect in the academic niche. Video games fall into different types of categories, which can include online games like puzzle solving. Many students become addicted to these games, which often negatively or positively influences their academic performance. Students that experience gaming addiction displays various tendencies, including reduced graduation rates, poor GPAs, and compromised attendance rates. Furthermore, the different games have varying side effects. Students involved in more technical coursework programs are likely to perform poorly as the other students in the same category. The students engaged in more technical coursework programs tend to have more academic obligations. Thus, this means any slight compromise to their academic performance is likely to lead to several academic complications. Furthermore, more technical courses also suggest that such students are more prone to deviant behaviour such as gaming addictions. 


The study also had several limitations, which included: 

Accessing the aggregated scores of the students from different fields and academic areas was not easy. The data included an expansive range, with each student having acquired several grades through their educational experiences. 

Getting a concise age group rate for the participants was not easy, as it is a metric that often changes. 

The study can only involve 100 students from different college coursework fields. 


The scope of this study only focuses on students between the 21-59 age group as it is the average for community college students. Additionally, the study will only focus on the average performance of students in two different coursework. One course will be highly technical, while the other course will be a relatively non-technical academic program. The study will not be focusing on people from different cultures or backgrounds because most community college students are often from a poor backgrounds. 

Summary and Transition

The study will focus on both the positive and negative effects of gaming on the academic performance of community college students. The research's insights will give a better perspective on one of the most common trends among students today. Many students engage in gaming activities, with a considerable portion becoming highly addicted to the games. Understanding the distinct patterns that exist in the side effects of gaming on these students will have many benefits. It will allow researchers to recommend using the games better to further academics or even solutions such as awareness programs. The study will be focusing on students from two different technical courses at academic programs who fall in the 21 to 59 age group. The study will also use a co-relational approach to gain insight into community college students' educational trends. The effect of games includes both positive and negative effects, which the research study will be evaluating. Chapter 3 will focus on the researchers' methodology and the criteria they considered in selecting participants. 

Chapter 2 


The use of video is a common occurrence among students today. The impact of the games comes into question among college students because it is usually the first time they are aware of parents. Thus, there is no party available to help monitor and control their usage of such entertainment resources. Whilst most research studies have focused on the negative impact of the games in the past, they have also failed to realize that video games can have several benefits. 

Literature Review

The effects of video games among students have been an issue of concern for many years. Games first came to the foreground in the 1970s and developed significantly over the past few years. Nowadays, all gams, regardless of their nature, have various advanced features such as graphics, levels of interactivity, and more. Thus, the games have become highly popular among students as a pastime activity. However, the games are often highly addictive and can lead to negative tendencies such as addiction. For instance, a speech by the FCC commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate noted that World of Warcraft was one of the main contributors to the high levels of dropouts (Cochran, 2018) . There was a lack of sufficient, but research has improved since then to include such details. Another recent study by Drummond & Sauer (2014) also showed that 54% of gamers missed more classes when compared to 43% who attended their classes. Since missing classes have a considerable effect on academic success, one should infer that heavy games are likely to face various academic risks nd challenges. 

Literature Search Procedures

The literature search procedure involves two vital main terms: video games and their effect on academic performance. Additionally, the literature search process is also considered the main research question for this study. Through these research questions, one can identify literature and content that can best outline the effects of gaming on community college students (Hancock & Algozzine, 2017) . The research process focused on literature from as far back as 2015 to help outline the different trends that have come up in this topic area. The primary research resource was the internet, which provides access to a large information store on video games and academic performance. The studies available specifically on community colleges were minimal because most researchers focused on students in general. Furthermore, the study also outlined th challenges. The next step involved developing specific arguments that relate to the particular effect of gaming on academic performance. The opinions made it easy to identify the specific trends and patterns students experience due to gaming. 

Models Useful for the Proposal

Four main models will be applicable for this research process. Using research models is vital for any successful research process for various reasons. First, it allows researchers to describe their findings based on current literature and accepted concepts. Second, it also will enable researchers to reduce the work involved in analyzing and managing the content of each research process (Merriam & Grenier, 2019) . Each model will integrate different aspects of the research process and during various stages. The first model will be the historical models related to prior research on video gaming on academic performance. It is essential to look at the previous history on the topic to determine whether there are past insights. The research will also include comparative models, which hope to identify the significant differences in the academic performances of community college students. The descriptive models will also be important in outlining all the necessary details researchers acquired on the topic (Elpus & Miksza, 2018) . Describing all the details in the study will require an in-depth approach, especially as many factors are involved. Finally, correlation methods will also be important in identifying any major or significant relationships to the topic. 

Chapter Summary

The chapter above has focused on various topics, including the literature relating to the study and the crucial arguments from each. The issue of academics and the compromise it causes on academics has been well documented in the past. However, the insights that one can gain from community college students are only suitable for causal arguments. That is because researchers have primarily focused most of their literature on a broad range of student categories. The use of up to four models of research will be highly beneficial for this process. These varying models help outline the enormous discrepancy and gap in understanding the effects of gaming on community college students. 

Chapter 3 Research 

The oncoming chapters will identify the way community college students engage with video games and the effects on their academic performance. The research should provide insight into both the benefits and negative aspects of the games on the academic performance of these students. It is essential to focus on these students because they make up a considerable portion of the demographics and future economy of the U.S.A. Any issues such as poor academic outcomes are likely to significantly compromise the legitimacy of educational programs offered at community colleges. However, the impact will be due to an issue researchers should have identified earlier and found ways to manage its use for better applications. Furthermore, the issue of video game addiction has also recently come into the foreground, with many researchers associating to unusual behaviours such as gambling. The dopamine produced during gaming is addictive, and researchers should find better ways of using games to help academic students perform better. 

Research Design and Approach

The research design will be focusing on the aggregated academic performance of students from two technical courses at a local schooling facility. The researchers will be associating the research design and approach to the previous questions asked on video gaming among students. These include the use of observation, surveys, and interviews. The observation techniques will be essential in assessing students' academic performance based on a specific time duration (Abma & Stake, 2014) . It will include observing the student school attendance rates, mannerisms during educational programs, and their usage of video games. The research design will also involve surveys, including tailor-made questions that will target each student's performance levels. The research design will also include interviews with coursework instructors. 

The best research approach for testing the effect of video games on the academic performance of college students will be the experimental approach. It is the most suitable approach because it will include the following aspects: 

Test casual relationships between the academic performances of students in general and the use of video games. The insight acquired from these studies will provide the basis for understanding the effect of the games on students' academic performance in general. 

The research will also involve manipulating details such as independent variables and evaluating their effect on dependent variables. In this case, the independent variable will be the amount of gaming time and the coursework programs, while the dependent variable will be the students. 

The research will also occur in a controlled environment, whereby the academic results will originate from the traditional classroom setting. 

The research study will involve the acquisition of data over time for the academic performances of each student. The information will come from the coursework instructors, and each student will be assigned to random groups. 

The research will also involve using various data collection techniques to help improve the accuracy of data. Using different data collection strategies is crucial to a particular research study's quality of results. The researchers will be using interviews and surveys to engage the students on their use of video games. 

Justification for Using the Systems Theory

Systems theory ranks high among the common social work theories, and it should also apply to this study (Lai & Huili Lin, 2017) . According to systems theory, professionals should evaluate the aspects of a research study using holistic methods. Usually, the process involves assessing factors such as behavioural habits to understand their side effects on a given part of life. Evaluating a person's behaviour is a challenging process, but systems theory helps to remove this challenge. It is a theory helps research identify complex patterns and tendencies relating to a particular behavior or result. The goal of this process is to understand what researchers refer to as "emergent behavior." So, the characteristics this tendency brings up are not often easy to decipher. For this research process, systems theory aims to identify the complex patterns that arise from gaming, especially students who demonstrate addiction patterns. 

Role of the Researcher

The role of the researcher in the context of this study will involve various procedures. First, the role of the researcher will include the collection and aggregation of research relevant data. These will consist of data sources such as interviews, the classroom scores of students, and any other relevant details. The role of the researcher will also be to ensure that they conduct the research study based on the accepted protocols and concepts (Cumyn et al., 2018) . For instance, the researcher will have to consider research ethics, especially on issues touching privacy policies. The researcher must realize that some students do not prefer their details to be available in public literature. Additionally, the researcher has the role of reviewing the research data and ensuring that it is concise. Any minor errors that occur during the data collection or aggregation process are likely to throw off the consistency of the results. 

Research Questions

The systems theory-based study on the effects of gaming on the academic performance of students will include the following questions: 

What are the positive and negative side effects of gaming on the academic performance of students? 

What relationship does the average amount of gaming time have in relation to the academic performance of students? 

What relationship does the technicality of a coursework program share with gaming addiction and academic performance? 

What are some of the academic performance signs that can indicate the occurrence of gaming addiction? 

Since the sample required for this research study will likely involve several students, the researchers will limit it to two major coursework groups. The first coursework alternative will be a simple program, while the other will be a complex program. 

Criteria for Selecting and Setting the Sample

The criteria for selecting and setting the sample will involve a few notable research strategies to ensure the best results. A sample is a finite aspect of participants that the researcher will acquire from the target population. The target population will be community college students who attend two different academic coursework programs. The researchers will draw their conclusions from the target sample, and based on specific research methodologies, The sample should contain the correct number of individuals to avoid causing a compromise to the statistical inference results. The target samples for this study should demonstrate a certain level of representativeness, to ensure accuracy (Martínez-Mesa et al., 2016) . Lack of representativeness can occur when the researchers fail to choose the correct samples or face issues such as bias. The researchers will not have to use census-based approaches because the sample for the study was already determined. While a census-based method would be suitable for the research process, some limitations mean it is not ideal for studying the academic performance of students: 

Ethical considerations – the research study should not consider a larger sample than required to acquire accurate results. 

Budget limits – any exceeding costs are likely to compromise the ability of researchers to produce accurate results. 

Logistics – census often has several logistical challenges, which can include a lack of staff members. 

Time restrictions – some research studies require extensive periods and patterns. 

Data Collection Procedures

The data collection procedures for this experiment will include data from different sources to help improve the accuracy of the data. Since the data collection process for this research will involve various methods, the researcher will have to use a concise set of steps to achieve the best results. Below are the steps involved in the collection and aggregation of useful research data: 

The first step will be to contact a local community college facility to access various academic details. It will involve enlisting the help of the coursework instructor in selecting the major educational programs available in the schooling institution. Data collection requires a transparent approach to ensure each participant understands the study's nature (Paradis et al., 2016). The second procedure will be to access these students' specific grades and academic outcomes from these academic fields of study. Getting permission from the owners of the educational institution is crucial before including it as part of the experiments. The schooling facility will have a massive role in choosing the right candidate structure. 

Once the researchers identify the right candidate pool for the research process, the next step will be to perform a screening process. The goal of the screening process will be to identify students who use video games regularly, as they are most likely to display unusual tendencies in academics. A good example would be students that play video games regularly and still perform well or have excellent academic metrics. The other category would be the students with game addiction issues and who show compromised performance levels over time. Additionally, this step of the research process will also include the formalities and essential aspects of the experiment. For instance, each participant in the research study will receive a copy of the Start Questions, a confidentiality document, and a feedback form. These documents are essential in formalizing the study and ensuring each participant understands the nature of the steps involved. 

Out of the initial 100 students pool, the researchers will identify 20 specific students to engage in extensive interviews. During the second interview, the researchers will have to ask customized questions to help draw helpful answers. Using strategic questions is vital for the quality and conciseness of information researchers can acquire from any study (Lane, 2018) . It will mainly include the use of open-ended questions, such as "What is the average amount of time you play video games every day? Do your grades decrease or improve when you play video games every day? Since the research takes on the mixed study approach, the researchers will include qualitative and quantitative data sets. The researchers will also aim to make things convenient by having up to 6 relevant questions in the study. 

The average duration for each study will average at 15 to 30 minutes. The course of each survey will depend on a few factors, such as the attention level and the quality of information each study participant can provide. Ensuring each study takes up the least amount of time possible is vital in acquiring quality results (Rashid et al., 2019) . While tentative scheduling will suffice for this study, the interview will take part bi-monthly and in relation to academic tests. The results from the rest will be significant in learning more about each student's specific and aggregated performance results. The time of the interview will also include audio data recording and analysis procedures. 

Privacy is an essential aspect of the success of any study today. It helps researchers avoid lawsuits and claims for lack of data privacy or professionalism (Management Association of Information Resources, 2018) . So, this research study will involve assigning pseudonyms to the participants instead of their names for confidentiality purposes. Most of the students engaged in excessive gaming probably have concerns about the public release of their academic performance details. 

To extract valid patterns, trends, and information relating to the study, the researchers will apply SPSS software. It is a powerful software that works well for data aggregation, especially for research studies that involve lots of data. The SPSS software will allow the researchers to input data and concise information on each student's academic performance. 

Instrumentation, Materials, and Coding Procedures

Since this research study involved a mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative measures will work. The researchers will have to implement SPSS software, which has been instrumental in aggregating data (McCormick & Salcedo, 2017) . SPSS is a software that works well for social sciences and should suffice for this experiment relating to the academic performances of community college students. The other vital materials for the research will include form aggregation measures, which will allow the researchers to understand the responses each participant provides better. 

Protection of Human Participants

The researchers will have to adhere to a specific code of ethics to ensure they respect the rights of the Human Participants. Usually, the principles by the American Psychological Association Ethical conduct are helpful for this process. The researchers will consider that community college students are under immense scrutiny and various academic, regulatory agencies. An essential aspect of improving the legitimacy of the research would be to inform each participant of their privacy rights (David B. Resnik, 2018) . Most students will not be willing to participate in the study if they know it could affect their academic progress or participation over time. Each participant will also have the freedom to withdraw from the study at any point. It is a type of freedom focused on promoting an open and friendly environment for various procedures. These include functions such as the acquisition and dissemination of research data to produce meaningful results. 

The academic facility also has a reputation to maintain, and the researchers will have to respect this perspective. That is why the researchers will have to consult with the board of management at the community college. Part of this process will be to demonstrate to the heads of the academic facility that research hopes to produce meaningful results. An excellent example of a significant impact would be the positive ways gaming can positively benefit students. The researchers will also inform the academic facility about the possible challenges that the study will reveal. For instance, the study might indicate that a lack of optimal attention from coursework instructors will increase the likelihood of deviant gaming behavior. Using this model of transparency will be crucial in collaborating with the schooling facility. The researchers will also have to identify the proper measures for safeguarding the patient's data. A good resource example would be using tools such as password-protected computers and storage devices like flash disks. 

Dissemination of Findings

Effective dissemination in research ensures that the research findings can get to the relevant parties at the right time. The research will be meaningless unless it gets to the people who can use it correctly. For this study, the researchers will have to consider a few common techniques for disseminating study data. The first suggestion for the researchers will be to use publishing programs or policy briefs. These are essential data sources that will allow researchers to ensure the availing of research data follows a particular pattern or trend (Mertler, 2019) . The researchers will also have to prepare the policy briefs ahead of time to include all the correct details. The second way to disseminate the study would be to publish the project findings state-wide and in national journals. While qualifying for this application process often takes time, the results will guarantee the research can get to people across the country. The other method of disseminating this study will be to present it to other community colleges in the area. An essential aspect of the dissemination process is to ensure that each party understands the research goal. The purpose of the research was to outline the effect of video games on academic performance for various reasons. First, it would be to allow parents, guardians, and coursework instructors to understand students better in the age of technology. Second, it would enable students to understand the impact of issues such as gaming addiction on their academic performances over time. 

Chapter Summary

This chapter on the nature of the study, which took up a mixed approach. The mixed-method included both qualitative and quantitative techniques, which will be crucial in identifying trends. Maintaining the privacy and human rights of the participants was also an important aspect to consider. The researchers have to realize that academic students tend to be delicate with their details. Additionally, the educational facility has strict regulations about releasing student data and any content that can compromise its image. Respecting the needs and concerns of any entity involved in a research study (Ravid & Efron, 2019) . The dissemination of the study was also another important concept discussed in this study. Once the research results are ready, the scientists have to find ways to ensure it is available to the appropriate parties. The information has to be available at these parties so that the data can be helpful. Using the right tools for instrumentation and data analysis was also a crucial subject. The use of SPSS tools will be indispensable for the examination and aggregation of the research data. The tool is a social work resource that allows researchers to prepare graphs and various other forms of valuable data. Using the right data collection measures will also be necessary to ensure the research moves forward as planned. 

Chapter 4 Results 

The researchers started by sending e-mails to the 100 participants of the academic study. The e-mail showed that over 50% of the students were addicted to gaming, 23% played games four to seven times a week, while the remaining 27% played games on the weekends. Out of the 50% of students addicted to gaming, half of them displayed poor academic performance. However, the remaining half did not reveal any significant discrepancies in their overall academic performances. Out of the 23% of students that played games occasionally in the week, only 10% showed poor academic performance. However, the researchers were not able to pinpoint their poor academic performance to problematic gaming activities. Out of the 27% of students who played games once a week, only 10% showed poor academic performance. These outcomes were a powerful depiction of the moderate impact that games had on the academic performances of community college students. The students' games did not have a significant effect because problematic gaming was an overriding factor. Any student who displayed gaming addiction issues was likely to experience poor academic performance by 53%. 

The researchers also focused on the positive effects that games had on the academic performances of students. They included these questions as part of the survey to students and based their conclusions on basic psychological concepts. According to the researchers' insight, gaming helps boost problem-solving skills, relieves lethargy, and teaches students the importance of being well organized in tackling tasks. The negative effect of the games includes truancy, sleepiness, lethargy, anti-social behaviour, and various other issues. All these issues directly impacted students' academic performances, as they could no longer maintain their productivity levels at school. 

The researchers then focused on the ten students who were to help identify the future of gaming on students' academic performance. This process aimed to answer the research question, "is there any future of gaming in the academic performance of college students?" The 10 participants included students who demonstrated excellent performance and those who displayed outstanding performance; the researchers found out the students believed that gaming had a future in students' academic performances. Focusing on a specific data sample set helps boost the quality of results from a research study (Flick, 2018). The students felt that games should be part of disseminating knowledge, as it often involves managing lots of data to solve problems and goals. The traditional learning environment can include games because it provides an interactive learning environment that captures students' attention. Additionally, the students also mentioned that using this approach to using games in academics would help increase their awareness of the impact of games on academic performance.  

The researchers also acquired the academic details of the ten specified study participants from the educational facility. Out of these 10 participants, the researchers noticed that 67% of students with gaming addiction issues had problems getting good grades and classroom attendance issues. The remaining 33% of the students were average students, which indicated room for improvement in their academic performances. 

Evidence of Quality

The researchers applied various measures to ensure the quality results of the study: 

The researchers conducted prior training with the participants to ensure they provided the best information quality. 

The researchers provided the participants with a documenting stating that all private details would be confidential. The researchers had to ensure that their personal details will not be part of the dissemination of findings. 

The researchers also assured the students that the study's goal was for positive results, despite its negative outlook on the academic tendencies of college students. 

The researchers also included a unique sample of participants in the study. While the initial analysis focused on the academic performance of 100 students, the study further focused on 10 participants. The 10 participants were vital in ensuring the researchers could utilize resources such as time correctly. The academic facility was also not comfortable releasing up to 100 students in the community college. It could have raised severe data privacy issues and concerns from agencies like the state that often sponsor community college facilities' activities. 

Summary and Outcomes

Overall, the research showed that 57% of students with gaming addiction in college students are likely to demonstrate poor academic performances. The students who were addicted to games often experienced various symptoms of problematic gaming the compromised their performance. The typical examples including sleepiness, lack of focus, reduced productivity, and various other issues relating to compromised academics. Additionally, the remaining students who did not have poor performance demonstrated that gaming could have positive benefits for academic performance. The students also noted that gaming could become a part of educational programs because they were perfect for building problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities. 

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations 

The research study focused on the effect of gaming on the academic performance of college students. Most previous research on gaming has only focused on the negative academic performance of students in general. Thus, the researchers decided to shift the performance of college students because of various reasons. First, many college students play games, which often leads to problematic tendencies such as addiction. Understanding the positive and negative impacts of the games was necessary, as previous research had shown promising results relating to gaming. The researchers used various techniques for data collection purposes. These include survey e-mails, access to coursework data, and a focus on ten students who participated in two different technical academic programs. The students also had to have experienced gaming addiction in the past as this was a significant issue. 

Interpretation of Findings

Based on the research study findings, the researchers realized that gaming has a massive influence on students' academic performance. The games had both positive and negative side effects on the academic performance of college students. Since most students spend their first time without supervision, they are more prone to addictive gaming issues. The same concept applies to when students first experiment with substances such as hard drugs. They are often under a lack of supervision, which eventually leads to deviant behaviours affecting their academic performances. 

Implications for Social Change

The study had several benefits of social change in society. Any research study should aim to impact social change and outline any significant issues occurring in society (Roller & Lavrakas, 2015). First, the study did well to show that students' academic performance is prone to problems and that the relevant parties must manage them effectively. Games are a common occurrence today, and there is no way that the government or agencies such as the FCC can ban their creation. Thus, academic students are still likely to become victims of issues associated with problematic gaming. The problematic gaming can lead to truant behaviour and might eventually lead to a considerable compromise in academic quality worldwide. The state needs to find ways to incorporate video games into the traditional learning programs today. Various studies have shown that games can benefit the cognitive development abilities of students. Leveraging these benefits will be important in evolving education and ensuring that students benefit from technology. Academic facilities also have the role of creating awareness among students, especially community college students. The students should be aware of the impacts of the problematic video game tendencies and their effect on their academic performance in the long term. 

Recommendations for Action

There are various steps and solutions that people can acquire from this research study. First, community college students need awareness programs, especially when they are still new to academic facilities. The awareness programs should focus on problematic gaming and various other issues that are likely to lead to compromised academic performance. Community college students make up for a considerable portion of the students in the country, and it is good for the state to identify their plight in academics. The second step would be to come up with coursework programs that involve the use of video games. The video games should include interactive features such as graphics and problem-solving tasks. Academic facilities will have to provide appropriate incentives for students that meet their educational goals. 

Recommendations for Further Study

The recommendations for further study are several for this research study. The first recommendation would be to identify the impact of integrating video games into the traditional academic coursework program. The process should include all general academic disciplines that are common in community colleges. 


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Appendix A: Request for Approval to Conduct Research 

Walden University 

155 Fifth Avenue South 

Minneapolis, MN 55401 

Part I: Identifying Information

Project Title

The study focuses on the effect of gaming on the academic performance of college students. Games have both a negative and positive impact on academic performance. Outlining these differences is important in improving the quality of academics in the country. 

Course Number and Title   
Academic Year and Quarter   
Dissertation Committee   
Name  Contact Information 
Anticipated Commencement Date  10/10/2021 
Anticipated Conclusion Date  30/20/2021 

If principle research is a student: 

Mentor's Name: 


Telephone Number: 

E-mail Address: 

Part II: Research Description

The research involved a total of 100 individuals for a local community college facility. While the study involved 100 students, it, later on, focused on ten individuals. The focus on ten individuals was important in improving the results that the survey could acquire. Various limitations inclined the researchers to use this approach to conduct the study. These include the time limit and the fact that academic facilities were not willing to share the personal details of their students. However, the use of surveys we send out to students was also highly beneficial for the study. The surveys include targeted questions that would highlight specific aspects of gaming and its effect on academics. 

Data collection instruments/method 


Coursework data aggregation methods 


The participants in the study received specific questions relating to their gaming tendencies and their effect on their performance. The researchers also went further by accessing the academic records of up to 10 students. The limit was ten because the educational facility was not willing to release the date of more than ten students. 

Description of study groups (Religious Background/No Religious Background)

Participants Age Range 

21 to 57 years 

Inclusive of gender and ethnicity 

People from different backgrounds and genders. 

Institutional permission

The permission will come from the board of management and the teachers. 

Recruitment of participants

The participants of this mixed study had to provide legitimate information and be part of the local academic facility. The students also had to share their details, even though the researchers had data privacy regulations. Additionally, the students had to ensure they did not share their test results with the other participants. 

Data collection schedule

The data collection process will take a total of 10 days. The researchers will be working to validate the information for the study. Giving accurate information is vital in ensuring the research study can have an impact on social change. 

Initial contact

The initial contact will be with the board of management of the academic facility. Doing this will ensure the study adheres to the commonly accepted guidelines for conducting a research study. The details on the academic performances of students should be a confidential source of data. Ensuring the data is confidential will ensure that students never raise concerns about their academics or affect the availability of resources such as sponsorships. 

Confidentiality of data

Data confidentiality will involve various measures. First, the researchers will safely lock any information they acquire through encrypted software and a specific user access protocol. The researchers will also have the students sign a confidentiality form to ensure everyone respects the recommended protocols of the study. 

Informed consent process

The researchers will have to provide an informed consent form to the participants. Doing this will be important in ensuring the study meets data privacy and confidentiality guidelines. The participants will receive the form through e-mail, which they shall print and release for signing. 

Part III: Submission and Approval

Doctoral Dissertation, Date, Name, Subject 

Attestation and Assurance 

I, Name, enrolled at the University of attesting to the following: 

I will research in a professional manner that respects the rights of the participants. 

I will ensure that the study's information is accurate and meets the consent or data privacy guidelines. 

Will inform all participants about the study results and consult with the academic facility before starting. 

I am also aware of the obligations in completing this coursework and ensuring the results are legitimate. 


Doctoral Dissertation Study, Summer 2013, Human Subjects 

Please find the subsequent attachments: 

Use a survey form for the research study. 

A Thankyou and Appreciation Document. 

Survey questions for the study. 

Request for Approval to Conduct the Study 

Consent Form for Participants. 

Interview Protocol 

Appendix B: Letter of Invitation for Research Project Participation

Date: __________________ 

Dear Candidate, 

I am currently conducting a research project on the effect of gaming on the academic performance of students. You are probably a gamer and have realized the side effects the games could have on your overall performance. The results have probably been positive and negative. The goal of this research is to outline these effects and provide suitable solutions for these challenges. We need your assistance in ensuring this study is a success. While we may have to access your academic records, we assure you that all your data will be confidential. We shall have a privacy and consent form to help ensure your data is safe from illegal access. If you have any more questions, you can give me a call or get in touch with me through e-mail. Let us collaborate in this research study to find ways we can make the world a better place. 




Appendix C: Consent Form for Participants and Guardians

Title of Study: The Effect of Video Games on the Academic Performance of College Students 

The study will involve a total of 30-minute survey questions and access to specific coursework records. We request that you participate in the survey questions because these will help us relate the data to academic performance. The study won't be possible without your consent and access to legitimate answers that we can use to gain insight into the effects of gaming. While most people associate video games with poor academic performance, this study aims to show that they can have positive benefits. So, you can feel good about participating in this research study because we hope to provide you with accurate and concise information. 

Participant’s Name: _______________________________________ 

Date: ___________________________________ 

Legal Guardian/Authorized Individual: ______________________________________ 

Witness’s Name: ______________________________________ 

Date: ___________________________________ 

Appendix D: Participant Feedback Letter





RE: Effect of Video Games on the Academic Perfomance of Community College Students 

Dear _____________________________, 




Appendix E: E-mail Survey Questions

How many hours per day do you engage in video games? 

Do you play video games daily? 

How many hours do you spend working on your academic obligations? 

What are the side effects video games have brought to your academics? 

Do you feel that gaming could have positive benefits for your academic progress? 

How do you recommend that we use gaming for improving academics? 

What are some of the benefits video games have brought to your academic progress? 

Cite this page

Select style:


StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Effect of Video Gaming Playing on Academic Performance at a Community College.


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