11 Jan 2023


100+ Interesting History Questions and Their Answers

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PART 1: 

Pueblo Revolt was an uprising of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish colonizers in the Santa Fe de Mexico (New Mexico). The revolt led to the death of 400 Spanish and 2000 settlers out of the province.  

The  Maroons  were slaves consisting of Blacks and Amerindians, who escaped enslavement to form their own communities (Hansen & Curtis, 2008). 

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Gloucester County Rebellion  was a plan to aggrieved servants to rise against authorities in Gloucester County in 1663. Nine men met in the woods and planned an operation on how they would collect ammunition and arms and proceed to the governor’s mansion alongside their recruits to demand their release. However, a servant named Birkenhead betrayed them, leading to the arrest and hanging of four of the planners. Birkenhead was rewarded with 5000 pounds of tobacco as well as freedom.  

The  Metacom’s   war  was significant as it represented the last violent effort by native Americans to stop English settlement and authority over their native land. 

James II of England  was unpopular because he attempted to force Protestant England to become Catholic.  

Glorious Revolution  was the overthrow of King James II, who was replaced by his daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, William of Orange (Kocka & Mitchell, 1993). 

The Glorious Revolution change  how England was governed. It gave more power to the Parliament over the monarchy and initiated a new era of political democracy.    

PART 2: 

The two groups that were at odds in the Ottoman Empire  were the ayan and the Janissaries (Aksan, 2014). The Janissaries were the sultan’s personal force while the ayan were the quasi-feudal notables.  

The Janissaries were the most powerful in the Ottoman military as they were an elite force with military prowess.  

The  Timar system  was a system whereby the projected revenue of conquered territory was distributed to the military class in the form of a temporary land grant (Aksan, 2014). When the landholder (timariot) died, the eldest son would take over; otherwise,, the land would be given to someone loyal to the sultan. This way, the quality and loyalty of timariots were kept at a maximum. 

The  success  of the Ottoman Empire was primarily attributed to the extraordinary political administration, which was centralized as well as a strong and organized military organization.  

Some of the examples that Jews did not have full equality in the Ottoman Empire include: 

Jews were required to pay an individual poll tax, a jiyzya. 

Jews were clumped alongside Christians into a millet system which dealt with them as a community.  

In the 19th century, Jew's position in the empire worsened, and in 1828, there was a massacre of Jews in Baghdad in 1828 as well as in Barfurush in 1867. Their businesses were looted in later attacks.  

Akbar the great  was tolerant of all religions.  

Akbar showed tolerance by: 

He declared that "No man should be interfered with on account of religion, and anyone is to be allowed to go to a religion that pleases him." 

He never oppressed or persecuted people on the grounds of religion.  

Though he was a Muslim ruler, he never forced Islam or its stipulation on his subjects. 

In the regions, he conquered he never forced Islamic conversion but allowed them to continue with their religion.  

The  women who lived in courts in the Ottoman Empire  were mainly used to please the Sultan sexually and for the production of heirs. The women were also used to serve the first lady of the harem who was usually wife or concubine of the Sultan's father.  

Roxelana  was a slave girl who was sold to someone connected to Suleyman. Though she was not beautiful, she had a pleasing personality that she quickly made a special place for herself in the harem. She bore at least four sons to Suleyman. Her close relationship with the Sultan allowed her to take on matters of state such as Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland. She patronized public works commissioning many projects for the Ottoman royal architect Sinan. Some projects included the Haseki mosque in Constantinople and Haseki Hurrem Hammam in the same city. Additionally, she organized the assassination of Ibrahim Pasha, the chief minister, to eliminate rival on the Sultan. It is during her time that women of the harem gained influence.  

The story shows  that women can break the glass ceiling not because they are beautiful or manipulate men but by seeking to share their ideas and redefining their role. The story also teaches people not to remain in positions assigned to them by society.  

The  middle class  in the Ottoman Empire consisted of bureaucrats and intellectuals such as lawyers, scientists, doctors, and judges who were wealthier and had better-paying jobs. 

The Ottoman Empire remained an agrarian economy, with a majority of people earning their living from small family farms. The Ottoman government drew a lot of its taxes from these peasants. The massive taxation and lack of incentive to mechanize meant that they remained poor. 

Barbary pirates  raided coastal towns and captured merchant ships. 


The Manchus ruled the Qing dynasty.   

The Manchus were similar to Mongols in that: 

Both were nomads. 

Both elected to “move into” rather than “take home” China. In doing so, they “became part of China.”  

Manchus maintained continuity by allowing Confucianism as the official state ideology. Additionally, they also kept the barbarians away hence maintaining their ritual continuity.  

The Han experienced the most intolerance under the Qin dynasty 

Under the Qing Dynasty, Han Chinese men were to shave the front of their heads and comb the remaining into the queue hairstyle, which was worn by Manch men. Failure to do so, one would lose their head. Obeying the order was thus a test of loyalty.  

The kings were at the top of European hierarchies. 

The nobles in European society functioned as the middlemen between the peasants and the royal family (Kocka & Mitchell, 1993).  

The nobility kept their power by maintaining social prominence.  

In the Netherlands and England, the nobility provided the peasants with land, work, and protection while funding, supplying, and providing military service to the king. 

The failed uprising of 1848, also known as June day uprising, claimed the lives of almost 10,000 people in the urban rioting (Kocka & Mitchell, 1993).  

The Ashkenazi are those Jews who originated from Eastern Europe while the Sephardic Jews are who originated from Spain, Portugal, North Africa as well as the Middle East. 

Following their persecution in the world war II and the holocaust, the prejudice against the Jews declined significantly.  

The Russian system was feudal. The tsar or emperor/empress was at the top and nobility who owned the land in return for serving in the military. Many peasants were serfs.  

The social structure of the Americas changed due to: 

The arrival of the Spaniards 

Demand for crops such as sugarcane and cotton in Europe.  

The need for slaves to cultivate the land. 

Definition of terms in Latin America’s Casta system: 

Peninsulares- were Spaniards that had emigrated to New World in the 16th and 18th century and was at the pinnacle of the social structure in the Americas.  

Criollos- were Spaniards born in the Americas. 


Mestizos- the offspring of one Spanish parent and one indigenous parent. 

Mullatoes- an offspring of a black parent and a white parent. 

Zambos- an offspring resulting from the union between blacks and Indians (Hansen & Curtis, 2008). 

Marrying a white or a mixed-race person was the only way to move up the caste system. 

Those on the lower caste were condemned to a harsh life.  

The Columbian exchange allowed for the transfer of plants and animals, which in turn led to an increased population. 

The Atlantic system was the sale of slaves to South America for labor purposes (Reiter & Simmons, 2012). The European products were exchanged for slaves who were then taken to plantations. The other raw material and finished products were shipped to Europe. 

Different European countries controlled the colonies in the Americas. Early settlements included Spanish, Florida, Spanish New Mexico. French colonies included Acadia and Canada.  

Mercantilism is an economic philosophy that seeks to increase wealth by maximizing exports and minimizing imports. Capitalism focuses on profits creation, whether by imports or exports. Free trade is a critical component of capitalism. 

The new global economy had led to increased debt, escalation of geopolitical conflicts, and increased social instability. The positive impact is increased population and quality of life as well as the spread of knowledge.  

Gender imbalance arose when men captured in ethnic conflicts were sold as a slave, leaving their society with few men. Other cultures sold women as the Arabs where they worked in harems or as house servants. 

Forced labor was evident in plantations where blacks worked, and in factory workers such as Irish children and adults worked as slaves in cotton processing farms (Reiter & Simmons, 2012).  

The new Social structures that define the world include democracy and communism. These are different from the feudal systems of the early years. 


Aksan, V. (2014).  Ottoman Wars, 1700-1870: An Empire Besieged . London, England: Routledge. 

Hansen, V., & Curtis, K. (2008).  Voyages in World History . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Kocka, J., & Mitchell, A. (1993).  Bourgeois Society in Nineteenth-century Europe . Oxford, England: Berg Publishers. 

Reiter, B., & Simmons, K. E. (2012).  Afrodescendants, Identity, and the Struggle for Development in the Americas . MSU Press. 

War and Society in East Central Europe: Special Topics and Generalization on the 18th and 19th Centuries . (1986). Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). 100+ Interesting History Questions and Their Answers.


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