9 Jan 2023


Themes of Imperialism and Deception in James Clavell's The Children Story

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 561

Pages: 2

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As I watched the video, I felt the apogee of imperialism and misuse of the school curriculum to corrupt the children’s mind. The mood of the video is tense as the kids fear for their lives. The student’s parents are forcefully taken to the school by the new regime that has taken over the country. In the story, a foreign government has acquired the territory of the United States of America. Therefore, there is the need for the government to make the children learn how to appreciate the new leadership. The new teacher works hard to win the trust of the kids in the classroom. I also felt the innocence of the children’s mind which was being duped by the foreign teacher. The tutor takes advantage of the gullible nature of the young pupils to instill false doctrines and also incite the students against the overthrown government. The theme of deception is prevalent in the video clips as most of the ideas that the teacher presents are untrue. The teacher makes extra efforts to win the hearts and minds of the students by inciting the pupils against their former teachers and parents. 

The curriculum is a planned learning experience that is intended to bring about some given outcomes while being aware of the fact that unintended results may also develop. People who develop the school curriculum have predetermined objectives that should be imparted to the students. In the James Clavell's the children story, the curriculum aims to change the mindset of the students to embrace the new leadership regime. The pupils are meant to believe that their former leaders, as well as God, do not answer prayers. Therefore, the students should not waste their time while praying to either their leaders or God. However, the teacher provides the material desires of the children hence imparting confidence in her teaching doctrines. The unintended outcome of the curriculum is depicted when the students discover the deception of their teacher. For instance, when the tutor asks the pupils to close their eyes as they pray for candy, one of the kids fail to close their eyes and he, therefore, discovers the teacher’s tricks. However, the teacher deals with the unintended objective of the curriculum by stating that she wanted to prove to the pupils that neither leaders nor God can answer their prayers. 

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There are numerous negative things that the children learned in the video. First, the kids learned that their former teacher was lazy as she could not remember the names of all the pupils. The children also learned that their new teacher was hardworking and intelligent due to her mastery of their names. The tutor stated that teachers need to work hard to remember the pupils’ names, in the same way; the pupils are expected to work hard academically. The teacher made the kids believe that their parents have wrong thoughts and that is why they do not grant their wishes when they want. Therefore, the pupils developed a positive perception towards adult education. The pupils whose parents were forcefully taken away began to acknowledge the essence of the oppressive government. 

The video raises several questions regarding the objective of the new student’s curriculum. The first question regards the long-term effects of the learning objectives. Although the teacher indoctrinates false teachings to the pupils, the students are bound to know the truth as they develop into adults. The other questions regard the fate of the former teachers who were inclined towards the previous regime. We are not told whether the teachers were dismissed or left to continue serving the school. We are also not told whether the parents to the children were eventually released after going back to the school. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Themes of Imperialism and Deception in James Clavell's The Children Story.


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