28 Apr 2022


Workforce Planning, Recruitment, and Selection

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Term Paper

Words: 1539

Pages: 5

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A1: Factors Influencing Labor Demand

Based on the memo, Memo on Proposed Employee Referral Plan, it is evident that several key factors influence the demand for new police officers within this particular department. By understanding the factors influencing labor demands, it becomes much easier for a human resource manager to come up with a comprehensive plan on how to meet such demands (Chan & Kuok, 2011). In this case, the first factor influencing demand is the need to reduce the amount of money paid out in overtime to the officers working within this department. Based on the case scenario, it is evident that a significant number of officers are working for long overtime hours resulting in increased expenditure by the department in meeting these extra costs. However, the costs would reduce if more officers would be hired as part of an approach to meeting the demands. The second key factor to note is that the city is experiencing high crime rates, which rates as one of the critical challenges for the department. Increasing the number of police officers would be of value towards ensuring that officers can increase the number of patrols with the intention of reducing the crime rates in the city. The crucial third factor relates to the fact that the average age of current officers is 45 years meaning that the more officers are eligible for retirement, which would, in turn, create a gap in the department. Recruitment of new officers is intended to reduce the possibility of this gap as a way of meeting the demands in the city.

A2: Factors Influencing Labor Supply

On the other hand, it is important to evaluate some of the critical factors influencing labor supply as a way of establishing the overall possibility of meeting the existing demands. Labor supply is affected by a wide array of factors most of which revolve around the viability of the labor market’s capacity in meeting the demands (Aravamudhan & Krishnaveni, 2016). The crucial first factor influencing labor supply, in this case, is the high rates of out-migration within this state resulting in a situation where the number of youths that would have joined the police force remains lower than expected. The second key factor influencing labor supply is the high cost of living in the city, which is an aspect that is preventing a significant number of people from moving into the city. Ultimately, this means that the police department is finding itself in a position where it is not able to meet the existing labor demands. Lastly, the harsh climatic conditions in the state also act as an influence to the labor supply capacities considering that the climatic conditions act as discouraging factors for people moving or living within this city. In the long-term, the labor supply capacity for the city about the police department is lower than the set-out demand.

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B1: Recruitment Objectives

The organization engages in the hiring processes taking note of the recruitment objectives that helps towards undertaking an efficient process. The requirement objectives developed for the organization are based on the overall goals of the company that capitalizes on providing the employees with a platform to exercise their skills and qualifications in a bid to enhance the performance of the organization. The first recruitment objective for the given organization entails finding the right people to match with the corporate goals. Considering that, the organization entails the police that engages in various roles and duties to protect members of the society, the human resources department is mandated to ensure that the police hired are the appropriate fit for the positions. The previous experiences of hired officers falling short of the hiring goals led to the development of the primary objective of ensuring that the individuals selected for various positions in the organization are the best fit and matches with the corporate goals.

The second recruitment objective for the organization entails getting highly qualified and experienced officers that have adequate knowledge on dealing with various situations as outlined in their roles and responsibilities. According to Ordanini & Silvestri (2008), experience and qualification are among the essential elements that help in ensuring that individuals work towards the achievement of personal and organizational goals. In this case, the organization requires hiring police officers that have adequate knowledge and experience regarding various strategies that entails reducing crime rates in the society. The third recruitment objective focuses on facilitating growth and development of both the organization and the individuals hired for the officers' positions. The structure ensures that the hiring process provided the selected individuals with a platform to grow and develop on issues relating to personal and work experiences.

B2: Recruitment Strategy

The establishment of recruitment strategies in the organization is an essential element that will assist in attracting more applicants for the 25 officers position required. The strategies help in determining the number of candidates that are fit for the positions and the total applicant pool that is required to produce an average number of candidates required for the mentioned positions. An analysis of previous recruitment processes in the company for other police departments indicates a yield ratio of 80 percent. In this case, to produce 25 viable candidates for the positions in the organization, the total number of applicants required is approximately 32 candidates who engage in various stages of the recruitment process. Considering that the police department in the organizations requires hiring officers that will help in reducing the crime rates in the society, it is necessary to identify the target individuals to engage in the recruitment process. The two types of individuals to be targeted in this case include the military police and the criminal justice graduate. The military police are a suitable target based on the military training undertaken that allows them to engage in different kinds of activities while dealing with criminal offenders. On the other hand, the criminal justice graduates are in a better position to deal with the criminal activities in the society. In this case, both target groups will be reached using the same methods. The first method is sending out recruitment invitation letters to the prospective candidates matching the laid out requirements. The second method is holding face-to-face discussions with the prospective candidates in a bid outlining the labor demands in the police department.

C1: Selection Methods

The first selection method that the department may adopt is police referral program that would focus on the current officers, who would refer other individuals for recruitment. Using this method, it is much easier for the officers to determine who they would consider as being viable for a position in the department.

The second selection method is advertisement positions through different platforms calling for qualified candidates to come for recruitment. Through advertisement of these positions, it becomes much easier to attract applicants from different quotas to meet the set-out demand.

Lastly, engaging in programs aimed at evaluating individuals working within other agencies may also be of value towards getting officers that would meet the set-out criteria. In some cases, the police department may find itself in a favorable position in attracting more applicants depending on its evaluation of individuals in other government agencies.

C2: Selection Tests

The first selection test to determine the suitability of an individual for a position of a police officer in this police department is mental stability test, which would focus more on evaluating an applicant's state of mind. When working as a police officer, one is always expected to have a transparent state of mind in a bid to ensuring that he or she makes effective decisions or when handling a weapon.

The second selection test is the physical test aimed at determining whether an applicant meets the laid out physical demands for the position of a police officer. Physical tests are essential in ensuring that an applicant has the physical expectations associated with working as a police officer in any given police department.

C3: Background Verification Checks

The first background verification check that is important during the recruitment is an education background check focused more on ensuring that the educational information provided is accurate. The test should be conducted when shortlisting the prospective candidates for the positions before they are considered for training and recruitment into the police department.

The second background check that should be conducted during the initial process of recruitment is the criminal background check as a way of ensuring that the applicants have not been involved in any illegal activities in the past. The criminal background check is essential in maintaining the credibility of the police department in the delivery of justice.

C4: Methods of Evaluating Effectiveness

The first method of evaluating the overall effectiveness of the recruitment and selection plans is evaluating the number of new police officers recruited into the department within a given period. Currently, the department is facing a challenge in recruiting new officers, thus, meaning an increase in the number of new officers would seek to determine the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process.

The second method of evaluating effectiveness is establishing a pattern in a reduction of crime in the city considering that the department would have a viable number of police officers to patrol different parts of the city.

The third method revolves around evaluating the expenditure of the department about paying officers' salaries considering that the spending would reduce due to a reduction in overtime for the officers.

The last method is an influx in the number of applicants for positions in the police department, which would mean that the methods used in the recruitment processes are effective in achieving set out goals.


Aravamudhan, N. R., & Krishnaveni, R. (2016). Capacity Building as a New Template for Diagnosing, Assessing and Improving Recruitment and Selection Activity: An Indian Case Study.  Journal of Contemporary Management Research 10 (2), 34-57.

Chan, S. H., & Kuok, O. M. (2011). A study of human resources recruitment, selection, and retention issues in the hospitality and tourism industry in Macau.  Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 10 (4), 421-441.

Ordanini, A., & Silvestri, G. (2008). Recruitment and selection services: Efficiency and competitive reasons in the outsourcing of HR practices.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (2), 372-391.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Workforce Planning, Recruitment, and Selection.


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