19 Feb 2023


The Role of Social Media Influencers in Public Relations and Marketing

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 375

Pages: 1

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The recent surge in social media usage has resulted in a shift in public relations and marketing practices ( Navarro et al., 2020) . Today, a majority of individuals spend most of their time on online platforms rather than the conventional routine of watching televisions. This transformation has affected the marketing and public relation sectors as the target audience is not reachable using the typical means. In the quest to find alternative ways, they have resorted to utilizing social media influencers to be at par with the market dynamics. These social media influencers play a pertinent role in publicity as they can positively build brands and bolster customer engagement ( Wielki, 2020) . It is, therefore, vital for organizations to use such influencers to boost their sales and maintain a good reputation.

This research topic will cement my career objectives as a public relations and marketing manager since I will be able to comprehend the current roles played by social media influencers. Also, it will enhance my understanding of technology in marketing which is crucial in the present world ( Choudhary et al., 2020) . The project will investigate how social networks have revolutionized the market. Afterward, it will focus on the part played by influencers in improving customer engagement and the image of the brand.

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One of the primary challenges expected in this project is my lack of familiarity in handling research. This study requires extensive examination as social media is a relatively new topic in marketing and it is continuously evolving. Another limitation is that little or no evidence exists on the emerging technology platforms such as TikTok and Likee ( Choudhary et al., 2020) . This inadequacy in primary studies on the subject will require one to delve deeper into research articles to find the relevant materials. Also, it can result in a lack of similar studies to prove a particular pattern as there are inadequate sources ( Hatamleh, 2016) . Overall, the project requires a lot of time and effort to compile valid and convincing inferences.


Choudhary, N., Gautam, C., & Arya, V. (2020). Digital Marketing Challenge and Opportunity with Reference to TikTok -A New Rising Social Media Platform.  Editorial Board 9 (10). 

Hatamleh, H. M. (2016). Obstacles of Scientific Research with Faculty of University of Jadara from Their Point of View.  Journal of Education and Practice 7 (33), 32-47. 

Navarro, C., Moreno, A., Molleda, J. C., Khalil, N., & Verhoeven, P. (2020). The challenge of new gatekeepers for public relations. A comparative analysis of the role of social media influencers for European and Latin American professionals.  Public Relations Review 46 (2), 101881. 

Wielki, J. (2020). Analysis of the Role of Digital Influencers and Their Impact on the Functioning of the Contemporary On-Line Promotional System and Its Sustainable Development.  Sustainability 12 (17), 7138. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Role of Social Media Influencers in Public Relations and Marketing.


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