19 Jun 2022


The Non-Profit and Commercial Organizations

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Leadership is a critical attribute in every organization, and the concept of 'leading' is the same in all industries, whether nonprofit, industrial, or private. They must self-define their personal and corporate objectives in complete inclusive forms that specify and separate their organizations from broader social contexts. Leadership entails establishing the course, which suggests a more inclusive decision-making process and a way of being and doing that everyone can do with the appropriate inspiration and vision. In today's tumultuous United Kingdom business climate, an appropriate proper description of their corporate objectives could significantly differ. The leader's dedication will help a company grow from a small startup to a globally successful business.  

This paper looks at some of the most fascinating and vital business issues of the relationship between leadership activity and organizations' types. Based on my personal opinion, NPOs have identified themselves as a well-established global market concept that has gained increasing recognition from strategy and organization studies across the UK business community. NPOs cannot underestimate their importance (The Importance of Leadership in Nonprofits | Third Sector Company, 2020). The interplay between the groups' ideological backgrounds is explored more thoroughly regarding nonprofit leaders' unique credentials. The paper's analysis will undoubtedly have meaning. Furthermore, the article focuses extensively on the core features and challenges of leading nonprofit organizations and the use of trait, capacity, situational approaches, and the role of principles and purpose within nonprofit organizations and how they affect Leadership. 

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The Main Differences between NPOs and Commercial Business Organizations in-line with the qualities of a Leader 

As the previous topic titles show, the two organizations' critical distinctions define that inextricably linked to their profits. However, it is more concerned with the purpose, funding, target audience, management, organizational structure, and taxation than their respective benefit output. Firstly, all organizations in UK's corporate environment have a clear purpose; however, one of the most significant distinctions between profit and nonprofit organizations revolves around the simple reality of producing income for personal satisfaction, mainly commercial organizations (Broward, 2019). Besides, commercial organizations are private establishments founded by individuals who are self-governing and independent of the state. Many commercial companies work to strengthen personal, social, and economic problems. Still, their main aim is to make as much money as possible to further their interests. The primary aim of nonprofits, on the other hand, is to make money while supporting the well-being of UK society. They help a humanitarian cause by assisting one another with essential human needs. They forecast current and future economic developments to address problems and resolve significant concerns that could hamper the society's and nations' overall economic growth.  

Most importantly, a nonprofit organization is a legal body formed to promote cultural, religious, professional, or social goals. A nonprofit corporation may only work with the government's authorization. It is important to remember that no affiliate of the organization can earn or share benefits or expenses, and this organization exists purely to make money. Society comes first for NPOs. However, this does not rule out the possibility of failure or the need to benefit. Under the stiff competition burden, the executive leader implements a specific standard to achieve the target. The leader exhibits self-motivation and enthusiasm about the organization's mission. Great executive directors are goal-oriented and have a high level of ambition, zeal, and energy to achieve exceptional results. 

Second, all efficient activities and initiatives align with the availability of funds. The promoters or company owners, sponsors, bank loans, and income earned from selling their goods and services are the primary sources of startup money for commercial organizations. Besides, Commercial organizations make money by providing products and services, and their seed funding comes from partners or corporate owners. NPOs, on the other hand, have a common path to financing their organizations. Their income sources include subscriptions, admission fees, and donations, among other aspects, and their seed funding comes in part from the state, donations from donors, or grants. The UK government, through private companies, provides funds to nonprofits as well as campaign financing. In terms of taxation, nonprofits are excluded because their primary benefit is geared toward society's betterment. 

On the other hand, commercial companies incur a tax because their gains are for personal gain. The issue has a chance to be shortlisted among the NPOs who are eligible for such funding. However, the consistency of a leader dependent on fundraising experience and expertise may be the key to seizing the opportunity. The NPO's chief has knowledge and expertise in fundraising strategies, as well as the chance to convince the UK's economic institutions to include his organization on a shortlist of potential beneficiaries. 

The intended audience's diversity is another main distinction of interest when looking at commercial and NPOs in the UK business environment. Commercial companies have a more clearly specified target demographic, allowing them to identify their customers better and develop their content, merchandise, and services. It also aids them in identifying the obstacles that their audiences face to strengthen their services and provide better options in advance of potential losses. It also develops a cooperative partnership with customers who purchase their goods and services to generate sales. NPOs, on the other hand, are concerned explicitly with targeting a more diverse population to increase public consciousness and develop policies that could boost citizens' living conditions, especially by minimizing economic inequalities among states in the UK. The leader of NPOs often persuades a vast number of prospective clients by emphasizing what they will do to people rather than what they can get, making them excellent citizens' servants. 

Apart from audience targeting, management remains a significant differentiator. According to industrial clients, multinational firms of boards of directors and stakeholders who own their companies privately, owned by individuals or organizations contributing to their financial performance, are assigned respective roles. Since commercial organizations are concerned mainly with increasing sales, a method of sharing financial rewards is employed. NPOs, on the other hand, are mostly headed by a board of directors, trustees, or members of the committee and do not have control over financial ownership. The core management challenge is not only financial performance but also socioeconomic inequality. The leader will demonstrate good judgment and aid organizational capacity by implementing a tactfully executed ideal approach to consider the more considerable socioeconomic disparities. The leader is once again empowered to recruit and inspire volunteers on the board of directors and staff. 

Moreover, the vision, direction, and execution of Leadership vary significantly between the organizations. NPOs are controlled and directed by a board of directors who have no financial stake in the revenue stream. Its board may have anywhere from 20 to 100 members, and the sole motivator is humanity's betterment. On the other hand, commercial companies are open and led by "privately held" small enterprises and "boards and managers" big businesses. They would not only be in charge of the company, but they would also have a significant interest in the financial performance, resulting in a greater external incentive for profit sharing and incentives. 

Lastly, these two firms' organizational cultures differ culturally, based on their staff and target clients. Employees of profit organizations are primarily concerned with meeting deadlines, mission efficiency, and success measures. In addition, commercial organizations' traditional emphasis is on financial benefits. Workers who contribute to the production and advancement of new goods and services are valued to maximize the organization's sales input. Generally, to be able to appeal to the right audience, customers are deliberately chosen and targeted. NPOs, on the other hand, measure an individual's commitment and devotion, and customers are not pursued but instead treated as a single group that everyone may participate in and subscribe to or become a part of voluntarily. Again, in the non-official scheduled days, their staff supports the cause outside of their daily schedule by hosting gatherings and generating civic awareness and educational opportunities for local businesses. As a result of the reciprocal relationship between NPOs and the group, the leader emerges as the strongest listener, allowing him to collect feedback from the public while collaborating successfully actively. Again, the leader has the physical and mental stamina to conduct a full day of back-to-back meetings and conferences for the general public while maintaining a reasonable performance standard. 

Attributes of leading NPOs 

Regardless of those discrepancies, nonprofits are incredibly resilient and challenging to lead, but they are still a self-fulfilling endeavor. Any nonprofit agency in the UK is proud to be among the best. There are a variety of characteristics that organizations must embody to be considered the highest. A haven for motivation and inspiration, a short and sweet mission statement, accountability-driven company, innovative and creative organization, built brand identity, and ability to enjoy the risk are among the most popular qualities compiled. 

Motivating and inspiring others is one of the most important aspects of running a nonprofit organization. NPOs face various limitations and defeats, not only in collecting money but also in inspiring and persuading others to join their cause. , there is no external financial motivator, so it comes down to their internal inspiration and trust in the cause. Influence, managing big teams, adaptability, versatility as a boss, organization with other higher stakeholders, and familiarity with budget-limited operating environments are skills that leaders follow while leading NPOs. They must be able to conquer financial and organizational obstacles while being fearless in the face of adversity. 

Apart from motivation and inspiration, a mission statement is also a vital characteristic of the leading NPOs; it primarily reflects a particular nonprofit NPO's wishes to improve people's lives. Organizational success is known within the NPO's conceptual framework: the execution of its mandate and financial resources protection. Thus, the NPO will respond effectively in a stiff competing atmosphere with equal and mission-oriented, and staff-friendly activities. 

Second, most of the UK's most prominent nonprofits adhere to a strict code of transparency. The reputation of nonprofits is crucial. As a result, their oversight extends beyond government-mandated financial disclosure to provide information about their missions and services. The requirements are also higher and required by law to supply people with reports on contributions. The worst-rated nonprofits are those who keep their records hidden from the media. The best nonprofits use their websites to demonstrate openness by updating news releases, providing important donor figures, or creating infographics that communicate information in an easy-to-understand manner. Aside from transparency, the most successful nonprofits are still innovative and imaginative. Maintaining momentum within the Board of Members panel (BOM) necessitates creative thinking. They prefer to recognize current templates for selecting BOMs, obtaining grants, and managing financial statements. They excel in an unfavorable environment of intense competition. 

Another essential part of NPO progress is the creation of a brand name. The mark, or sign, is where the brand's branding starts. The emblem is the cornerstone of establishing a brand name. If done right, brand recognition will help nonprofits create a distinctive profile that sets them apart from their rivals. Select nonprofits often affirm their brand through their multimedia and social networking site exposure. 

Finally, one of the most notable characteristics of typical leading NPOs is their capacity to admit failure. Good nonprofits barely make mistakes, but the best deliberately seek out and capitalize on their missteps to benefit from them. They primarily hold open seminars to experiment and welcome criticism based on the characteristics that caused their nonprofits to concede failure. They pay special attention to and communicate their errors to change. 

Challenges of leading NPOs in the UK 

Various demanding emerging patterns continue to confront NPOs as they change their goals and expectations to stand out as the best. NPOs are, first and foremost, fiscal agents. The fiscal policy seeks to make only minor changes to pre-existing patterns, and identifying funding sources can be difficult. It can be challenging for nonprofits to raise adequate initial funds by monetizing properties. 

Second, the pandemic has posed a more significant challenge to the organization field, especially COVID-19. For instance, NPOs located in UK states such as Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, only named a few, found it challenging to cover the economy and adapt to the pandemic change. The NPOs had to depend on taxable money, federal grants, charitable contributions, and pension income to finance various public-benefit projects (Carnochan et al., 2OI3). NPOs become much more critical for those in need during crisis times, but financing sources to sustain the programs could be much more financially strained. 

Furthermore, the credibility of nonprofits is a severe problem. Legitimacy is a controversial issue in foreign affairs right now, particularly in the UK. Disparities have arisen between political ideals in the UK allocation of authority in the age of globalization. A critical part of the policy is the presence and influence of national non-governmental organizations, which creates an unfavorable atmosphere for public distress. 

To conclude, ever since, rising in an unfairly demanding stiff world has been a challenge. Several nonprofit organizations compete with for-profit small businesses that pay federal, state, and municipal taxes for the benefit of doing business. Reductions in federal funding and increased competition for corporate funding have driven more charities to turn to for-profit operations as a reliable source of operating income in recent years, raising concerns about the phenomena. 

Uses of approaches to Leadership 

The NPOs leaders use specific approaches to their advantage of serving the public. The mentioned approaches complement each other. The guidelines are focused on different issues of Leadership to find out how to become an effective leader. The approaches include the trait approach, and capabilities approach, and situational approaches to leadership. 

The trait approach 

The system aims to classify the distinguishing characteristics of the members. They are interested in personal aspects and have discovered several features that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. Trait adds a general understanding of NPO leaders as unique individuals capable of moving beyond and above their organizations. UK citizens desire to see their leaders as gifted individuals, and the solution satisfies that desire. Again, the trait method has a long academic history and a substantial body of research evidence to back it up. Aside from that, the attribute strategy reflects solely on the leader and conducts a rigorous review, effectively turning it into a leadership process. Finally, leaders benefit from the methodology because it provides them with specific parameters on what they can aim for if they wish to be leaders. 

The behavioral approach 

The strategy's primary focus is on what leaders do on the job rather than their personality characteristics. The system may also differentiate between leaders and non-leaders. Furthermore, it assists leaders in molding their actions in response to various situations that demonstrate friendship with subordinates, resulting in reciprocal confidence and reverence. The technique allows a leader to stand out as the perfect leader who cares deeply for all their teammates and their work. The action strategy will enable leaders to get involved in workforce development, keep workers updated, and recognize and appreciate each other's efforts. 

The Situational Approach 

The situational approach's basic premise is that different circumstances involve various leadership styles, and leaders must act differently to address the needs of those circumstances to be successful. The situational approach employs contingency theory to enable a leader to hire an appropriate organizational atmosphere and background behaviors. The strategy once again demonstrates that joint decision-making is superior to other decision-making mechanisms such as authoritarian or consultation. It increases staff engagement and gives the leader a higher chance of receiving more resources. Finally, it enables the leader to comprehend that successful Leadership depends on the leader's actions that match the required situation. 

Leadership-Situational Leadership 

Nonprofits have often used a situational leadership approach, which involves leading, coaching, helping, and delegating. NPOs commonly used it, and it is all about reacting to circumstances and reviewing the approaches used for leading nonprofits. A person's leadership style describes repeated behavior habits that someone displays while attempting to influence others' activities in nonprofit organizations (Situational Leadership and Leader Versatility, 2020). According to Reese and Butler, the situational leadership method exists in many parts of the world, especially in the UK. NPOs widely use the technique for various purposes that revolve around leading, coaching, assisting, and delegating strategy: 

1. Flexibility - There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to Leadership. Leadership evolves in response to the community or organization's needs, and good leaders can tailor their leadership style to the maturity level of the group they're leading.  

2. Adaptability - Depending on the case and the extent of progress of the people concerned. When the situational leader's growth level is low, he or she becomes more task-oriented. The leader would be more accommodating if the persons are appropriately established. 

3. Directive – The strategy gives leaders ample time to maintain constant supervision among workers. 

4. Coaching – It is more extension than directive, whereby it gives instructions but focusing on encouraging and explaining various vital emerging issues in the organization. 

5. Participating - Allow team members to participate in decision-making to evade unnecessary mistakes in the organization. 

6. Delegating - The technique produces a matured and talented squad that is well-established and trained, minimizing the leader's supervision and participation. 

7. Discussing The approach encourages participants to share their thoughts depending on their preferences for the goals they choose as a group to achieve a shared goal. 

8. Integrity- Leaders who use this approach demonstrate honesty, are truthful with themselves and others, learn from their mistakes, and constantly work to better themselves. 

9. Courage - Not afraid to take chances and adopt a radically different style of teaching 

10. Clear. It aids in setting and attaining a clear, concise vision 

11. Humility- Doesn't claim to know it all. Accept limitations and seek higher wisdom 


Inspiration and dignity are the keys to success. In the world of nonprofit organizations, this is highly regarded. Leaders may help the organization make necessary improvements while still increasing morale, inspiration, and productivity. Influence, motivational inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and individual attention are all factors to remember. A nonprofit organization's chief has a value and goal for the organization that is transformational in and of it. Nonprofit organizations are in the field of making a difference for a reason, and all of the people who work for them have a more excellent motive, a desire to make a difference. They are doing that while working for a nonprofit agency. It is the mission of nonprofit organizations to provide others with value and challenge. If they weren't willing to do this, all of these organizations would cease to exist. 

Nonprofit organizations pull on people's hearts today to make a difference for themselves, for others, and the future. Others do this by working to discover a cure for cancer or by fighting child trafficking; nonprofit organizations tug on people's hearts today to make a difference for themselves, for others, and the future. Nonprofit organizations must strive to think strategically about ways to fix challenges and create innovative future solutions to find out how to cure aids, combat human abuse, and resolve the numerous other issues that face society today. Many of these organizations emerged as a result of the actions of a single person. It is for the interests of the few, not the comfort of the rest. Individuals and families are enhanced as societies work together to support those in need. According to Bass, some characteristics can change a firm's administration. The majority of nonprofits in the UK focus not only on situational but also transformational strategies: 

1. The leadership approach promotes NPO followers' inspiration and positive growth. Apart from that, it promotes ethical, moral values within nonprofits and allows others to do the same. Following that, the style encourages an ethical workplace with specific principles, goals, and expectations. 

2. The leadership style fosters a company community by inspiring workers to shift from a self-centered approach to a shared purpose. 

3. The leadership model allows managers to make decisions and assume responsibility while also providing coaching and mentoring. 

  However, there is a brief distinction between servant leaders and transformational leaders: 

1. Servant leaders primarily focus on services to followers, customers, and the organization, while transformational leaders focus on their goals. 

2. Servant leaders influence the organization by serving others' needs, as transformational leaders influence the members by modeling. Apart from that, servant leaders promote team problem solving individualized development while transformational leaders promote individualized influence. 

3. Servant leaders motivate their subjects by providing autonomy and resources, while transformational leaders motivate their members with charisma to attain a common goal. 

Servant Leadership 

In servant Leadership, the instinctive drive to be the first to help. The decision then propels us to take the initiative. Servant Leadership is a compilation of leadership behaviors and qualities that focuses on serving others. Russell and Stone identified at least 20 traits of servant Leadership, while Spears described ten of them: listening, empathy, healing, understanding, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, dedication to people's development, and community building. A servant leader transfers authority, prioritizes others' interests, helps individuals develop and optimizes results, can learn from others and foregoes personal development and incentives to serve others. Servant leaders rely on success preparation, day-to-day coaching, and aiding others in meeting their goals. Their staff is conscious of their goals and expected results because they have the vision. "A leader is happiest when people scarcely realize he exists; when his job is finished, his task is completed, they will say: We did it ourselves," as the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi said. Leaders who seek authority do not fully grow others, and to prosper, leaders must spread power. Employers use shared governance, and they focus on workers to address problems creatively and independently by forming successful teams. A servant leader assembles teams, listens, heals, persuades, and empowers disciples before achieving an agreement. 

Importance and impacts of values and mission 

An organization's vision and values statements should be more than phrases on the wall; they should be deeply held convictions that drive the organization's direction. A mission statement for a nonprofit organization is a valuable tool that serves many objectives. A clear, concise mission statement will describe the organization's goals and serve as a public instrument to recruit volunteers, stakeholders, and donors. Furthermore, the task statement describes the cause of the NPO. It also explains the organization's strategy. 

Besides, the declaration of a principle reflects the organization's fundamental ideals that empower and direct its decisions on how it works and interacts with people. These principles should be part of both internal and external correspondence and the mission and vision statements. Both the mission and values statements are essential to the leaders of nonprofit organizations. The mandate established helps the NPO leader review the report daily to ensure current public information updates. Apart from that, it provides a clear improvement in political cohesion for a leader. At all stages, the mission will assist stakeholders in establishing and balancing objectives, setting success targets, and aligning benefits and incentives. 

On the other hand, values help the leader determine how he needs to accomplish the NPO's objectives and what kind of leader he intends to be. Next, leadership values assist the leader with both personal and career development. As a leader, he is having a solid collection of core values aids in the development of respect and trust within his staff and the general public. 

Example of an NPO leader in the UK 

  Rameeza is the CEO of Open Hands, a nonprofit organization that offers free medical and surgical services to eligible Pakistanis. In creating an organization to established free health care camps across Pakistan, she has shown authentic Leadership (Rameeza Mueen, 2021). Rameeza specializes in business processes, growth, Leadership, management, and the technology sector. Rameeza has been recognized as a successful entrepreneur by the Pakistani government, the Women Chamber of Commerce, She Loves Tech and P@SHA. She was awarded the "Tamgha-e-Imtiaz," Pakistan's fourth-highest civilian distinction. Rameeza served as an educator in prestigious institutes for 15 years before founding Transparent Hands. She is the CEO and Founder of the Transparent Hands Trust in Pakistan and the Transparent Hands Foundation in the United States. 


Broward, H., 2019.  6 Differences Between For-Profit and Nonprofit Organizations | Habitat for Humanity . [online] Habitat for Humanity. Available at: <https://www.habitatbroward.org/differences-between-for-profit-and-nonprofit-organizations/> [Accessed 20 October 2019]. 

Carnochan, S., Samples, M., Myers, M. and Austin, M., 2013. Performance Measurement Challenges in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations.  Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly , 43(6), pp.1014-1032. 

Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics , 2020. Situational Leadership and Leader Versatility. 17(3). 

Rameeza Mueen . [online] Available at: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rameeza-mueen-391a6295>. 

Third Sector Company. 2020.  The Importance of Leadership in Nonprofits | Third Sector Company . [online] Available at: <https://thirdsectorcompany.com/importance-leadership-nonprofit-organizations/> [Accessed 29 March 2021]. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Non-Profit and Commercial Organizations.


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