25 May 2022


What is Your Cultural and Employee Value Proposition?

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Use your research to describe the positive attributes of the work environment that the surveyed employees described

On the Business Insider's list of best places to work according to the employees in 2018, Facebook, Inc., and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) dominate the top (Gillet, 2017). Facebook is based in Menlo Park, California, USA and has a global outlook as far as the market is concerned. Facebook has over thirty thousand employees. Boston Consulting Group is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA and has a worldwide clientele base as well. BCG has been reported to have sixteen thousand employees worldwide in the year 2018 (Gillet, 2017). Both companies have been at the cutting edge of employee maintenance in the United States of America. Both companies have been reported to have a positive work environment that promotes the employees' willingness to work and raises their morale (Gillet, 2017). That is why the two companies are doing exceptionally well in the financial and social aspects of their respective industries in the United States of America (Gillet, 2017).

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The employees at Facebook have had the following reasons for ranking the company as the best place to work in within the USA. Primarily, the employees at Facebook feel valued by the company's management. That motivates them to be at the forefront of productivity (Gillet, 2018). The administration encourages the employees to be their full selves for more productivity. The other reason why employees thought Facebook is the best place to work is that the company focuses on innovation (Gillet, 2018). The employees are allowed to be creative at their work and help the company come up with artistic developments to improve its services to the customers (Gillet, 2018). Transparency among the senior leaders has always motivated the employees to keep working for the company. An employee told Business Insider that he is so proud to have landed a job at Facebook (Gillet, 2018). The lines of communication are opened, and the flow of interaction between the employees and the chief executive officer, Mark Zuckerberg, and are smooth and one that gives them the secrets of the organization (Gillet, 2018).

On the other hand, the employees at Boston Consulting Group had the following reasons for their idea of the company being the best place to work in within the USA (Ivy Exec, 2018). The first reason was diversity. BCG targets the potential international candidates to become the employee of the company in various capacities (Ivy Exec, 2018). The company had therefore harmonized people of different backgrounds and made them work together. Ethics keep the employees of BCG in check. The company has cultivated the ethical requirements that have made it possible for the employees to be united and appreciate one another (Ivy Exec, 2018). That has led to the employee satisfaction that has motivated the workers to strive and keep their jobs at BCG. That has had an improvement effect on the company concerning its output to the customers. That has placed the company in the top ten lists of the best places to work in the USA (Ivy Exec, 2018).

Generally, both Facebook and BCG have demonstrated the existence of the employee value proposition. Primarily, the companies have done so by having substantial and notable returns for the skills that the employees have invested while working at the company. The companies have provided an enabling environment for the employees to display their skills and make use of them in their work. That has boosted their morale and helped them to increase their willingness to work at the organizations. The babbling surroundings on both Facebook and BCG have further made it possible for the organizations to create a culture that is appealing to the employees and easy to follow. That has made the workers to develop a positive attitude towards working at their respective companies. Therefore, the employee value proposition has been an instrumental tool for displaying the value that the employees have brought to the organizations and the cultivation of the virtues whose result is the enabling environment for work. 

Describe management's role within a work environment and how employees play a part

The management's role in the work environments of both Facebook and the Boston Consulting Group are as follows. The first role of the control is hiring (Rapp, Agnihotri, & Baker, 2015). The management is involved in the employment of the new employees at the various departments of the two companies. The administration is supposed to hire both qualified and diverse employees to work at the companies. Summatively, the management is supposed to ensure a smooth induction process for the new employees into the job. The other role of the command is being role models (Rapp, Agnihotri, & Baker, 2015). The managers are in the limelight of the organizational activities in both companies. Therefore, they have to ensure that they uphold the morals that the employees are supposed to follow (Rapp, Agnihotri, & Baker, 2015). The senior managers at both Boston Consulting Group and Facebook have to ensure that they have proper mannerisms and use a polite language and accept their mistakes o that they can be role models to the employees of the company (Rapp, Agnihotri, & Baker, 2015). 

The other role of the management in the two companies is to train the employees. The employees in both companies have to be continually prepared to catch up with the latest developments in their various industries. Hence, the management of the organizations has to plan for the education of the employees from time to time. The training is essential for both the new and the existing employees at both companies. The other role of the management is to recognize both results and behavior. The administration is supposed to reward the outstanding employees and punish the employees who go against the company's rules and regulations. Giving directions is one of the most significant duties of the management. The managers are at liberty to get rid of the employees who are regarded as errant and cannot follow the rules for intentional reasons. 

In as much as the management in the organizations is in control of the employees, the workers have an essential part to play in the success of the leadership. The employees have to comply with the training requirements and procedures that have been put in place by the top management officials. That indicates their willingness to support the management in coming up with new training and educational requirements. The abiding by the rules also shows the employees' motives to assist the administration in laying out the rules. That makes the work of the management more straightforward. The employees also play a part in abiding by the general rules that the senior managers have put in place. The employees complying with the regulations ensure that the work of the management in managing the workers becomes easy. They also make it easy for the new employees who are joining the company to follow the set guidelines and do what is expected of them at all times.

The employees play the role of spreading good words regarding both Facebook and Boston Consulting Group. The spread of the positive aspects of the companies is done while the employees are dealing with the customers and the other company stakeholders. That leads to the attraction of the skilled employees who seek jobs and transform the companies a great deal. That also attracts more customers to the companies, which improves the business operations and expands the company's outlook regarding the target market. The employees also cooperate with the management as their role models by following the various trends that the managers are having. Such patterns include mannerisms such as the way of talking, way of dressing and the language being used. That makes the employees outstanding. That also contributes to the harmonization of the employees from different backgrounds as they look unto the managers as their unifying factors and role models.

Describe your current or past organization (or another selected organization) and how the organization's actions, policies, and practices compare to your two researched organizations

Kraft Heinz Company is an organization in the food and beverage manufacturing industry in the USA. It is headquartered in Chicago and has 39000 thousand employees. Kraft Heinz, unlike Facebook and Boston Consulting Group, has been listed as one of the worst companies to work in the United States (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). According to Glassdoor, an organization that is used in the USA to rate the companies by the employees, most of the employees at Kraft Heinz gave the company a rating of 1. That is the lowest possible score a company can have. Averagely, the company had a score of 2.7/5 (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). Glassdoor, however, states that the negative attitude of the employees towards the company is gradually changing, with more employees being willing to work in the company for a long time. That is good news for Kraft Heinz, which for a long time has risked losing employees and incurring losses due to the slow-paced operations that would be because of understaffing (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018).

Kraft Heinz has a poor work-life balance according to an interviewee who works at the company (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). The roused employee told Glassdoor that the shifts at the company had become as long as eleven hours. That has come with no extra pay for the employees who have been working hard to ensure that the activities of the company are a success and that the customers keep streaming into the company (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). The poor work and life balance by Kraft Heinz have led to the employees having very little time to spend with their families. That has weakened their family ties. The situation has also increased the cases of burnout among the employees who have been working overtime with very short rest. That has dramatically reduced their efficiency at work. The result is that the customers have been complaining against the employees who have slowed down their performance due to the exhaustion from the long shifts (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018).

Research by the Chicago Tribune has stated that working at Kraft Heinz is not for everybody, as the top executives admitted. Increasingly, the company has been faced with the problem of unfair competition. The employees have always been involved in a tussle for the next promotion or big win at the company (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). In as much as the financial analysts all over the USA and the world have been encouraging competition at the workplace, the one at Kraft Heinz has gone overboard and affected the employees negatively (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). The Chicago Tribune also stated that the management of the company is less concerned with what the employees go through to achieve what the company targets but more concerned with the results that are actualized. The Company, therefore, lacks the skills of the personalization of the employees and therefore coping with the work environment becomes a challenge for the newly employed staff. Thus, many potential employees have often opted to keep off from Kraft Heinz (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018).

The employees who are not huge fans of bureaucracy may find Kraft Heinz a no-go zone. After making the investments, according to the Forbes magazine, the company became slow, bureaucratic, and big. The employees had to pass through a good number of offices to get a simple task done. That magnanimously reduced the task completion durations at Kraft Heinz, which would later bring up the issue of slow-paced operations that he customers complained about on a daily basis (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018). That affected the company's culture directly and became a crisis, which affected the operations and activities of the company. Slowly, the culture of the company was changing to be a slow-paced company. That would not go well with the increasing consumer base of the company in the state of Illinois as well as the whole of the USA. At the peak of the development of the negative culture at Kraft Heinz, the company was faced with a 30% downgrade in the stock (Suneson & Stebbins, 2018).

Provide a summary of your suggestions to your organization's management to improve employee value proposition, attitudes, and behaviors

The first suggestion to the management of Kraft Heinz to change the company's environment is to reduce bureaucracy (Davis, 2017). The control of the company should start by identifying the type of authority model that the company is operating under in the present. Notably, the company is a traditional organization (Davis, 2017). The management can work towards transforming the organization to a learning one. A learning organization will embrace the current management techniques that are focused on the welfare of the workers. That will increase the employees' desire to be involved in the company in the long-term employment contracts. That will lead to a widening of the customer base that will translate into more earnings. The reduction of bureaucracy at Kraft Heinz will improve the employee value proposition, which will change their attitudes towards the company and its leadership under the current chief executive officer (Davis, 2017). 

The other suggestion to improve the employee value proposition at Kraft Heinz is to maintain healthy competition among the employees. The issue of competition, which has thoroughly affected the company's operations, has modified most of the new employees at the company. The management at the company can come up with a fair competition system, which will motivate the employees of the company in their working at Kraft Heinz. It will also unite the employees who are currently having the rivalry, which they may perceive as enmity. The harmony of the employees is set to have notable advantages to the business activities at Kraft Heinz advances to the next level of management and competition on the internal platform. The administration can change the competition to be fair by rewarding all the employees according to the work they have done at the organization rather than rewarding the best employee only. 

The other suggestion to improve the employee value proposition by the management is to improve the work-life balance. Fundamentally, the company can reduce the shift lengths to eight hours from eleven so that the employees have more time with their families and the other activities they are involved in beyond work. The management at Kraft Heinz can also have a logical structural consistency. The structural coherence can occur in the various issues such as the design of the shift length at the workplace. That will reduce the inconveniences that the shifts can have on the employees at the company. Kraft Heinz can also introduce the community engagement practices to engage the employees. The company can set up fundraising activities in the state of Illinois or locally in the city of Chicago to assist the needy people. That will introduce an aspect of engagement of the employees to improve the current work-life related issue such as the maintenance of the balance between the work and the average life.

Kraft Heinz can broadcast the employees' achievements to make them proud and feel wanted by the organization. The broadcasting of the employees' achievements will also motivate the change of behavior and attitude towards the organization among the employees (Kohler, 2015). The company's management can individualize the employees of the company. The personal treatment of the employees will motivate them to be better at their work. That will also give the opportunity to the human resource department of the company to take into considerations all the needs of the employees (Kohler, 2015). The management of the company, through the reduction of bureaucracy, can increase employee participation. The administration can involve the employees in the making of some of the decisions that the company is supposed to make to affect the activities. That will bring the employees closer to the organization and keep the lines of communication open such as the case in Facebook (Kohler, 2015). 

Create a summary of your findings from this semester, what you learned, and the impact it will have on you moving forward

From the semester, I have learned that culture and the employee value proposition in an organization are connected. The change of the employee value proposition has a definite difference in the culture of the organization. The human resource department of an organization defines the employee value proposition. The human resource department is associated with the addressing of the concerns of the employees and therefore links the employee value proposition to the employees. The employee value proposition can potentially change the way the employees view an organization, the attitude they have toward it and the way the beliefs and attitudes affect their working. The employee value proposition is centered on the employees which makes them a better approach to addressing their concerns that the other traditional ways of solving them. Employee value proposition is linked to the idea of employer branding which appeals to the customers just like the employer value proposition. 

Employee value proposition has its importance in an organization. Firstly, it is a determinant of how the employees view the organization including their behaviors and attitudes towards the company. The employee value proposition offers a natural look at all the job positions available in a company. Consequently, the employee value proposition makes sure that the role is attractive to the potential employees with top talents. That improves the quality of the employee base. The consideration of the employees' positions also helps the current employees to determine whether they are good fits for the positions or not. Additively, the employee value proposition can elevate the entire brand of a company. The elevation of the brand makes the companies a first stop for the talented and skilled employees in the market. That would improve the quality of the employee base of a company. That will increase the customer service efforts, which will attract more customers to the company.

Employee value proposition affects the customers' morale, behaviors, and attitudes to the organization. On the morale of the employees, the employee value proposition works towards improving the employees' morale. The employee value proposition integrates into the human resource management of the company, which directly deals with the employees (Kohler, 2015). The employee value proposition creates a system that enables the employees to feel wanted by an organization. That leads to the increase in their morale to work at the organization and be involved in the activities of the company. The employee value proposition raised the employees' morale by advocating for the systems that enable the employees to work harder each day. By working harder, the employees can provide an organization with the required results according to the various targets that the employer has set for them. They are also able to attract new potential and skilled employees to the company as well as the customers (Kohler, 2015). 

Employee value proposition also affects the behaviors and attitudes of a company by allowing them to make an impact on the organization. An organization can allow impact on the employees by encouraging their innovativeness. The innovative employees will be essential to the driving of the organization forward concerning the financial and the social aspects. Creative employees will also help the management in the leadership work by coming up with and implementing their ideas which may be inherent to the company's economic advancement. Employee value proposition is also essential in an organization b inspiring leadership and responsibility as skills to the employees. 


Davis, P. J. (2017). How HR can create competitive advantage for the firm: Applying the 

principles of Resource-based theory. Human Resource Management International Digest , 25 (2), 4-6.

Ivy Exec. (2018). Working for the Boston Consulting Group | Employee reviews. Retrieved from https://www.ivyexec.com/company-profile/the-boston-consulting-group-careers/employee-reviews  

Gillet, R. (2017, December 7). The 50 best places to work in 2018, according to employees. Business Insider . Retrieved from https://www.pulselive.co.ke/bi/strategy/strategy-the-50-best-places-to-work-in-2018-according-to-employees-id7691545.html  

Gillet, R. (2018, January 12). 7 Reasons Facebook is the best place to work in America and no other company can compare. Business Insider . Retrieved from https://www.pulselive.co.ke/bi/strategy/7-reasons-facebook-is-the-best-place-to-work-in-america-id7695399.html  

Kohler, T. (2015). Crowdsourcing-based business models: how to create and capture value. 

California Management Review , 57 (4), 63-84.

Rapp, A., Agnihotri, R., & Baker, T. L. (2015). Competitive intelligence collection and use by 

Sales and Service representatives: how managers’ recognition and autonomy moderate individual performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 43 (3), 357-374.

Suneson, G., & Stebbins, S. (2018, June 15). What are the worst companies to work for? New report analyzes employee reviews. USA Today . Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2018/06/15/worst-companies-to-work-for-employee-reviews/35812171/  

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). What is Your Cultural and Employee Value Proposition?.


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