15 Jul 2022


UDL (Universal Design of Learning)

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 561

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According to the YouTube video about Universal Design for Learning, Dr. David rose presents on the Universal Design for learning. He explains that there are two ways to view the disability problem and that is to view it as the disabled child problem and find a solution to help the child or view it as the school's problem or the culture`s problem that the school is not welcoming for the disabled child. He explains that their work recently focused on how to help the disabilities the school have. A better solution that would benefit all students including students with disabilities is by using universal designs that are building the design right at the beginning so that all the students can benefit. A learning technology such as electronic books was introduced to help the disabled who were not able to read or flip the pages of a book. After research of the brain investigation of how the brain reacts differently to learning, learning technologies were introduced to help the students who have different capabilities to learn understand and learn better. 

The big ideas from David Rose`s video that impact my thinking about universal design for learning are the focus on the use of assistive technology and also the development of properly designed buildings and structures that will help and benefit all the students. The use of assistive technology will best help children with disabilities by making access to school materials easier and also makes their learning abilities more effective. This will enable equality among the students so that no one is left out and they can all learn together. The design of proper building designs that will help benefit all students mostly the one with disabilities. With the improved building structures, children with disabilities such as the ones using wheelchairs will be able to access their various classes more easily making their movement easier. The structures include rams, elevators, etc. and all the students will be able to benefit from it. 

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It is more advisable to embed the three principle of Universal Design for Learning into the various day to day practices. Using multiple means of representations is a better way to communicate to all students. Use of various mediums of passing information will enable students who have different perceptual abilities, different linguistic abilities and the ones with different cognitive skills to get the information. Using multiple means of expression will allow the students to communicate or express what they know. This principle will help remove communication barriers for the students who have physical limitations, specific expressive disabilities or those who have difficulties with particular functions. Using multiple means of engagement when seeking to motivate and engage students is essential. It helps recruit interest, sustains effort and practice and develops self -regulation among students. 

As an educator, improving use of multiple means of expression such as printed books and other means of technology such as electronic books will help the students understand the presented concept better and will improve the teaching of the various subjects. Implementing use of various means of expression such as sign languages and other forms of communication will help the students communicate and express themselves better for better learning. Improving utilization of multiple uses of engagement such as incorporating various practices and involvement in learning will motivate and engage students in learning which further enhances their studies. 

In conclusion, the Universal Design of Learning has helped a lot to improve the life and studies of many disabled children in various schools. Also, the universal design of learning does not only help the disabled, but the frameworks can benefit all students. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). UDL (Universal Design of Learning).


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