20 Jul 2022


The Media and Mind Games in Terrorism

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 290

Pages: 1

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Terrorists often look for communication methodologies that will not be detected to ensure that they pass the necessary messages to one another despite their distance. Many terrorist organizations understand the importance of communication technologies for their operations which is why they often invest in such technologies. As far back as 2001 when the United States experienced its worst terrorist attack commonly known as the 9/11, the successful occurrence of the attack is an indication that the communication technologies that were used by the terrorist group worked. The 9/11 terrorist attack took place in 2001 when communication technologies were not as advanced as they are today. However, these terrorists sent their spies to the target areas for intelligence collection and used pre-taped messages to communicate with one another and successfully carry out the attack (Don et al., 2007). 

However, these communication strategies have advanced as technology continues to develop. Today, they take advantage of the internet and social media sites to send their messages while remaining undetected. These organizations have developed their websites which act as recruitment sites, virtual training grounds, provide tutorials on how they can create bombs and host messages and propaganda videos that help motivate their recruits into the giving their lives for the various attacks they carry out (Lieberman, 2017). As it is clear, during the 9/11 attack, technology was not as advanced as to include websites where these terrorists would plan and carry out their attacks. Taped messages served the purpose and the laptops they used were not technologically advanced and supported by social media sites as they are today. Now, these groups enjoy the autonomy and secrecy that comes with the developments in the internet and social media sites where they can easily communicate, plan and advance their terrorist attacks without being detected. 

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Don, B. W., Frelinger, D. R., Gerwehr, S., Jackson, B. A., & Landree, E. (2007).  Network technologies for networked terrorists: assessing the value of information and communication technologies to modern terrorist organizations (Vol. 454). Rand Corporation. 

Lieberman, A. V. (2017). Terrorism, the internet, and propaganda: A deadly combination.  J. Nat'l Sec. L. & Pol'y 9 , 95. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Media and Mind Games in Terrorism.


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