19 May 2022


The Force Presentation Concept of the Airforce and Navy

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Academic level: College

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Words: 301

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Force presentation is the term used by the Pentagon to describe how the army organizes its force structure (Gunzinger, 2013). While there are a few differences between the US Navy and air force in terms of presentation, a majority of concepts overlap; hence, they are seen as complementary in ensuring security for all Americans.

The US air force constructs that can be used to explain its force presentation are based on deployment of forces, sizing them, employment, articulation of the purpose of the Navy and air force, sustaining operational effect, and managing rotations in the army. As of 2010, the QDR force structure for the Air Force was made up of 5 bomber wings, six air superiority wing equivalents, and 10-11 theater strikes wing equivalents. In the air force, the most common presentation construct is a squadron. Before this, the air force structure was based on a bottom-up review whose concern was mainly strategizing around regional threats other than global (Gunzinger, 2013).

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US naval services are dispensed by both active and inactive components, one of which is the US navy. Although the US navy structure is made of different indispensable branches, its operating forces are vital in the achievement of the Navy’s strategic goals related to the protection of the US interest in the maritime sector. Currently, the US navy has a number of active and inactive Numbered fleets. The organization can be placed into 12 fleets (Gunzinger, 2013).

The Two self-developed criteria that can be used to evaluate the US navy and air force presentation are coordination and force strategic management. For Joint employment between the two institutions, coordination and strategic management would come in handy in ensuring the constructs related to employing the right personnel, deploying them, and managing rotations are achieved. Besides, with strategic management, joint employment would be an undertaking that ensures both institutions are structured in a way that they complement each other in service provision, especially in the aspect of deployment and equipping of fleets.


Gunzinger, M. (2013). Shaping America’s future military: toward a new force planning construct. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Force Presentation Concept of the Airforce and Navy.


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