20 Aug 2022


Theology: A Guide to the Study of Religion

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Academic level: College

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Words: 575

Pages: 2

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When I hear the word theology, various thoughts run through my head, but the major one is that one concerning a discipline that teaches about God. This is because based on the research I have conducted and what I have established as a result, the name theology itself contains an indication of the concept of God in it. “Theo” is a Greek word meaning God and “logy” is a suffix typically used to denote various disciplines such as sociology and psychology. “Logy” as a suffix typically derives from the word “logos” a Greek word that means “reason,” “plan,” as well as “word.” Hence, when I think of the term theology I associate it with the science employed in the study of God. This may entail establishing and understanding the origin of God, as well as his nature. Similarly, the term theology also translates into a science or discipline that describes, based on the nature of God, His rules. When I hear the term theology, I also think of its ability to reveal findings with regards to the relationship between God and His followers. For me, theology is a science that tries to explain what Christians and Christianity is all about, based on the teachings of God.

I have had both a positive and negative experience in my past with regards to the study of theology. Regarding the positive experience, I have learned the nature of God, which according to theology is that He is all loving and He loves everyone unconditionally. Despite the differences we see amongst ourselves, my past experience with the study of theology has taught me that indeed we are all equal before God, which has had a positive outlook on how I treat others. I have also had a positive experience, through the study of theology, of learning to be a better person by being my brother’s keeper. However, I have also had a negative experience with the study of theology, based on how I have understood some of the ways in which it describes God. For instance, the notion of God being a jealous God seems to be presenting Him as imperfect despite also depicting Him majorly as a perfect being. This negative experience has made me question some of the teachings of theology on God and His nature. In some instances, I could say I have also had a confusing experience with the study of theology, as I also like to think that I prefer factual information as opposed to tales that I cannot necessarily prove.

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Besides a passing grade, I am hoping to take away a lot from this course in the next eight weeks. Among the things I would like to take away is a deeper understanding of the nature of God as it has always intrigued me. I would like to understand the idea of His perfection, how He knows everyone even before they are born, as well as how to build the ideal relationship with Him. I would also like to get a better understanding of the Christian faith as it will facilitate my understanding of the development of the relationships between Christians and God. I believe that through this course, I will be able to understand the relationship between God and mankind over the years, thus have a better understanding of the kind of relationship I can have with God. I am also hoping to gain from the course, a better understanding of some of the things I find confusing about the Christian faith. This may include what it really entails to lead a good life in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven in the end. I am hoping that through the course I will have a better picture of what a true Christian is, as opposed to what society deems a good Christian.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Theology: A Guide to the Study of Religion.


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