3 Oct 2022


The Impact of Cloud Technologies on Project Management

Format: APA

Academic level: Ph.D.

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 3668

Pages: 10

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Cloud computing has transformed the IT industry allowing organizations to introduce new models and provide more services. Organizations have been adopting the use of cloud technology as a way of reducing IT costs while improving project management processes ( Lin, Dasmalchi & Zhu, 2008) . It brings extensive benefits to organizations, businesses, and institutions. This paper was written to examine how using cloud computing can impact the organization. A literature review on cloud computing was conducted to get a foundation on how cloud technology has been adopted in businesses across the world. Mixed method research of qualitative and quantitative research study is used to help understand how cloud technology can improve project management. The primary source of information is gathered through interviews and questionnaires to get an insight into issues of cloud technology from the perspective of experts in the industry ( de Chaves, Westphall & Lamin, 2010)

The findings indicated that cloud computing could be beneficial for organizations during project management. The use of cloud technology offers new ways of managing projects. The technology is particularly helpful when dealing with projects from multiple locations from the client and member perspective ( Nicoletti, 2010) . The technology is a particular idea for organizations that deals with operations such as procurement, as the possibility to access computing services brings substantial advantages. Cloud computing is a transition-platform that provides a business with an efficient and cost-effective IT service on the internet. The technologies can be implemented in a wide variety of architectures under different services ( Tao et al., 2014). 

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Cloud computing has been receiving a lot of publicity in the world recently as the most exciting subject in IT. The technology has represented a fundamental shift in how businesses access IT services by enabling access to networks from several computing resources configured together. Reports have shown that adopting cloud technologies can significantly impact the current and future economy in business ( Lin, Dasmalchi & Zhu, 2008). As such, it can be applied in project management by offering to commute as a utility accessible on demand. Recent literature has numerous examples demonstrating the usefulness of this technology in bringing about cost reductions and increase efficiency ( Leymann & Fritsch, 2009). 

Cloud computing is provided in the form of infrastructure, database, platforms, and software as a service. The review has shown how technology allows a company to understand the future architecture of IT and how businesses can structure their operations ( Hsu, Ray & Li-Hsieh, 2014) . Many organizations in the world are deploying cloud computing, with its adoption more pronounced in larger firms with different locations . The technology is an ideal solution when looking to manage projects involving clients and resources from different working situations ( Schniederjans & Hales, 2016) . The diffusion of cloud computing has been shown to generate substantial effects on economic growth in the country, thanks to more significant innovation and productivity. However, while many businesses and consumers use cloud computing services, its full adoption is still far away, hindered by numerous bottlenecks and barriers ( Etro, 2009)

This study examined how technology has impacted operations in organizations in the areas of project management. It also focuses on getting an insight into the adoption and use of cloud technologies such as Google Docs in organizations. The study is conducted by carrying out a case study of employees in organizations using cloud computing for project management ( Carcary, Doherty & Conway, 2014) . Mixed method research of qualitative and quantitative design is used with interviews and questionnaires serving as data collection tools. Furthermore, this research project looks at how cloud technology can benefit project management applied to a specific situation of a virtual PMO ( Kumar & Charu, 2015)

Literature Review 

The review of literature on cloud computing and project management was conducted as the first step of research to establish a foundation of the topic. The study of the literature provides an overview of the secondary research that gives context to the research topic ( Cocco, Mannaro & Concas, 2012) . The analysis has suggested that there is a substantial amount of research on cloud computing. 

Cloud Computing 

Previous research on cloud technology has shown that technology is essential for organizations that deal with large amounts of data. According to Lin & Chen (2012), this cloud technology enhances the convenience of accessing and managing data shared across different servers and networks . Cloud computing represents a fundamental change in how computing power is generated and distributed ( Mirzaei, 2008 ) . The technology has helped in transforming the delivery of IT tools and products while improving organizational operations. 

The research has also revealed that cloud computing allows the sharing of information, resources, and software to computers and other devices upon demand. It can co-exist with different technologies and be implemented in a wide variety of architecture ( Shen & Tong, 2010). The technology is also easy to use in managing tasks in a project. Cloud computing has significant implications for the fulfillment of business and government objectives as well as internet-enabled services. Research has shown that a majority of businesses are using cloud computing for their companies to increase the efficiency and flexibility of operations ( Weinhardt et al., 2009) . The characteristics of cloud computing include scalable services, unlimited accessibility, as well as shared infrastructure. 

In essence, several studies have been published on this topic of cloud computing that focuses on its features as well as the services it provides. The literature review has also revealed tangible economic benefits of adopting cloud technology, including lower IT costs and savings of more than 30 percent compared to other technology ( Weng & Hung, 2014 ) . How a company perceives understands, and adopts cloud computing determines how it stands to benefit from its many functions. Harnessing the potential of cloud computing can be crucial for organizations and businesses looking to establish a competitive advantage ( Mell & Grance, 2011)

Privacy and Security 

The literature review also focused on the issues of security and privacy that surround any adoption of technology in the organization. Research has been conducted on this aspect of cloud technology, such as security threats and issues that come with technology ( Cervone, 2010) . According to the study, many organizations are unaware of existing security issues and challenges that come with implementing cloud technology. In this regard, several types of research have concentrated on understanding this component of technology ( Zissis & Lekkas, 2012)

The literature review also considered the features of cloud technology and the benefits of adopting them in the organization. The technology is versatile and can be accessed anywhere provided; there is an adequate internet connection ( Ramgovind, Eloff & Smith, 2010) . In this regard, organizations benefit from on-demand self-service associated with technology. The provision of quick feedback from different people concurrently is also associated with cloud technology ( Furht & Escalante, 2010). It also has a feature that allows users to correct errors and ensure efficiency in any project. 

Project Management 

The literature review also focused on project management in organizations, which is becoming more challenging in recent years. Research on project management has shown that there is a 40 percent chance of a project to fail due poor communication ( Iyer & Henderson, 2010) . Other factors associated with project failure in an organization include failure to engage stakeholders and the inability to identify risks and mitigating them. At the same time, some projects have also failed to see the light due to reduced scope management ( Art Gowan & Mathieu, 2005). Introducing cloud computing can allow a project manager to achieve these functions, such as Improving communication and helping in coming up with the range ( Saripalli & Walters, 2010)

A method suited for cloud computing is a lean and digitize practice as it takes into account the proper design and technological processes. The technology allows for re-engineering the existing processes and make them as thin as possible, which helps to eliminate wastes ( Tao, Zhang, Venkatesh, Luo & Cheng, 2011) . The lean and digitize methods help in leading projects at a client organization to ensure continual improvement. The drive to implement cloud computing in project management entails promises of faster, better, and cheaper capabilities. The literature review has discussed several ways in which project managers can integrate cloud technology and use it to achieve the project goals ( Low, Chen & Wu, 2011)

The program management office can be used for various purposes based on the needs of the organization. For example, it can present standards to otherwise unruly project management, remove any errors, and deliver the project on time ( Ahmad, 2017) . Cloud technology helps in creating a strong partnership between the sectors of the organization involved in a project. Stakeholders involved in a project need to align in setting up and leading the projects. The essential part of cloud computing is its ability to simplify communications among team members found in different locations taking part in the project ( Pocatilu, Alecu & Vetrici, 2009)

Literature Summary 

There are several crucial areas of cloud computing that need consideration when implementing it in project management. They include issues of privacy and security that can threaten corporate information ( Chong, Wong & Wang, 2014) . Several authors have published articles on cloud computing, including its features and advantages when implemented in the organization. Research on project management acknowledges that project management requires reliable communication technology such as cloud computing ( Purcell et al., 2013)

Cloud computing is not a single technology, product, or design, rather a new approach to information technology and how an organization does its business ( Abidi, 2011) . When compared to traditional on-premise enterprise IT systems, cloud computing has an immediate appeal to the business community. It provides opportunities such as faster IT project implementation times and lowers IT operational costs Wang et al., 2016) . Furthermore, Cloud computing fosters innovation through viral projects and simplifies some of the complexities associated with enterprise IT systems. Some of the significant functions of project management include planning, managing the project life cycle, and making effective delivery of projects ( Jouini & Rabai, 2016)

Organizations are engaging in cloud transitions to implement new technology, though this transition is still new for most organizations participating in project management. The way project management works have an impact on the ability that project managers need to be successful in delivering the projects. This means project leaders need to develop skills of cloud computing that allows them to perform well ( Nkhoma, Dang & De Souza-Daw, 2013) . The study also emphasized the importance of considering the security and privacy challenges when looking to implement cloud technology in the organization ( Zhang, Cheng & Boutaba, 2010)


This study is exploratory using mixed-method research of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. This research approach allows researchers to collect numerical data that can help explain phenomena. The data helps understand the topic by highlighting the key factors and taking results to gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts ( Nicoletti, 2012) . The descriptive research will help explain concepts of cloud technology in the organization and determine how it can be applied in project management. The hypothesis of the study is that adopting cloud technology can impact project management in numerous ways. In this regard, the following are the research questions for this study: 

How does the integration of cloud technology in organizational operations impact project management? 

What measures need to b3 considered when implementing cloud computing to ensure the success of adopting this technology? 

 A phenomenal strategy of inquiry is used to get opinions from experts and explain the phenomenon. The policy will help address the research questions to determine the experts and experiences behind an event. At the same time, the study uses a case study research design that allows researchers to examine how cloud technology impacts an organization and its entire benefits from the perspective of experts working in such organizations ( Nicoletti, 2012) . The use of case study design is crucial for this study, especially when looking to understand the characteristics of this phenomenon and its benefits. Secondary research involved conducting a literature review to establish a good background on the research topic. 

The primary research entailed the use of interviews and questionnaires as data collection methods. These methods will help researchers to obtain data from expertise in the organizations, which is crucial in understanding how technology can be used in project management. However, the research also uses a literature review to investigate the history and background of some concepts that will lay a foundation for this research. Using a variety of data collection methods ensures that the investigation is thorough and allows for a reliable analysis of the findings ( Nicoletti, 2010)

Semi-structured interviews are used to collect information on the research topic and establish precedence for analysis and conclusion. The research uses different types of interviews, including online conversations using Skype, face-to-face meetings, as well as telephone interviews, to accommodate the diverse needs of participants. Questionnaires will then be used to gain a more in-depth perspective on the same topic. Data collection involves interviewing participants selected from organizations that have implemented cloud technology in their operations for project management. The interviews provide data on how organizations use technology and to benefit project management. The information is collected from a broad scope of viewpoints since participants will present their knowledge and expertise in the area ( Nicoletti, 2010)

The sample population was members of two companies selected based on how they use cloud technology. A purposive sampling study is used in choosing participants to ensure only those with expertise in the area participate in providing an insight into the research question. A total of 70 people responded to the questionnaires from organizations that use cloud computing. The surveys were used to lay a foundation for conducting interviews which were the primary source of data collection. At the same time, the legal and ethical considerations for this paper include maintaining the confidentiality and private information of participants, as well as ensuring the anonymity of all participants. 

Data analysis for this research comprises of qualitative and quantitative statistics. The findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including using STATA and Excel software, as well as data entry that will allow for further investigating of the patters. The interviews and questionnaires will be categorized into themes based on the response to provide a clear way of understanding the data. These themes will help in coming up with findings and conclusions for this study. The research focused on examining the impacts of cloud technologies on project management for organizations and businesses. The research objectives include exploring and analyzing cloud computing in academia and industry perspectives; assessing how this technology affects the business and educational sector; as well as examining the link between cloud computing and project management ( Wallace, Keil & Rai, 2004). 


The findings from this study that comprises of interviews and literature review provided information regarding the objectives of this study. The results highlighted the effects of cloud computing in business for current and future economy, especially in project management ( Rosenthal et al., 2010) . The literature review and conclusions provided a solid understanding of cloud computing associated with scalability, accessibility, shared infrastructure, and software use. A majority of organizations are yet to fully implement this technology in their operations, which has contributed to the failure in some project management ( Voras, Orlic & Mihaljevic, 2013)

The findings have shown that cloud technology can be used in project management to help a team to coordinate and automate many tedious functions of managing projects ( Marston et al., 2011) . The results showed how this technology could help an organization to adjust the work output and provide flexibility. The technology was shown to be cost-effective for an organization looking to eliminate wastage while presenting opportunities for upscale and downscale operations when needed quickly ( Buyya et al., 2009) . Other benefits of this technology in project management include enabling better collaboration among team members working on a project. They can easily share their knowledge and ideas on the platform in a secure manner ( Fitó, Macías & Guitart, 2010). 

Furthermore, the findings from this study showed that adopting cloud technologies can result in cost-saving ( Motahari-Nezhad, Stephenson & Singhal, 2009) . The interviews and questionnaires revealed that several organizations have been outsourcing the setting up of cloud computing, including complete maintenance. This would make it quicker and easier to implement the technologies since the outsourced companies have servers ready to be used without programming or training ( Sholler & Scott, 2008) . The technology has changed the computing landscape in many ways, which benefits project managers in a great deal. The findings showed that technologies such as Google docs are secure and cost-effective ( Alijani et al., 2014) . At the same time, cloud computing helps organizations keep the project management flexible which is essential in sustaining the project. The findings from participants in the interviews and questionnaires revealed that employees feel more efficient and flexible when cloud computing technology is implemented ( Younge et al., 2010)

Cloud computing also helps to reduce the size of the local projects by allowing accessible communication and interaction among team members. The technology allows for a deeper understanding of the enterprise of projects ( Aljabre, 2012) . This is because most project landscapes involve drawing up plans and communicating across the team members. At the same time, project managers on a cloud-based project have a great learning opportunity and a great way to expand the skills ( Qian & Palvia, 2013) . The research also helped me understand why there is an increase in cloud technology in an organization, including promises of convenience. Furthermore, cloud computing brings aspects of the flexibility of program management, which increases the output ( Stanoevska, Wozniak & Ristol, 2009).  

The findings from this study stated several advantages of using cloud technologies in project management. The first benefit is that cloud computing allows for flexibility of operations in project management that leads to efficiency ( Tai et al., 2010) . Secondly, cloud technology helps in reducing the costs associated with project management, such as the pay-per-unit method that eliminates wastes. Another benefit is for security purposes to protect the crucial information during project management ( Bharadwaj & Lal, 2012). Secondary research was conducted through a literature review to understand how cloud technologies help protect organizational data, which is a valuable commodity in the current world. The findings from interviews also supported the importance of securing company information by storing in the cloud ( Chang, Walters & Wills, 2013)

The research also showed that organizations resist adopting cloud technology due to issues of security, reliability, and frequency of system issues ( Youseff, Butrico & Da Silva, 2008) . This points towards a strong need to develop research in this area of systems. Furthermore, some respondents from this study also showed that there are several technical issues associated with cloud computing technologies that result in a lack of reliability for organizations ( Shawish & Salama, 2014). These factors have led to poor adoption of cloud technologies in organizations. For example, there has not been an increase in the development of cloud technology compared to demand. 


This study was conducted with the aim of understanding the impact of cloud technologies when adopted in the organization. The research showed how technology brings advantages such as flexibility, reducing costs, and security. The findings from this paper outlined its benefits and success factors in the organization ( Leimeister et al., 2010) . The analysis of results in this study highlighted vital factors that necessitate its use in project management within an organization. In essence, the research has helped answer the research question on the impacts of cloud technology in an organization and project management ( Rochwerger et al., 2009) . It identified some advantages of using cloud technologies and their contributions to an organization. Therefore, technology plays a vital role in managing all issues arising from project management. The study also addressed the security issues associated with implementing technology that is crucial for any project planning and management ( Chen & Deng, 2009). 

The limitations of this study include time constraints to get all the needed data for making conclusions, as well as limited access to some vital information due to privacy policies. The minimal budget set for the research study was also a constraint as it limited the ability to collect enough information on the topic ( Assante et al., 2016). At the same time, since questionnaires allowed respondents to self-report, there was a risk of mismatching between perceptions and actual data. 


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