23 Feb 2023


The History of the Economic Premise: Engaging in the Work of Albert Hirschman

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Exit, Voice, and Loyalty represent a treatise done by Albert O. Hirschman between 1915 and 2012. It hinges on the conceptual ultimatum that regulates and confronts clients in the face of worsening quality of goods and services, both in the form of voice and exit. This paper reexamines Hirschman’s Exit, Voice, and Loyalty via a hypothetical understanding of the connection between voice and exit. This approach is considered general and appropriate to different settings; handles exit as an expensive alternative and can, therefore, be prevented via a compelling choice of policies by an organization. Voice, which is the quality of a company's members to take part in formulating a plan, is on the same note costly, even though it offers a share of the additional from averting exit (John & Dowding, 2016). The validation provides insight on the stationary and vigorous impacts of exit, the circumstances for the expansion of voice, the results of loyalty together with the choice all organizational managers should formulate to defeat voice alongside exit. 


Hirschman offers a simplified expression of considering a publicly funded educational facility in which the quality of learning is on the decline. This is a situation that will summon patients into transferring their children to other educational facilities within the same or different regions that is characterized by better results. The parents will consider that the educational facilities are indifferent as far as cost is concerned. On the same note, it is clear that some parents might realize the lack of resources and therefore opt to move their descendants to better-equipped schools. At a point in time, some educational facilities might witness the presence of a problem by evaluating the number of students leaving but can do nothing about it because of lack of funds to address the problem (Dowding, 2015). At an extreme point, schools opt to close the school to try and find different returning strategies. 

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The situation calls a tight monopoly to handle the situation to enable prevent the exit of quality-conscious clients. This current assessment understands that exit would be better for an organization by maintaining an active force by consumers. The exit, voice, and loyalty approach can, therefore, be applied to elaborate connections between citizens and the state. It is a model that forecasts that when citizens maintain a credible exit risk and states are reliant on their people, they will take actions that individuals would desire. For instance, in high taxation by the state, citizens might opt to have economic resources flee together with the capacity to evade levies (John & Dowding, 2016) effectively. Nations are said to be reliant on their people if they value consumer loyalty more than what they value the gains and would result from changes in policy. In the case both of such criteria are attained, the approach would forecast that the state would not use a strategy that would motivate people to exit or apply voice. 

Exit can perpetuate policy more in connection with the preference of citizens’ even in instances they inappropriately organized. In the case of citizens' have not overwhelmed their everyday problems, it means the state assumes the take-it-or-leave-it provision. This is a situation that citizens with precise citizens with exactly their utility form being available, for instance, x T q C . In this case, when citizens are expertly systematized, a rise in the perception of exit compels the state to be more obliging. Considering the result of the procedure of providing decisions in the case, citizens are appropriately organized, and if they are not, they receive more when organized than when not (John & Dowding, 2016). This is because they can request a portion of the surplus. It should be understood that people (citizens) get more gains from a marginal rise in their exit payment within their take-it-or-leave-it settings compared to the bargaining world. Instinctively, citizens get the absolute attention of a rise in qC in the case they are not organized, which is also witnessed when abandoning them with what would have been received by departing. In comparison, when citizens bargain with the state, a rise in the citizens’ significance of exit chance is partly offset by dividing a smaller surplus with the state. With little left for division, citizens are not able to access full gain in qC (Dowding, 2015). This is something that contains ramifications for the connection between qC and the choice to organize. 

Exit does not happen in the equilibrium state, but notwithstanding if citizens are organized or not, the state majorly offers what is required to evade the process from taking place. ‘Silence' mostly considered the missing factor of Hirschman's equation, therefore, emerges in an endogenous manner in this approach. Even though this ideal outcome hinges on the presuppositions that actors have complete details regarding each other's needs so that policies are fundamental. There is zero heterogeneity in people. Otherwise, the state may decide to allow some citizens to depart (John & Dowding, 2016). This does not point to the fact that the jeopardy of exit alongside voice informs citizens about their interaction. It is the final result and not merely the case of exit or voice happening; instead the policy that the state chooses is fundamental. 

Policy functions with space and utility. The state has freedom in setting policies that are restricted by the citizen's capacity to exit. This is regardless of the system projected by the leadership that can be executed solely if individuals (citizens) continue living in the state. In case they decide to exit, the nation’s leadership attains a payment qL alongside citizens qC, in which ðqL þ qCÞ < 1.4. Therefore, some advances can be achieved from trade. For instance, there is a policy y, in which citizens remain neutral when they exit the country (John & Dowding, 2016). The voice becomes less fundamental in the absence of such an assumption since the welfare of the state and citizens might be enhanced through an exit. In the case, citizens decide to organize; they would have the state administration bargain over y, in which citizens will maintain the capacity to exit when contract talks break down. For simplicity, it is assumed that the consequence of this bargaining procedure is the Nash approach to bargaining meaning that benefits from trade are divided half between the citizens and the state. Nonetheless, any detachment of bargaining muscle that assures citizens some optimistic portion of the additional will yield similar qualitative outcomes (Dowding, 2015). In dissimilarity, if citizens fail to organize themselves, then the administration makes a take-it-or-leave-it provision of y, in reply to which citizens choose whether to stay in the country or leave. 

It should be noted that placing plan choice under such two criteria mentioned above; citizens might opt to organize effectively in case their salaries and reimbursements from the cooperative bargaining procedure xN, deducted from the cost of bargaining W is higher than the payment attained from the take-it-or-leave-it provision. Such a condition is then interpreted as follows: majorly, organization happens in the case that collective-action issues are easy to surpass, in which case w is on the lower side (John & Dowding, 2016). What is more captivating and aligns with Hirschman’s preliminary consideration is that exit diminishes voice in the perceptions that citizens might opt out of organizing when their exit chance qC is bigger. The notion can be explained by considering that marginal gains to citizens from a rise in qC is higher in instances where they are not organized compared when organized. Therefore, a rise in the worth of citizens' exit choices renders comparatively less striking, even though elevates the efficiency of voice. This is provisional on the organization of citizens (Dowding, 2015). Exit and voice represent compliments when the latter has been recognized, despite being alternatives when regarded from the angle of the decision making to implementation voice, to commence with. 

The approach, therefore, assists determine the battle between people like Hirschman who dreaded that flexibility might lead to reduced representation to those who projected that elevated representation ha forever been accorded to most mobile individuals. In an argument representing the latter perception, John and Dowding (2016) contend that in the case of capital is less costly to shift between nations. Therefore capital owners with the capacity to exit can utilize the warning to amplify their political muscle of voice. The approach indicates that it is not the voice but influence that might benefit from the presence of exit. It should be noted that the effect of exit on voice is fundamentally unbiased. Nevertheless, the likelihood of exit might lead to favorable treatment strategies that are restrictive on the availability or lack of cooperative organization (Dowding, 2015). Additionally, it can be seen that the primary voice and exit difference do not directly impact relationships. 

This is because a rise in the worth of exit makes the incidence of voice less likely. In the occurrence that citizens are properly organized, an elevation of qL elevates the bargaining muscle in discussions. But when qL is on the up, citizens might abandon bargaining at a reduced cost. On the other hand, in the case of disorganization, a rise in qL has zero effect on the outcome. This is because there is the bargaining power in all events, and therefore, citizens solely get their worth from exiting ðqCÞ. Therefore, when exit produces less to upset the ðqL, which is high, cooperative action is comparatively less striking to citizens, dipping the inducement for them to establish (John & Dowding, 2016). 

In some of the most contentious chapter of Exit, Voice, and Loyalty , the author indicated that being loyal to an organization might keep citizens from abandoning it, and therefore enhance their motivation to voice their dissatisfaction and bring about the changes required from within (Dowding, 2015). Hirschman approach, in this case, depicts transparently why this is the circumstance, but further goes down to illustrate that loyalty within a company's embers does not typically enhance their routine welfare. In particular, whether loyalty elevates or reduces the protection and security of members relies on its nature. A case in point is the reality that a rise in commitment leaves members worse off when viewed from the perception of exit (John & Dowding, 2016). On the other hand, members are bound to benefit from high loyalty in case it assumes the voice of a voice appropriation. It should first be considered that Hirschman's initial formulation provides an element of disloyalty that rendered the payoff a sufficient reason to exit. According to the scholar, the loyalty of such type decreases qC, as indicated in earlier sections has the impact of reducing the motivation to express dissatisfaction using voice. In case the lessening of qC is adequately high, the policies and strategies shift from xT qC to xT qC to xN ð1 þ qC qLÞ=2, therefore restructuring excess from the state to the people (Dowding, 2015). Nonetheless, this swing does not make people any healthier, given that they hve to for the expense of restructuring, w, and this the same as ðxN xTÞ in which citizens surpass their cooperative-action problems. 

Similarly, a rise in loyalty, which is a decline in qC permits the state to take full gain of the peoples’ discretion to exit by providing a policy less promising, be organized or not. On this note, therefore, Figure 1 indicates the general impact; for instance, the kink presented in the illustration happens when loyalty compels citizens into recurring the expense of implementation (John & Dowding, 2016). 

Figure 1: Basic Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (EVL) Game 

Figure 2 indicates the impact, with the kink shown revealing when loyalty compels individuals into sustaining the cost, w of using voice. One might in alternative means witness that loyalty does not most of the times imply a mere hesitancy to abandon collectivity but instead a positive obligation to elevating its wellbeing by wanting to alter the same. 

Using this form of thinking, loyalty depicts a voice subsidy that is aimed at decreasing the cost of the organization, w. In comparison to the exit-tax design, loyalty today has the impact of elevating happiness but solely when w is appropriately low that individuals are burdened with the expense of cooperative act. In hindsight, a minor alteration in cost when people would not establish has zero result. 

The discussion considered the price of organizing together with the value of departure as exogenous. This is even though numerous organizations maintain some control and regulations over such variable. Hirschman, for instance, indicated that two essential and complementary constituents of democratic independence, the right to depart and the privilege to voice have on the entire process been restricted or enlarged together. Nonetheless, reflection indicates that there are instances when voice and exit traverse in reverse directions (John & Dowding, 2016). It is fundamental to understand that dictators many at times launch the safety valve, and this allows emigration abroad, since the crackdown on dissent at home. However, in dissimilar considerations, revolutionary leaders understand that the aim of such revolution belongs to a new similar community and compelling unorthodox factors into exile. 

To discover the inducements of leaders to dishearten voice alongside exit, this paper modifies the approach indicated in earlier so that, before citizens' choice to establish or not, the might (at some expense) elevate w and reduce qC from their initial figures. Therefore, for reasons of straightforwardness, the paper will undertake that qL is static. Further, the article believes that the charge of the organization has an accidental constituent, attained after the state has picked w alongside qC, but in advance to citizens considering whether or not to establish (Dowding, 2015). It is fundamental to note that this technical conjecture guarantees permanency of the state’s objective operate. More individual will tend to be loyal to them, and there fewer incidences of exiting. 


This essay evaluates the history of the economic premise by engaging in the work of Albert Hirschman issues of the Exit, Voice, and Loyalty Game. According to this current paper, the elements depict a connection between political and economic action. Exit, for instance, is where sellers and buyers have the freedom to move and traverse through the market, destroying and forming relationships. Voice is naturally political and confrontational at times. Both elements can be applied to measure and compute a decline in organizations, but the voice casually informs more by providing reasons behind the decline. Exit, in itself solely offers warning signs of the plummet. Both voice and exit at times merge in unusual and unanticipated ways by providing a higher chance for critic and feedback. It is fundamental to note that exit can be reduced stifling of dissent leads to elevated pressure for participants of the organization to use the alternative means to indicate dissatisfaction: departure. By understanding the connection between exit and voice, and the interaction that loyalty has with these alternatives, organizations can craft the approaches to tackle their members' concerns and problems better, and thus effect improvement. Lack of understanding these competing problems can lead to organizational weakening and possible failure. 


Dowding, K. (2015). Albert O. Hirschman, Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States. In  The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Public Policy and Administration

John, P., & Dowding, K. (2016). Spanning exit and voice: Albert Hirschman’s contribution to political science. In  Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology  (pp. 175-196). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The History of the Economic Premise: Engaging in the Work of Albert Hirschman .


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