12 Jul 2022


The Major Christian Denominations in Colonial America

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  The Church of England  The Congregationalist Church  The Presbyterian Church 
Attitude towards British Monarch  The Church of England was the precursor on the contemporary Episcopal Church. It was a branch of the Anglican Church in the colonies albeit with little variation as it did not recognize the monarch as its supreme leader but rather ceremonial as the Supreme Governor  The Congregationalist Church doctrines and policy advocated for absolute independence and most of the founders of the church had initially rebelled against the British monarchy as well as the Anglican Church. It was, therefore, fiercely opposed to the monarchy.  This was an offshoot of the Church of Scotland that is a precursor of the contemporary Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. As a fundamental principle, the Presbyterian Church was fiercely opposed to the monarch. Indeed, this church was in the forefront before and during the revolutionary war and it literally took a stand in the revolutionary war. 
How is the Church Governed? (organized)  The Church of England had a well-organized leadership structure where the local churches were organized into parishes led by a priest, who would be assisted by laymen also known as lay-readers. All the parishes would then form a singular diocese under a bishop.  As a basic principle and fundamental doctrine, the church believed in independent congregations having near absolute autonomy. The only formal form of leadership was, therefore, local to every single church led by a pastor  From the perspective of governance, the Presbyterian Church at the local level practiced a form of leadership based on elders led by a pastor. A few churches then united into a Presbytery, and several Presbyteries would form a synod. The main decision making organ of the Presbyterian Church including in the colonies was the General Assembly. The general assembly had a great influence on the happenings of the entire church right down to the presbytery and the local church. 
Attitude toward the Patriots  Despite the initial suspicions that the Church of England would be royalist, it was loyal to the patriotic movement. Indeed, several prominent signatories of the Declaration of Independence were Church of England laymen.  The Congregationalist as a primary oppose of the monarchy was very supportive of the patriots.  The Presbyterian church was an active voice within the patriots and is credited for playing a pivotal role in the success of patriots. 
Colonies where this group is strongest 

The Church of England was strong in Jamestown, Virginia, South and North Carolina, Maryland, and Georgia 

It was very popular in Massachusetts where the revolutionary war began as well as other New England colonies to wit Providence, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.  The Church was prominent in the colony of Philadelphia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. 
Famous members in Colonial era  Notable members of this church included politicians such as Presidents Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and founding father Thomas Paine.  Among its famous members in the colonial era include celebrated academician Jonathan Edwards and theologian John Harvard after whom the Harvard University is named.  Among famous Presbyterians is John Witherspoon, a president of Princeton and signatory of the Declaration of Independent. Witherspoon was also the first moderator of the first general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. 
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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Major Christian Denominations in Colonial America.


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