18 Jul 2022


Viewing Diary on Clueless (1995) film by Amy Heckerling

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Movie Review

Words: 274

Pages: 1

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Title: Clueless 

I watched the film Clueless which was written and produced by Amy Heckerling in 1995 and the main film in the disk I selected.

Reflections on my own work 

The plot of the film centers on one character known as Cher Horowitz, who is a rich and beautiful student in high school and her friendship with Tai Frasier, who she decides to give a makeover. From the occurrences in the film, the writer brings out the themes of love and friendship by using the two characters Horowitz and Frasier.

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I was particularly interested in the film because it falls in the genre of coming-of-age teen comedy which is one of the areas I enjoy most. I would like to come up with a script that focuses on teen comedy that would reach as many audiences as possible so as to develop my film-making career.

The film had a great impact on my passion since I have great interests in how teens behave in schools and would love to have more information on teenage behavior with the aim of investing in that niche.

Through the character Dionne Davenport, who is a student from a wealthy family and equally beautiful, it is possible to understand the interactions that happen among students in high school. Dionne is represented as a teenager in a long-term relationship with another popular student known as Murray. Notably, Cher tells her friend Dionne that the relationship is a pointless endeavor for her. From such actions, it is evident that Cher values her friendship with Dionne and attempted to advise her on relationships.

I also learned about love from the film by considering the actions of Josh towards Cher. I would like to make a love film from the lessons I learned from the two characters.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Viewing Diary on Clueless (1995) film by Amy Heckerling.


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