All religions in the world hold a doctrine that human beings are created in God’s image. They foster the idea that everyone is made excellently just like their creator. It does not mean that human beings are like their God, but it portrays the fact that He respects and values man as a unique creation. This figurative language is used to persuade people to hold and adhere to values that please God. The research question addresses why people should glorify the image of God in their lives. The question is quite essential in that it is a form of appreciation for having God create us and all that we need to support life. Then also, people need to understand that their sole aim is to glorify God from the start. The question raises a serious concern that people in the contemporary world do not appreciate God, thus, His image in man is not what it is supposed to be. Humanity is focused on glorifying worldly things that have meagre significance compared to the almighty God. On the other hand, establishing ideal insights and knowledge to answer this question can be faced with the lack of relevant literature concerning the real image of God in man. We are living in a world where people have embraced creating literature that glorifies the world than the one who created it. Similarly, multiple religions and doctrines about the image of God in man and other deities have created a state of confusion where people are finding it challenging discerning what is right from the wrong. In this case, various scholars and researchers have contradicting perceptions concerning the topic, hence, making it hard to establish true facts. Nonetheless, ideas from various articles by reputable professionals in theology will answer why people should glorify the image of God within them as depicted in various books or religions together with the Holy Bible. As such, human beings should glorify God and conduct themselves as the Bible requires because they carry God’s image within themselves.
God Gave out His Son created in His Own Image to Save Humanity
According to Schrock (2014), Jesus was mainly born into the world so that He can direct humanity into glorifying God. 1 Jesus was born like any other human being so that people can get the emphasis on how they carry God’s image. As such, people are supposed to love God more than anything including their own families. People are urged to respect this directive and follow Him through His only son, Jesus Christ who is part of the Holy Trinity. 2 There are instances in the bible where Jesus instructed some of his disciples to leave their families and join Him in upholding the image of God in the world. This is evident in Mathew 10: 37, which holds that whoever loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 3
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Typically, this verse convinces people to glorify God more than their own families by following Jesus Christ and in turn, they will have done what is required of the image of God. In verse 38, the Bible indicates that whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. These verses portray the fact that a good life can only be achieved by glorifying God through Jesus Christ who resembles the likeness of God and man. It even guarantees that lives lost in the process of glorifying God will be paid back in abundance. Additionally, Luke 14:26 holds that real disciples must start by hating their families and their lives. 4
However, this sounds the complete opposite of what the majority of people would expect. It shows the high devotion needed by Christians to glorify God. Being a follower of Jesus calls for a great focus on God and complete loss of interest in the things of the world. Notably, the human nature of Jesus depicts the connection between God and humankind. Following Jesus and being righteous about His teachings is the only way and key to glorifying God. Therefore, people should be devoted to glorify God and enjoy the promise of life in eternity through Jesus as the only way. God gave out this Son for the world to be saved.
Glorifying the Image of God Enables Humanity Understand How God Thinks
God has communicated powerful messages and revelations that need people to know and follow Him to understand. The messages and revelations are meant to enhance the way humankind can view various aspects in their surroundings and generally elevate their quality of living. Neill (1983) denotes that some scriptures in the Holy Bible are powerful and critical to humanity. 5 Hence, some preachers avoid exploring these scriptures since they do not have a clear understanding of the passages. They contain a vast amount of knowledge and insights, which are paramount to man. Thus, people require God to help them understand adequately what He has to say through the passages. 6 People should glorify God and have tremendous faith in Him by realizing that they carry his image to enjoy the knowledge and insights embedded in the wonderful passages in the bible.
Then also, Neill (1983) adds that God is a thorough deity being. This is precisely the image humankind should have of Him. When He decides to do something, He does it correctly and thoroughly. 7 Christians also need to thoroughly understand His messages by understanding Him, and this can only be achieved by glorifying Him. For instance, Mathew 16:23 posits that thou savourest not the things that be of God that be of men. This needs some divine enlightenment that comes with the power of God to understand it. 8
The English in some of the versions may be hard for a modern Christian to understand, and that is why choosing to glorify God to gain His power will be a significant move. Misunderstanding passages will not yield any benefit to Christians, and in this case, they will miss on the goodness that comes with believing in God. Therefore, it is essential for Christians to glorify the image of God, and in the process, be able to understand the revelation in the scripture which is magnificent. This enables people to understand the thinking of God and the good plans He has in store for humanity.
People Should Glorify the Image of God to Enjoy the Life of Abundance
Humanity is promised the fullness of God’s power if they glorify His image, which they share. According to O'Neal (1973), God's nature is that He pays back in abundance if humanity strives to continue with what Jesus was doing while He was on earth. 9 Humanity should, therefore, view God as powerful, able, and faithful. He pays back in abundance when adequately glorified. 10 People should hold a perception that God is powerful, able and faithful, and fulfilling whatever he has promised man. However, he does not do it for free, but man is supposed to glorify Him as the sole creator of earth and universe before he can enjoy His goodness. The bible also fosters the idea that God is truthful. Being a Christian and embracing the image of God entails knowing all truth and enjoy the quality of life that comes with it.
O'Neal (1973) also adds that treasure and knowledge are hidden in the understanding of God and having a clear image of what He is like. 11 Thus, Christians are required to follow Christ to understand the image of God fully, and in that case, enjoy the wisdom and other treasures associated with such a profound move. In other words, God’s image can only be felt in full if only we embrace Him as our creator, and do what pleases him according to the scriptural teachings. Therefore, human beings should strive to glorify the image of God to continue living in abundance. This will enhance the quality of their lives and the way they associate with each other in the world.
Humanity Should Glorify and Follow the Image of God to Avoid Being Swayed By the Teachings of the World
The world today is full of controversial teachings and amendments to constitutions that are entirely non-godly. It is, therefore, essential for humanity to look upon the image of God of which they share through the scripture, and follow the teaching of Jesus to understand how they are supposed to live. For instance, the Bible actively talks against issues such as divorce and same-sex marriages, which are practised actively in the world today. According to DelHaousaye (2016), some courts in the United States of America have passed bills that demand an amendment to the constitution to incorporate rights to same-sex marriages. 12 On the other hand, divorce and polygamy have almost become a norm in society although the bible forbids it. 13
Following this, the society is torn between whether to follow the constitution or the biblical teachings. The bible says that we are created in the image of God who is perfect, loving, righteous, and faithful. 14 Following and adhering to world amendments concerning aspects such as marriages is going against the will of God, and not being in the right image of God. 15 Jesus Christ was born into this world by the power of God to guide humanity towards Him. The humanlike image that Jesus took depicts a profound connection between human beings and their creator.
Jesus perfectly portrayed God’s image by teaching the world and proclaiming the word of God whenever He went. 16 Thus, human beings should adhere to these teaching to avoid being swayed by whatever evil is being implemented by governments and authorities all over the world. For instance, teaching about marriage is critical in the world since this is what defines the real image of God. According to Genesis 2:24, God intends that one man will leave his father and mother and be married to only one woman. So, such a man reflects the real image of God, and He is promised blessings and life in abundance. Thus, humanity should embrace loving and glorifying the image of God to have life in fullness while in the world and in eternity.
God is the Ultimate Father of Humanity
God should be glorified, loved, praised and respected since he is the father of all in the world. Hence, people have his image because they come from his lineage. According to Ware (2016), whatever God does is for the benefit of His children who are the entire humanity in the world. 17 A father is supposed to care for his children, punish them whenever they go wrong, guide them into becoming better people, and restore them when they feel low in life. 18 That is precisely what God does to humanity, and people are supposed to view Him as such. In addition, Gods image is portrayed through the image of Christ who is His only begotten son. Typically, a son is supposed to resemble his parents. Therefore, the physical image of Jesus Christ gives a hint about the image of God to humanity. It portrays the closeness between the image of man and that of God. 19 Having created the world, all that is in it and humanity, He is the ultimate father of all people in the world.
Ware (2016) also denotes that the Holy scripture in 1 Peter 1:16 portray Him in the phrase “Be Holy as I am Holy”. 20 This shows that God wants human beings to be the way He is. Thus, human beings can please God and glorify him by being what he wants them to be. Psalms 89:20-22 states that "I have found David, My servant; With My holy oil I have anointed him, my hand will be established; my arm also will strengthen him.” 21 This shows the fatherly care of God and how He cares and nurtures humanity. This is what happens when people respect God and adhere to His teachings. Then also, Malachi 1:6 provides that “A son honours his father, servant his master”. This is averse that urges Christians to follow the teachings of Jesus as an honour to the Father. Therefore, Christians are supposed to view God as their father whom they are created in His image and then honour Him accordingly. In this case, they will be blessed and given life in abundance than those that disrespect him.
God’s Power is needed to understand the Holy Gifts of the Spirit
God gives gifts such as that of prophecy and evangelism. To adequately understand, possess, and enjoy these gifts, people require God’s intervention. For instance, the gift of speaking in tongues is unique and powerful. Gumerlock (2004) states that the gift of speaking in tongues is a supernatural deposit of a language not learned by man. 22 It is believed that this language was used by some people or beings in other unknown places in the universe. Notably, critical ideas from God are passed to intended people through this language. One needs to have the power to understand the language to get the message God is communicating to them. This calls for divine intervention from God. 23 Therefore, people need the ultimate power from God to be able to comprehend the doctrinal content of whatever is spoken through tongues.
Corinthians 14:13 provides that "in a tongue should pray to interpret". 24 Without the power of God, these messages cannot be of any importance to humanity. This is why human beings are supposed to believe in the image of God as able to have private communication with each one of us. This also shows that God understands each human being, and, therefore, communicates to make them improve their status. Speaking in tongues also portrays God as a conscious being who answers when called upon to intervene in situations. Speaking in tongues does not randomly occur to anyone but in special situations where one is entirely devoted, and called upon to intervene in their respective lives. Therefore, Christians should view God as one who is able, faithful, accurate and omnipotent. This portrays the actual image of God, which humanity shares and should strive to embrace for eternity.
God is Understanding and Loving which are Typical Human Attributes
God can be said to be a human being, and, therefore, understands all that people go through in the world. By the power of salvation, God came down from the heavens with the core purpose for humanity, and was incarnated by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary. In this case, he became part of the human community in the world. However, he never ceased to be God. In doing this, God revealed to us that He was indeed human and that we are made in his image. This shows that we are special and wonderfully made just like God. 25 Secondly, He portrays the aspect of love, which is critical for humanity. In Psalms 86:5, the bible states that “You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you”. This verse depicts how high the love of God is for humanity. God promises that people will receive his goodness if they believe in him and follow his teachings. Thirdly, the coming down of God in the form of Jesus shows that people should be able to love each other with the love that God has for humanity.
Thus, human beings are supposed to gauge their love according to that which God portrayed to man. 26 Hence, human beings can perceive God as one having the same image as that of man. Besides, God is portrayed as a God of abundant love and care for his creation. To all that enjoy the reality of all these promises, human beings should aspire to build a good relationship with God who is also portrayed as a relational Deity being. In this case, they will enjoy his ultimate love and care that he promises in the bible. 27 For instance, Psalms 136:26 provides that "Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever”. This guarantees that human beings will always enjoy the love of God for so long as they remain righteous and faithful to him. Therefore, people should understand the image of God in them and strive to glorify the name of God as the ultimate deity.
God is a Dominant Being Just like Men over other Creations
Although the scripture teaches that God has an image like that of man as portrayed by his Son, Jesus Christ, He is dominant and stewards over everything that exists in the universe. Thus, human beings should view Him as a being that dominates and has power over all that He created. On the other hand, human beings are made to dominate over all other beings and features in the world. In Genesis 1:26, the scripture provides that “immediately after God’s declaration that man would be made in his image, He went ahead and declared, "and let them rule over the fish of the sea and birds of the air". This shows that man’s image just like God’s is a meant to dominate and rule over other creations in the world. Besides, Genesis 1:28-30 adds that dominance and stewardess are associated with humankind who possess the image of God.
Then also, man is supposed to benefit from being dominant. In this case, they are to manage all creations and use them to enhance the quality of their lives. 28 For instance, man is supposed to till land and take care of animals and in turn, benefit from them. Likewise, man is supposed to follow the dominance of God, and be able to benefit from creation. Having been made in the image of God, man is supposed to have an explicit knowledge concerning the image of God and in turn, follow His ways to enhance the quality of life. This can be learned by glorifying the image of God and being determined to learn about His ways. Learning about the stewardess and dominance that God has embedded in humanity is the reason as to why people strive to glorify His image which is in them.
God is Relational-a Critical Human Attribute
Humanity needs to perceive God as a relational being, and, therefore, act in the same way to glorify him. In Genesis 1:26-27, the almighty God is being described in plural depicting that Gods are more than one. In this case, it portrays that probably both human beings regardless of their sex are represented. Therefore, both men and women are highly associated with God as their creator. Owing to this, human beings are supposed to have a clear knowledge concerning this nature of God, and, therefore, be able to feel represented. 29 For instance, women in the society should not feel that they are left behind but treasured since God is righteous. 30 Then also, God is ever ready to suffer with us. This typically forms a firm ground for His empathetic love for humankind. 31
In second Corinthians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles.” This verse shows that God is ever with us when we need Him. Then also, a relational God can also be imitated by man or other beings. The Bible urges people to behave like God who is always righteous and holy. 32 In Ephesians 5:1, Christians are urged to follow the doing of God, “Imitate God, as beloved children, and live a life of love.” Thus, it can be concluded that God is relational in the sense that he connects many people and drives them towards doing what is perceived to be right by the Holy Scriptures. This is, therefore, the image of God, which Christians should imitate and strive to be like. Humankind has a reason to foster the glorification in God.
The world today is dominated with doctrines that cause confusion among Christians and the entire humanity. This is causing many people to deviate from upholding values and deeds that glorify God. For instance, some nations are legalising same-sex marriages and even supporting polygamy or divorce. Looking at the characteristics of God in us, this is not what humankind is supposed to be doing. People should strive to do what pleases God since he is relational, loving and dominant. A righteous man should reflect the image of God as per the teachings of the scripture. God is also the ultimate father and His power is much needed to enable man to understand and enjoy various gifts of the Holy Spirit. The teachings of God are essential to enable humanity to overcome worldly temptations. He promises through the scripture that those who are obedient and true sons will enjoy life in abundance and their generations will also be blessed. On the other hand, God gave out His only beloved son to save humanity. To depict His close connection with humanity, the Virgin Mary miraculously conceived the Son of God through the Holy Spirit. The human-like figure of God portrays that God has a close connection with human beings. Therefore, human beings are supposed to learn and understand the image of God in them follow the characteristics of God to the latter. This will guarantee them life in abundance in the coming days.
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