Discussion Question 1
“ What are the advantages and disadvantages of regional human rights approaches? Do you think regional approaches ultimately help or hinder human rights enforcement?”
Advocates of regional human rights approaches often point to the following two advantages. First, they are important pillars of international human rights promotion and protection (European Parliament, 2010). Regional human rights approaches help to localize international human rights norms and standards. Secondly, regional systems have complaints mechanisms, which can help an individual seek justice and reparation. In case a State is responsible for human rights violations, the regional system decides what the government must do in order repair the damage. On the other hand, regional human rights approaches have their downsides. First, under the regional approaches, only States are held accountable for human rights violations (IJRC, n.d). These systems do not hold individuals accountable for human rights violations. Secondly, regional systems only resolve human rights violations that are beyond the local and/or national level. Overall, regional human rights approaches are better placed to enforce human rights.
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Peer Response #1
Hello Valerie,
You have composed a good post. You have clearly outlined the advantages and disadvantages of regional systems. You have also clearly outlined whether these systems help or hinder human rights enforcement. I would like to add that regional systems also serve as important pillars of international human rights promotion and protection. However, these systems only hold States accountable for human rights violations. I agree with you that regional human rights approaches can do both; they can help and hinder human rights enforcement. Overall, you have composed a good post on this discussion topic.
Discussion Question 2
“ One feature of terrorism is that its direct victims are often not the intended targets of the violence. What is the purpose of terrorist violence, and who are the intended targets?”
The purpose of terrorism is to destroy the public’s sense of security. Terrorists often target major buildings or locations, such as embassies and military installations, to create a sense of terror and panic as well as pay attention to the message being conveyed. This way, terror organizations can induce the population to pressure the government towards a specific political end. Thus, in most cases, governments (embassies and military) are the intended targets of terrorist violence.
Discussion Question 3
“ What are the primary tools for global governance on migration? Why have global governance efforts been so ineffective when it comes to migration?”
Some of the tools used for global governance on migration include the Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF) and the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). The MiGOF tool helps define how a “well-managed migration policy” might look like. On the other hand, the MGI was developed to assess the national framework and help to operationalize the MiGOF. However, global governance efforts have not been effective when it comes to migration. Unilateral action is not effective in coping flows of migration. Collaboration is needed among source and destination countries and also between government actors (Newland, 2019).
European Parliament. (2010). The role of regional human rights mechanisms. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2010/410206/EXPO-DROI_ET(2010)410206_EN.pdf
IJRC. Regional systems. Source: International Justice Resource Center. Available at: https://ijrcenter.org/regional/
Newland, K. (2019). Global Governance of International Migration 2.0: What Lies Ahead? Migration Policy Institute.