21 Sep 2022


The Purpose of Education in Modern-Day America

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Academic level: College

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Words: 887

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Education system in the U.S. needs to be redefined for it to bring out the best from both teachers and students. This paper discusses the purpose of education in America today and whether it is a firm approach or more effective approaches should be devised. The paper also reflects on the concepts of reality, values, and truth and discusses how these philosophical believes determine the approaches and goals in teaching and leading students. The paper also describes effective approaches to education today and in the near future. Lastly, the paper defines public schooling and how it would be redefined if need arises. 

Purpose of education in America today 

The purpose of education in America today should not be confined to an institutional context and people should learn without necessarily going to school. Education should be viewed as just a subset of learning and since while learning is a lifelong process; education is defined as the learner’s deliberate attempt to control a learning situation so as to attain a desired goal. In other words, education can be viewed in the perspective of a directed learning rather than non-directed learning. More approaches should be devised in order to change the current status of education to fit every individual. In the first place, education should be more inclined into purpose regarding the methodology used in professional training of various educators. Education should also focus on the ultimate utility rather than the immediate utility. This can be done by conducting professional training on the basis of philosophy, history, and literature of education. This will help the educators to develop a clear vision relating the purpose of education to the meaning of life. 

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Philosophical beliefs, goals, and approaches in teaching and leading students 

The concepts of reality, truth, and values are vital to the approaches and goals used in teaching and leading students in several ways. To begin with, the concept of reality in education can be based on the issue of ultimate reality rather than illusion, imagination, or fancy. The difference in reality perspectives leads to different approaches and systems in education. Consequently, such beliefs in reality directly impact educational issues such as the role of educational systems to the society and to individuals as well (Knight, 2008). This can also shape curriculum and the role of teachers as they teach and lead students. 

In the second place, the concept of truth is directly inclined to education since education systems deal with knowledge hence making it a primary determinant of educational practices and beliefs. This concept is important in education as various sources of knowledge are reflected in several curricular emphases. This can impact teaching and learning methodologies in a sense that communication of knowledge from the teachers to students is often facilitated through this belief (Pantazis, 2012). Therefore, teachers should understand the concept of truth in order to operate effectively. 

Lastly, the belief and concept of value in people is important considering the present state of human values which seem to deteriorate. Educators should instill moral ideas and values to students in order to mend the current generation of students since they are in need of moral support. This will help solve the one of the deepest problem of marality facing us today and make education a constructive resource in the process. 

Effective approach to education today and in the near future 

The effective approach of education that will facilitate education today and in the near future should be based on three aspects. In the first place, the society should provide all students an ample chance for personal improvement. This opportunity will motivate each individual to develop a mental obligation and hence bring out the best of them in life. This accomplishment should be a facilitated by every form of basic schooling. Secondly, basic schooling should do everything in its effort to make students good citizens now and in the near future by intelligently training them on the relevant skills and values in the best way possible (Koonce, 2018). Lastly, basic schooling must prepare the students on how they will earn a living in the future. However, schools should not train them for specific job at a young age but just prepare them for what is to come. 

Public schooling and issues on redefining it 

Schooling refers to the context where learning, training, and education takes place. Since basic schooling gives all young individuals a similar kind of schooling yet their learning capacity differs, it should be redefined to fit each individual. In order to accomplish this, basic schooling should be characterized both generally and liberally. This can be done by a single and required 12-year course for all to study with only one elective choice regarding a second language which is German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, and Russian (Lubienski, 2000). This all together will require a specific class or course to employ more than one mode of teaching and learning. These modes will first involve learning three subject areas which are language, fine arts, and literature; natural science, mathematics; history, social studies, and geography. Secondly, they will be devoted to the development of intellectual learning skills such as communication skills, mathematic, and scientific skills. These intellectual and liberal skills will play a role in making the student competent as a learner. The mode will also be devoted to expanding the understanding of values and ideas. 


To sum up, the current education system in America today does not meet the obligation of providing knowledge to students at individual levels. It should instead be inclined to the beliefs of truth, value, and reality in order to meet its specific purpose. It should be redefined to meet the needs of every student presently and in the near future as well. 


Knight, G. (2008). Issues and alternatives in educational philosophy (4 th ed.). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press. 

Koonce, G.L. (Ed.). (2018). Taking sides: Clashing views on educational issues expanded (19 th ed.). Maryland: McGraw Hill Publishers. 

Lubienski, C. (2000). Redefining “Public” Education: Charter Schools, Common Schools, and the Rhetoric of Reform. 

Pantazis, V. E. (2012). The “Encounter” as an “Event of Truth” in Education: An Anthropological-Pedagogical Approach.  Educational Theory 62 (6), 641–657. https://doi.org/10.1111/edth.12002 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Purpose of Education in Modern-Day America.


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