1 Sep 2022


The Physical Development Activities Paper: How to Get Your Child Moving

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 556

Pages: 2

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This paper focuses on gross motor and fine motor skills development for children aged 3-4 years. The gross motor skills refer to the skills that apply large movement of the body and in most cases involve the whole body. In contrast, fine motor skills involve small and precise movements that in most cases involve the use of hands and fingers (Mossler, 2011). For gross motor skills development at this age, an obstacle course can be of much help. The obstacle can be made inside the house or at the backyard. It can be made using cushions; different boxes made of cardboard, multiple toys and small balls, and other safe objects that ca be incorporated to allow a child run around them and climb over. Such an obstacle course for children at this age can be made in a way that involves jumping, climbing few stairs, moving round an item, throwing and catching items. Between the age of 3-4 years, a child can climb the stairs by having the two feet together prior moving to the next ( Morelli) . This is different from how adults move up the stairs which involves placing one foot on each stair. At this age however, a child may need some assistance in order to avoid falling in case he/she is unsteady at one point when implementing this skill. 

The obstacle course that involves some stairs can help the child refine the ability to move up the stairs and become steadier. Children aged 3 to 4 years also try to hop a bit high and improve on jumping because their muscles are growing stronger at this point. Obstacle courses involve some jumping from one point to the other as one moves through the obstacles. Most children at this age can hop on using one foot for a brief period of time ( Morelli ). In addition, they can throw and catch better with better speed and precision. The obstacle course can help a child improve his/her coordination and movement of the entire body which develops at this age. 

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To develop fine motor skills in children aged 3-4 years, allowing them to dress themselves up can be of help. Fine motor skills require increased precision. At this age, children begin manipulating fasteners such as zips and snaps on clothes ( Morelli ). In addition, their independence related to wearing and undressing themselves grows. Prior joining school, majority of the children can comfortably dress themselves and in the same way undress despite the fact that they may take longer to accomplish such activities. Allowing them to dress in clothes that have buttons or other fasteners can help improve their precision and coordination of the hands and eyes. 

Attempt to accurately place a button inside the button hole on a shirt or dress can help a child in refining the motor skills as it involves twisting or manipulating the buttons of zippers in the desired direction which helps the functioning of fingers and hands. The activity involves application of manipulatives in order to help in development of fine motor skills. Ability to coordinate the eyes and hand or fingers while dressing helps improve the child’s accuracy in placement and improved awareness of knowledge. In addition, the activity will help in building the strength needed in fastening the buttons. As the child masters the trick of doing buttons and zippers, he/she finds it easier to dress hence more refined and effective motor skills. This activity also helps in refining of gross motor skills. As the child stands on one leg in order to pull on pants helps in strengthening the child’s muscles hence steadier and stronger. 


Morelli, A. (n.d.). Physical Development: Motor Development. Retrieved from https://www.gracepointwellness.org/1272-child-development-theory-middle-childhood-8-11/article/37676-physical-development-motor-development 

Mossler, R. (2011). Child and Adolescent Development (2 nd . Ed.). Bridgepoint Education Inc. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Physical Development Activities Paper: How to Get Your Child Moving.


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