31 Aug 2022


"Three Miles" podcast critic

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Academic level: College

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Words: 318

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Listening to the podcast "Three Miles," the attribute of persuasion is depicted as a complex yet essential aspect to survive from such backgrounds. Being brought into a world that seems unfair for the less fortunate, dreams and ambitions are destroyed before people try to achieve them. The psychological impact that is evident when such youths are exposed to private institutions depicts a level of discrimination and discouragement. Social backgrounds form most of an individual's belief and for such underprivileged youths, to break the cycle requires much persuasion and effort. Through their school life, children are persuaded by fellow students, teachers, and their need to make a better life. It is, therefore, important for every person who doubts their capabilities to be open and exposed to positive persuasion. Similarly, in the podcast, if Melony overcame her negative background belief and accepted the positive persuasion that she received from those around her, she might have changed her future. 

Moreover, exposure is a crucial aspect of social influence. Being subjected to a diverse environment or experience generates an impact on an individuals' attitudes, behavior, and values. For instance, when underprivileged students are not exposed to the real world, they tend to grow with a lower level of hope or ambition to reverse their social status. Exposure to a different world might be challenging since new environments tend to discriminate or downgrade the newbies. Furthermore, as the podcast concludes, there is a positive intention for exposure, however, in the current society, the underprivileged receive the same treatment even when they choose to adapt to their exposure. If equality becomes the society's foundation, exposure will have a positive social influence on people. 

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Lastly, moments are like a series of making the right choices. Like time, moments do pass by fast and are difficult to recover. Moments have the power to shape and influence one's future by subjecting them to decision-making. Harsh and discriminative experiences place people under challenging moments where their belief system is challenged. Whenever an individual is faced with a positive or negative moment, the reaction and action taken after shape and determine the future. Every moment of our lives, therefore, is special, and they do have the power to influence our future. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). "Three Miles" podcast critic.


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