The California Green Party is a political body based in California and is the affiliate of the National Green Party in the U.S. The party was established on February 4th, 1990 and acquired a ballot status on January 1st the following year.
The California Green Party’s political structure includes the General Assembly which is the highest decision–making body. It comprises delegates from counties that are active in the Green Party. The General Assembly authorizes the party’s budget and its platform. It also determines the candidate to be placed on the Green presidential primary ballot ( Green Party of California, 2019) . The party has a team of officers and officials who carry out particular statewide responsibilities. The officers include Liaison to the secretary of the state, who represents the party to the state secretary office, the treasurer who coordinates the finances of the party, and the spokespeople, whose role is to address the media and the general public on behalf of the party. In every four years, an election is held to determine the members of the Green Party County Councils. The County Council is a legitimate body of the party on the county level. It ensures adherence to state and local election statutes.
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The party’s structure also incorporates a committee, usually 24 members, that ensures efficient internal communication within the state party. The election of this particular committee is done by a standing general assembly that consists of six males and six females. There are working groups that develop propositions for the general assembly. However, membership for the working groups is purely voluntary. The Green Party of California is governed by established rules and bylaws that ensure protocol is followed during the election of committee members. The laws provide details on the process of nomination and sending candidates to the national party delegation during presidential elections. Officers of the state party are appointed by the Coordinating Committee and approved by the General Assembly. At the local level, the County Councils control the activities of the party and represent it accordingly.
According to the party, there are seven committees: finance, information technology, clearinghouse, bylaws, media and platform ( Green Party of California, 2019) . Individual persons interested in joining the committees are required to have attended at least one general assembly in the last five and demonstrate their knowledge of the party’s bylaws and performing procedures.
In conclusion, the Green Party’s platform is composed of five fundamental values that apply to public policies. According to the first value, ecology, the party understands that human beings are part of the ecosystem with an exceptional responsibility of developing an understanding of environmental sustainability. Democracy and electoral reform create another value that ensures members of the party participate in large numbers at the local level. The Green Party advocates for change in the manner in which citizens socialize, structure institutions and relate with each other. Peace and non-violence, the third value, explains that order is the willingness to resolve animosity constructively. Social justice and livable communities ensure that members believe they have the right to belong to a democratic and independent party. Community-based sustainable economics is the last value, and it allows the party to focus on developing a new economy.
Green Party of California. (2019) . Party. Retrieved from