2 Oct 2022


Traits of a High-Performing Project Team

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 269

Pages: 1

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A successful team always exceeds the expectations of a manager. In a successful team, the results are not left to chance. Teamwork is an essential thing in every aspect of life. Every manager depends on the side to get things done. Therefore, the highest performing teams are made of unity.

A successful team should have its vision clear, encourage open communication, have an effective leader, recognize and motivate each other, and enhance collaboration. Having a clear view is essential to a team working together. The trait helps each to understand how uniquely they contribute to an organization. In most cases, the employees respect the unique vision of every individual that pronounce the strength of the company’s image.

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A great team has a quick and precise way to communicate and collaborate among all members to enhance success. The collaboration enhances the creation of solutions to a running challenge. A collaborative team is subject to sharing different opinions to build a reliable solution.

The most active teams are always open to feedback. in this case, the group actively support positive communication by praising and advising each other or asking for ideas and perspectives all through their projects. In some other cases, such teams create effective strategies to execute plans. The members of a team play a significant role in managing and achieving all goals. In this case, the members need to recognize and motivate their colleagues regardless of their field and performance. Manager’s appreciation is essential, but other members should also appreciate and value the efforts of their friends.

Despite the size and effort of the members, a great team should have an effective leader. A practical and reliable manager is essential to control lousy actions and support the team in case of complications. Occasionally, the manager overlooks results and focuses on the vision of the team.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Traits of a High-Performing Project Team.


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