23 Aug 2022


Michael Kodas' "Wildfires at Your Doorstep"

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

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The editorial of “Wildfires at Your Doorstep” was written by Michael Kodas. It speaks of the increasing number of fires that has caught the globe by surprise. The articles also delve into the discussion so of the devastating impacts of the wildfires that have killed many and left several displaced from their areas of residences. This editorial has plenty of facts to it and has recorded an unusually high number of readers. 

The article gives a statistical figure of 10 million of acres of land burning in the year 2015. This was the most significant number from the year 1960, according to the statistical data provided by the article. This data, however, is a false and just an estimate as no actual proof of this fact is in place. While the wildfires get global and world attention, there are many numbers of wildfires that go unreported. As such this figure is just one of the fallacies that have been projected by the editorial to grab reader’s attentions. 

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The editorial, “Wildfires at Your Doorstep” also goes ahead to talk about such data as reports by the Forest service team that such fires represent 44 million of residences do not understand that they face the wildfire threat. While this may be true for some residents, a blanket conclusion that the entire group does not know that they are faced with wildfire threats may be a fallacy. Plenty of educative efforts need to be put in place to sensitize the populace about the very danger of wildfire explosion in their residential areas. But some of these residences are aware, and they continue to take precautionary measures and mitigation against such risks. 


Michael, Kodas. (2017). “ Wildfires at Your Doorstep.” Opinion | Op-Ed Contributor. The New York Times Sale. Extracted from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/26/opinion/wildfires-california-wildland.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fopinion Accessed on 27 th October 2017. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Michael Kodas' "Wildfires at Your Doorstep".


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