24 Oct 2022


What is a Personal World View?

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I am a firm believer that religion is significant in the world. My worldview is that there exists the presence of a supernatural being. I, therefore, agree with the existence of God. Although I may have so many questions about every other aspect in Christianity, deep down, I believe that there is one who has all the knowledge of how and when human began existing. There so many different explanations about how people and animals came to life and after evaluating it, I believe there is just a particular being that has all the answers, about life and the world.

I was born in a Christian home, and my siblings and I were taught about God in church and also in school. So I grew believing in God until I joined high school and questioned so many things. "Why doesn't God heal the sick?" "Why do people die" "Why do people suffer yet God is powerful?I found no answers to my questions, so I began to drift away into the secular world, and I had nothing to believe in anymore. I then reflected on my life and realized that anytime I face challenges or I am in trouble; God is always the first to come into my mind. I cry out for help from him. Even with all my doubts, I involuntarily cry out to God. So I realized that I had been lying to myself that I do not believe in God, although this is who I believe in.

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Believing in God does not mean I believe all the Christian stories that exist (Zulo et al. 2019). My argument is that before Christianity began the people back then believed in something. Communities had their gods and powers that they attributed their existence to, so Christian stories could be another version of particular people’s beliefs. Therefore, I know that people, even in the past, believed in beings who were not just ordinary. So I believe in the presence of a unique being that existed even in the past.

I think Christianity forms a kind of universal oneness, the essence of Christian teachings according to my opinion, is to bring together humankind in the whole world and make them believe in one course. I also often think it is a form of guidance and control. To get rid of harmful practices in some societies. I believe that God is one. It is quit confusing when you believe in the presence of God, but you witness evils happening, many people dying and others suffering. But then you also see the good things in the world and realize that good things also happen maybe they are miracles. These are the small things that happen every day as the successful birth of a child. Or landing a job or maybe healing of a disease.

Why I believe in the existence of God 

The reason I believe in the existence of God is something that nobody else can see or feel other than me. I remember once when I went into surgery, and I was unconscious for a very long time. The moment I woke up, I could only sing a worship song that God is a miracle worker. I had not thought about it, and the song just came into my mind involuntarily. So I asked myself how that even happens. How does one give thanks and praise to God without giving a thought about? And I believed it was a miracle for me to pull through after the surgery. There must have been some power that kept me alive. One would argue that the doctors had the knowledge but then why wouldn't they have made a mistake and everything would have gone wrong. Deep within I had so much gratitude and it was not enough to give it to the doctors, it was too much that I had to give it to God.

I believe it's true that God works at a personal level because of the overwhelming peace I have encountered when relating to him. It is not explainable because anytime I am stressed, and I call to God, the stress disappears. I seriously do not know whether it is due to the teachings I had as a child, but I feel relieved stress no more. I fear no more and believe God would work it out.

However, as I believe in God, I do no stop to put in my best efforts to achieve something. I think a reason why other people dismiss Christianity as accurate is because some believers wait for miracles to happen without them putting in any work. For example, believing you will own a car but not in any wayfinding money to buy it. In this notion, people live in poverty, but they always pray for the desire to be fulfilled. This is why I believe too much of something is toxic. I believe that God exists, but a human being has the mind and ability to live their lives according to how they want to. According to counselling research humans require five types of wellness they include physical, spiritual emotional, social and intellectual. The spiritual wellness in this context requires people to contemplate the meaning of their life (Bhatti 2011). However, it also entails utilizing and appreciating the resources in the world. Therefore I believe ones spirituality can entail all types of religion as of mine believes in God.

I believe in God as a supernatural being, but most times, I am uncertain on so many other things that are in Christianity (Abel et al. 1983). Some Christians live rigorous lives where they are unhappy because they look forward to eternal happiness. Yet others get into salvation, but their deeds are of hate and jealousy, but they still believe in eternity. As for me, I have proof that through God, I feel peace and gratitude that I have felt in no other place. However, I am not ready to restrict myself to Christian beliefs that hinder happiness and freedom. I believe the conscience in human beings is connected to God and should help an individual know what is right and wrong.

Application in My life 

In my daily life, I feel the presence of a supernatural being, who I believe knows everything and intervenes in my success and during the times when I do not know the way forward. I also believe that the supernatural being who I call God allows me to pursue my life in accordance with the abilities I have. Kindness, love and humility are all attributed to God. However, many people who do not believe in God may still have these qualities. Such people are what I wanted to be after school. I wanted to belong to no religion, but I was drawn to believe that God exists.

Every single morning I say a prayer for I believe that God is always watching over me. However, I don't sit down and wait for miracles to happen out of nowhere. I go and try my best to pursue what I feel is right. However, if I had the chance, I would want to sit down next to the supernatural being and ask why I feel his presence and why everything is not perfect in the world. Maybe then I would have a clear understanding of the whole Christian religion. I relate to people with respect and love. I also try to mind my own business at all costs. I do not feel alone, even when I am alone. I always believe there is a being who is with me all the time. I cannot explain the logic of how every day someone is watching over one person and so many others, but I believe it anyway. Maybe it's because it gives me a reason to be strong, motivated or contented.

However, in every day's activities, humans face so many problems and challenges and believing in a supernatural being gives you the strength to survive in the world. Therefore God is my strength to help me believe in my potential. Therefore, in situations where I get sick, I take medication, believing I would be healed. The spiritual aspect of a human's life gives people some form of energy to be the best in life. However, the use of religion for escapism always result in poverty because human beings must survive by utilizing what is present in the world. Science and history have tried to create theories on how man came to be and mans’ behavior, but the diverse stories that are present in these disciplines do not entirely convince me on any other world view. Therefore the presence of a supernatural being who is called God is the best way to describe the unknown.

In conclusion, I believe that the existence of God is real because of the peace that develops in me when I seek his help. Believing in Him also gives me unexplainable strength to handle even the most challenging issues that arise in my life. I do not believe in eternity, but I believe that my purpose on earth is to live a happy by following my conscience, showing kindness to my fellow humans and upholding love for all for these are the values utilize every day in my life


Abell, G. O., & Singer, B. (1983). Science and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural. Macmillan

Bhatti, M. I., Batool, N., & Riaz, M. N. (2011). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPIRITUAL WELLNESS AND QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 42(2).

Zurlo, G. A., Johnson, T. M., & Crossing, P. F. (2019). Christianity 2019: What's Missing? A Call for Further Research. International bulletin of mission research, 43(1), 92-102.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). What is a Personal World View?.


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