6 Aug 2022


The Effects of Shoplifting on the Individual and Society

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Before the end of any average day in the USA, retailers collectively lose over US$25 million worth of merchandise to shoplifting according to HG.org. (2017) . This has a massive adverse impact on the entire economy of the nation as well as the retail industry. Indeed, the retail industry is one of the largest industries within the US economy with the organization with the largest revenue in the world being American retail giant Walmart. The concept of shoplifting is not novel and has been in existence since the 16 th century, having commenced in the United Kingdom (Shteir, 2011) . By the end of the 18 th century, shoplifting had attracted the interest of psychologists through concepts such as kleptomania. From the perspective of effects, among the largest effects of shoplifting include losses based on the actual value of lifted items as aforesaid. Secondly, retailers have been forced to invest equipment worth billions of dollars in order to try and curb shoplifting. 

Millions of man hours are also spent on a daily basis in America by employees tasked with stemming shoplifting. Further, marketing in retail is spearheaded through display but the proper display has been limited due to fear of shoplifting thus limiting sales. The age-old problem of racism has also been exacerbated by shoplifting with colored communities accusing retailers of victimization (Shteir, 2011) . The shoplifters themselves have also come up with an exponentially high number of justifications and excuses for the vice. Among the most common is kindred to kleptomania. Poverty and political issues are also common excuses. Whatever the excuse and/or justification, shoplifting is a serious economic problem in modern America which is visiting loses to entrepreneurs and damage to all shoppers. 

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In the year 2010, Caroline Giuliani hit the headlines for getting caught having shoplifted beauty items worth approximately a hundred US dollars. This is a very common occurrence that would not have elicited any media attention but for Caroline’s father being Rudy Giuliani. Rudy is one of the richest men in the world and could afford over a million times the value of the items the daughter has stolen. This incident brought the fore some of the most fundamental issues that inform the background of the entire subject of shoplifting. For a start, there is little if any logical explanation to the entire concept kindred to shoplifting. Granted, a few poor and hungry individuals may be found culpable every now and then (Yildiz et al, 2017) . However, many individuals have been caught shoplifting meager items while carrying on their person enough cash or credit to purchase substantive commodities. This leaves no logical answer to the question on why people shoplift. The most commonly shoplifted items in America are small items of high value. Items such as razors and liquor are more likely to be lifted than bread and cottonwood. As indicated earlier, shoplifting is recorded to have commenced in the UK. By the 17 th century, it had already been transformed into a capital offense and many people died at the scaffold for it. However, due to its manifest ambiguities, by the late 18 th century, shoplifting was reverted back to a noncapital offense. This ambiguity is significant to the context of the instant essay as it is at the center of the topic of the impact of shoplifting as well as excuses given for the same. For a start, due to its manifest ambiguities, shoplifting is not expressly defined by state or federal law. Instead, when the ingredients of shoplifting are proven, a person can be convicted of larceny. 

Among the most important ambiguities lies in the fact that there is a very thin line between shoplifting by intent and by error. In modern shopping, shoppers are allowed to take goods from the shelves examine them closely, walk around the store with them then eventually, pay for them as they leave. This close examination includes trying it on, for shoes, ornaments, and clothes (Shteir, 2011) . It is so easy to forget to pay for an item and/or forget to return it before leaving the store. The other ambiguity lies in the psychological issues kindred to shoplifting such as its association with kleptomania. This includes the concept that ordinary shoppers can get an inclination or craving to shoplift. For this reason, shoplifting has remained a misdemeanor offense punishable only mildly, a fact that has exacerbated it and its effects. 

Effects of Shoplifting from Business Aspects 

Primary Effects 

Dipping Profits 

According to the most recent Forbes list of America’s largest companies, Walmart has remained number one primarily because of its vast revenue streams. However, these revenues have not been replicated in terms of profits. Indeed, companies such as Apple with a revenue of less than half the revenues of Walmart has a much higher profit. The upshot of the foregoing is that for the retailer , every coin counts because the overhead is usually quite small. Shoplifters may take less than 1% of all the retail stock but based on the low-profit margins, it is possible for a shoplifter to make the difference between profits and losses for a business. A retailer who is having a particularly large problem with shoplifters may, therefore, have more losses than profits, a fact that can literally threaten the existence of the business itself (Shteir, 2011) . Further, considering that the contemporary economic environment is an incentive for the sale of most commodities except the bare essentials, shoplifting is only making a bad situation worse. Indeed, it has reported that several large retailers have had to close their businesses or branches thereof purely because of shoplifting. 

Security Measures 

For over a hundred years now, marketing has been at the center of sales in general and particularly retailing. Indeed, it is because of marketing that retailers have come to be ravaged by shoplifters. Part of the modern marketing campaign is to allow potential shoppers as much access to goods as possible. Initially, the retailer would be in the shop and the shopper outside it. Upon request for an item, the retailer would give out the item in exchange for money. To encourage purchases, however, the retailer opened doors to potential buyers so that they can sample what they want for themselves. As commodities and options increased, so did the size of the retail store until it eventually some increased to include thousands of square feet. Yet the small convenience store and the megastore all face the similar problem of shoplifting (Hopkins & Gill, 2017) . In an attempt to stem the tide, retailers began by having employees stationed at strategic places within the retail center to detect shoplifting activities. These are employees whose hours spent and paid for do not do anything to add to the value of the retailer except prevent shoplifting. Therefore, any and all monies paid to these individuals are actual losses to the retailer. 

Unfortunately, shoplifting kept on evolving, and having strategically placed individuals in shopping malls was found to be ineffective in stemming the tide of shoplifting. Technology was, therefore, employed towards this end. It began with gadgets as simple as well mounted curved mirrors that would enable security personnel and attendants to see around corners and different a isles in a retail store (Hopkins & Gill, 2017) . This was improved into comprehensive internal close circuit cameras complete with command centers and recording devices. These command centers would be manned by well-trained skilled personnel who came at another cost to the retailers. They also include computerized systems with expensive software and hardware installations. 

Another step taken when all the above-mentioned failure still proved ineffective was to have each and every precious item in a retail store equipped with a security device. This included magnetic devices that would trigger an alarm if they reached the door before passing through a teller point. Others would include ink-based systems that would ruin goods such as fabrics if labels are removed without authorization. Such measures are also extremely expensive to the retailers who have been forced to use them. Indeed, shoplifters have enabled the creation of an entire industry designed to combat the vice (Hopkins & Gill, 2017) . Investing into means and ways of stopping shoplifters has cost retailers fortunes and also eaten into their profits. This is critical since, as aforesaid, the bottom lines for retailers are extremely low. 

Costs Passed on to Other Customers 

Each and every American is an active or passive retail customer and, therefore, 

directly or indirectly affected by the problem of shoplifting through increased pricing. As indicated above, retailers undertake many losses and expenses due to shoplifters. Their only respite lies in pushing forward this costs to their only source of revenue, the customer ( HG.org., 2017) . This has seen retailers increase the prices for a wide-ranging variety of goods in a bid to recover the amounts they spend when trying to curb shoplifting or make a profit in spite of it. Therefore, it is every customer who walks into the retail center and pays for the good purchased that ends up paying for the good that has been shoplifted. Indeed, it can be said that shoplifter does not steal from the retailers but rather from the honest shoppers. Further, when a retailer closes shop because, inter alia of shoplifting, this reduces competition amongst retailers. Competition is the consumer’s best friend as it enhances the quality of services and reduces prices. In this manner also, shoplifting increases the prices paid by lawful shoppers. 

Secondary Effects 

Poor Sales Due to Poor Marketing 

It is the desire of retailers to have proper marketing at the point of sale that has buoyed shoplifting in recent years. This is coupled with the fact that the modern consumer is extremely empowered and desires to make informed decisions at the point of purchase. The alcohol consumer wants to know if a particular drink is a single malt or not and if not what the percentage of alcohol within it is. The perfume or body spray user desires to know if any bad chemicals have been used in preparing the same or what effect it will have on colored fabric. This can only be done through a careful study of the labels. It is to enable this level of information that retailers allowed shoppers into the store. Therein, they can be able to pick up the items for themselves and study the labels. Unfortunately, due to shoplifting, retailers have been forced to limit the interaction between shoppers and some goods (Hopkins & Gill, 2017) . Expensive goods are now displayed behind glass counters beyond the reach of shoppers. This limits the choice of shoppers who will either stick to well-known brands or decline to buy at all. New brands are the most affected by this phenomenon. Indeed, it would be correct to say that Shoplifting exponentially reduces sales volumes. 

The racial Factor 

There is a common misconception among a segment of the community that colored shoppers are more likely to shoplift than white ones. This is a misconception because actual research has proven that colored shoppers are as likely to shoplift as white shoppers. The misconception has many a time created embarrassing moments where honest colored shoppers have been apprehended under the suspicion that they are shoplifters. This fact has also created the misconception amongst colored communities that they are being targeted by retailers and their security personnel. This has made even honest security people carrying out random checks get into altercations with colored shoppers who believe they are being victimized. Shoplifting has, therefore, contributed to the problem of inordinate racial tension in America. 

Wastage of Taxpayers money through Apprehension and Prosecution of Shoplifters 

According to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), one out of every eleven Americans has committed at least one act of shoplifting. Only 1 out of 48 shoplifters get caught and only 1 out of two of these get forwarded to the police to face charges ( HG.org., 2017) . This, however, amounts to almost a million people annually. For about one million times, a police car will head to a retail center to collect an apprehended shoplifter. This car may have two law enforcement officers. If charges are filed, an investigation will ensue , leading to an indictment. All these involves a lot of paperwork and skilled labor, all at the expense of the taxpayer. In the case the matter ends up in court, more expenses are involved. The situation worsens if there is a trial and perhaps and eventual incarceration. All these government resources could be put to better use but get wasted because of the problem of shoplifting. 

Justifications for Shoplifting 

As with any other criminal activity, shoplifting has too main ingredients. These are the actus reus and the mens reas . The actus reus also known as the criminal act entails the act of unlawfully leaving a retail center with unpaid for goods. This is a straightforward issue since it is a matter of whether the items did leave the retail and center and if they were actually paid for or given out (Yildiz et al, 2017) . The second element is the main focus of this psychological discourse, the mens rea and entails the criminal intent of the act. This is where a majority of the justification and excuses for shoplifting come in. Among the key justifications are that the act of shoplifting is a mere accident and the culprit was unaware that the goods were in his or her person. The second common excuse and or great interest to psychology is kleptomania (Yildiz et al, 2017) . This entails a desire to commit a crime that is a kin to the craving of substances or activities capable of addiction such as drugs or gambling. The final common excuse is political in nature and lies in the argument that shoplifting is politically and morally right as a form of civil disobedience and rebellion to the system. 

The Mistake Excuse and Justification 

This is among the leading defenses given when shoppers are caught on suspicion of shoplifting. The shopper will admit that they indeed carried the good outside the retail center but it was all an unfortunate mistake. A shopper can claim that the good may have fallen into an open bag while moving between the isles. An item may also have been mistakenly placed into a pocket under the assumption that it was a wallet or a phone. A piece of clothing may also have mistakenly not been removed before leaving a clothing store (Hopkins & Gill, 2017) . An accident can also happen if the shopper gets an emergency and has to leave the store urgently. An item held by the hand can mistakenly be put away in a pocket or bag before the hurried departure. The most difficult thing about this excuse is that it might as well be an actual justification as there is no way of telling the difference. Indeed, for an item of minute value, the retailer will be eager to accept the excuse because following up on the issue with the police will cost more than the excuse itself. Most shoplifters, therefore, successfully employ this excuse to avoid prosecution. 

Psychological Excuses 

People have been known to smoke cigarettes even after the advent of a deadly kindred cancer. They have also been known to gamble fortunes away or waste themselves chasing after other addictions. It has also been argued that the same psychological compulsion pushing the aforementioned individuals could be to blame for shoplifting. The case of Ms. Giuliani as aforementioned is an example of a situation where a shoplifter does not stand to benefit in any way yet does so anyway. Countless examples exist of rich and famous individuals, many ladies who have been caught engaging in shoplifting (Yildiz et al, 2017) . Most of them could not even give any explanation for their conduct and seem as surprised by their acts as their captures are. A rich and famous Briton, Lady Isobel Barnett committed suicide days after being convicted for a shoplifting incident. Under this excuse, individuals caught shoplifting will indicate either that they have no idea what happened or that they just found themselves doing it like zombies. Perennial shoplifters will speak of an urge that keeps piling until they eventually shoplift. This creates a momentary relief but the urge will soon begin to pile again leading to a repeat of the act (Yildiz et al, 2017) . Research on the subject has been ongoing for centuries with results being inclusive. This concept has indeed been a cause of controversy. 

Political and Moral Justification 

If a mother has a starving child and the government is not doing anything about it, the mother would easily be tempted to shoplift. Chances are that they will get caught, more so because food items are quite sizeable. The government will then proceed to spend thousands of US dollars apprehending, indicting, prosecuting and incarcerating her. Between the mother and the government, who is the villain? This is one of the essences of the political justification for shoplifting. America has one of the most extreme capitalist economies in the world. Albeit there is a welfare system, there are no guarantees to either food, clothing, or shelter for the poor. Homeless people roam American streets while billions are being used to send machines to planets light years away. Such a government has no right to be obeyed and one of the means of civil disobedience is shoplifting. Indeed, shoplifting is easy, requires no tools or advanced knowledge and anyone who does it without getting caught can have an immediate reward by using the shoplifted item (Shteir, 2011) . Shadow organizations have been preaching this gospel for years and many career shoplifters use the same to justify their misconduct. 


Shoplifting is so common that it has become an integral part of the shopping experience for all Americans. Anyone who goes shopping in a retail center will directly or indirectly be affected by shoplifting. They might not be able to access the goods they want to purchase so as to make an informed decision due to security measures put in place to avoid shoplifting. Walking into a retail center also acts as permission to the retailer to record every activity done therein on video. Goods have also become more expensive because of shoplifting and the eventual efforts made against it. Further, shoplifting contributes towards racial tension and also causes wastage of vast amounts of taxpayer’s money through law enforcement. Many excuses are given by shoplifters including mistake, addiction, and political justifications. In spite of the justifications, shoplifting is an anathema to the modern society and a cause of many adverse economic effects. 


HG.org. (2017). Facts about shoplifting. Retrieved September 11, 2017, from https://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=31291 

Hopkins, M., & Gill, M. (2017). Business, crime and crime prevention.  Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety , 1-373 

Shteir, R. (2011, August 02) . Five myths about shoplifting. Retrieved September 11, 2017, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-shoplifting/2011/07/11/gIQAIMXipI_story.html?utm_term=.d533e6c43d7d 

Yildiz, M., Batmaz, S., & Songur, E. (2017). Kleptomania or malingering? A case report.  European Journal of Therapeutics, 22 (4), 216-218. doi:10.5152/eurjther.2016.05081 

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