6 Oct 2022


United States Constitution and Underlying

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 307

Pages: 1

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The common core initiative originated from Washington D. C. - policy advocacy and centric lobbying groups. The groups coerce States to adopt the common core initiative. It paid for the national tests under the common core and also intervened in the creation of tests. The initiative granted waivers from the load of “No Child Left Behind”- restrictive on the continued adherence to a federally- approved or a common core alternative. In this case, the essay will discuss on how the common core initiative violates federalism. 

Central to the rhetoric (and thinking) of the advocates of this initiative on education reforms was that, the State performance standards were dropping drastically and devoid of nationalization, the performance standards will inexorably decline. The name given to the initiative- “Race to the Top” reflects the idea. In this case, the idea was for the federal government to step in order to prevent states from the forceful downward slide in the education sector. 

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In the year 2007, Thomas Fordham Institute analyzed the performance of states in a survey called “The Proficiency Illusion”. According to the study, states had various performance standards (as expected by the federal government); the thought of “race to the bottom” was not realistic. Therefore, I will disagree with the common core initiative simply because, while the givers of public education face the lure to make easy steps out by allowing a downward fall in the academic standards, there will be a countervailing strain towards high standards (more so, if they are opposing standards in the other states). In this case, if the education officials and policymakers allow standards to slip, the inadequacy in standards will ruin the reputation of states for having a qualified workforce. Consequently, the drop in standards will damage the reputation of the education officers and policy makers. 

In conclusion, the common core initiative violates federalism as the rivalry that exists in competitive federalism will work against the students, teachers, and all the good people who expect a well-learned citizenry and also to all those people who want to enjoy the freedom provided in the Constitution of the United States- Madisonian System of federalism. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). United States Constitution and Underlying.


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