11 Jul 2022


The Role of Human Resource Management

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Human resource management is essential for every organization due to the explicit roles it undertakes. Human resource carries out various functions such as hiring employees, handling employee recruitments and orientation, counseling, performance monitoring, labor mediation, work safety and claims handling among other functions. Healthcare as an organization requires human resource management to handle various operations and make the hospital environment more free-flowing. Healthcare requires human resource management to handle issues such as budgets and profits, keeping the level of stuff appropriate to the need of the hospital, offer training, manage employees and also monitor the performance of the various departments. One of the most crucial roles of the human resource manager in a healthcare setting is coordination of departments. Human resource management is essential when it comes to the strategic planning of an organization. Any organization cannot afford to start a strategic plan without the inclusion or the assistance of the human resource management.   

Overview of the roles of Human Resource Management 

Human resource professionals are important for the development and management of any organization. Human resource professionals practically do the work of the organization's management, by ensuring that a number of operations in the organization are running effectively at all times. Human resource professionals check on the employees and provide the administration with details on the work and condition of the employees ( Armstrong & Taylor, 2014) . In any organization, human resource management officials are required to hire employees, recruit and offer orientation programs to employees, conduct employee meetings, conduct labor mediations, monitor performance of employees and the organization at large among other roles. One of the most common functions of the human resource department has been to assist in hiring employees for organizations. Human resource together with the departmental staffs, organize interviews for job applicants. It is the work of a human resource manager to go through the credentials of a job applicant in order to ascertain that the individual can be a good asset for the company. 

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Human resource management department is also required to organize recruitment and orientation programs for new employees. Human resource professionals are supposed to show the new employees around the company and explain any other details about the company. New employees must be taken around and introduced to other employees in various departments. In the event of disputes between employees, human resource management officials are required to carry out mediation in order to settle the dispute. The Human resource management also organizes meetings for the whole organization. Meetings are supposed to bring different departments together to sit and discuss ways of improving the company together. The human resource department also works to coordinate various departments of an organization and ensure that communication flows effectively in the whole entity. Monitoring performance is an essential role of the human resource department in any firm as this is one way the company gets to know its situation in terms of development ( Bratton & Gold, 2012) . 

The roles of human resource in the modern day have become broader and more complex. Today, human resource management captures many other roles such as upholding staff morale, ensuring safety in the workplace, ensuring sanitation and offering counseling programs. The human resource department may organize specific events for appraisal of employees for good work. The human resource management can organize sporting activities or appraisals in the form of bonuses or parties for the employees. The department also functions to ensure safety and sanitation in the workplace. Today, the human resource management professional are trained and have proper counseling skills. 

Roles of Human Resource Management in Healthcare 

A healthcare just like any other organization requires the assistance of the human resource management. Healthcare is made up of many departments which are supposed to work together in order to achieve success. The work in healthcare requires that every department is coordinated with the others and works must flow in a well-coordinated manner. Search a setting requires a human resource management in place to ensure the free flow of operations and communication between different departments. The human resource professional in a healthcare setting may handle counseling programs, assist in staffing and placement of employees, monitor budgets and profits, coordinate various departments and carry out performance monitoring in the healthcare among other roles. The human resource management office is a very important department in the hospital ( Berman et al. 2012) . Other functions of the human resource manager include: settling employee disputes, addressing employee claims, ensuring safety in the hospital and is also in charge of sanitation. 

Today, most human resource professionals are trained to carry out counseling programs for patients in the healthcare. Counseling programs are available in most hospitals and other healthcare providers. Human resource professionals can handle the counseling department in the hospital. Human resource professionals may also handle other operations such keeping the healthcare environment safe and conducive. Every department in the hospital must be made aware of the safety precautions and procedures. The hospital area must also be kept clean at all times which are ensured by the human resource management. The human resource management is critical hiring employees. Here, the human resource is supposed to conduct various functions. It must check all the departments and also check on the needs of the hospital. Balancing is then performed to find out the number of required workers and what departments require more workers. Human resource professionals must also be included in the actual hiring of new employees. 

A healthcare organization needs to regularly take a look at its performance and improve on particular aspects. The human resource works to carry out checks on the performance of the employees and the healthcare at large. More hardworking departments may be rewarded to make other departments also work harder. Performance monitoring of the healthcare is essential for its development and growth. Another important future in a healthcare is budget and profit management and monitoring. Most healthcare facilities and operational gadgets and instruments are very expensive. Every healthcare needs to ensure that that the budget does not outweigh the profits. Budgets must be correctly calculated and worked according to the available profits. The human resource department must ensure that a correct monitoring of profits is done. Profits are monitored by the human resource management who relay the information to the administration. 

Primary Function of the Human Resource Management in Healthcare and its Future 

As described above, a healthcare system is composed of many departments which have to work together to achieve one goal. A patient admitted in a hospital, for instance, may be required to visit many departments in the hospital before he or she is finally released. Without proper coordination of the department, such a process may not occur appropriately. One of the most important roles of the human resource management in a healthcare setting is to ensure good coordination in the healthcare and ensure that operations in the healthcare run smoothly and efficiently. A good communication system must be put in place to ensure that information is passed efficiently and accurately from one department to another. The human resource manager must inform all the departments in the healthcare about the communication protocol in the healthcare to ensure effective communication ( Manzi et al . 2012) . 

Coordination in the healthcare setting is quite substantial, and the future of healthcare depends on it. Coordination encompasses a lot in a healthcare setting. Different departments need to regard each other with respect and consider every other department as critical to the healthcare. Proper coordination between the departments will ensure that information reaches every department in due time in order to avoid inconvenience. Adequate coordination of work also speeds up operations in the hospital hence decreasing the turnaround time for patients in the hospital. Coordination also ensures that good communication gadgets are installed in the healthcare for emergency cases. The human resource management is critical for the success and the future of a healthcare organization. 

Role of Human Resource in Strategic Planning of an Organization 

Human resource professionals are important in the decision making of a company as well as during planning. Human resource officials are well informed about the job market and organizational needs of a company. They have the information on the needs and the weaknesses of the company. They know the kind of employees needed in specific departments. A company’s strategic plan requires the inclusion of the human resource management. For a company to carry out its strategic plan, it must be aware of its current needs in terms of resources and employees. The decision to employ more workers or release some of the workers has to be made with the help of the human resource department. The human resources professionals may also advise the administration on what plans to consider more as compared to others. It is quite unwise for a company to go ahead with its strategic plan without the inclusion of the human resource management in the initiation of the procedure. 

The human resource will be responsible for the development of the company as well as other issues relating to employees and the company. The company, therefore cannot go ahead to carry out its plan minus including the human resource department which is responsible for the effectiveness of its operations. A body responsible for the development of the company must then be included in such a planning which is aimed at developing and improving the conditions of the company. Training is an important part of employee acquisition which is always provided by the human resource staff. It is, therefore, necessary to include the human resource department in the strategic planning of company as the newly acquired staff members will be required to be trained by the human resource staff. 


Human resource management is essential for the development and effective operations of any organization. Today, the services of the human resource manager have become more complex, and human resource professionals are trained in other fields such as counseling. The general roles of human resource management include the hiring of employees, monitory performance, coordinating department, labor mediation, ensuring safety in the workplace and upholding staff morale among other roles. Healthcare also requires the assistance of the human resource managers. In the healthcare setting human resource professionals, help in staffing and placement of employees, counseling, monitoring performance, coordination and monitoring budgets and profits among other functions. Human resource management helps in coordination of departments in healthcare setup. Human resource management, being very critical in the effective operations and development of a company, must be included in the strategic planning of that company. 


Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice . Kogan Page Publishers. 

Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., & Van Wart, M. R. (2012). Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems . Sage. 

Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2012). Human resource management: theory and practice . Palgrave Macmillan. 

Manzi, F., Schellenberg, J. A., Hutton, G., Wyss, K., Mbuya, C., Shirima, K., ... & Schellenberg, D. (2012). Human resources for health care delivery in Tanzania: a multifaceted problem. Human resources for health , 10 (1), 3. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Role of Human Resource Management.


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