30 Dec 2022


The Best Literary Writing of 2021

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Academic level: College

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One of the primary objectives of literary writing is to express as much as probable by the use of few words, and achieve the highest effectiveness. Thus, understanding the audience, genre, and rhetorical situation is critical in achieving the purpose of a given text. For example, understanding the rhetorical situation helps a reader understand the circumstances under which the book was written. At the same time, knowing the genre of a given text helps a writer fulfil the purpose of the writing per the audience preference. The literary works under analysis include; Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, I was a Cable Guy. I saw The Worst of America by Lauren Hough, and Obama’s Inaugural Speech “We Will Remake America: Delivering the Gift of Freedom to Future Generations.” The literary works will be analyzed by the audience, genre, and rhetorical situation. 

Definition of key Terms 


An audience of a book or article describes the intended group of people that reads and benefits from a published book. An author’s target market becomes its audience. Identifying the audience of a given text or article is the first step towards promoting the book for excellent sales and achieving its target. Identifying the audience helps shape the message content and focuses on the book structure all through the writing process.  

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Genre refers to a general terminology that describes classification of an article or book. Notably, it entails part of identifying the audience of the book. For example, bookshops categorize articles and books following their genre. There are various genres defined by topic that include romance, thriller, dystopia, mystery, fantasy, western, science fiction, and detective stories. The type of genre of a book defines its audience. For example, historical fiction is intended for individuals who like past events and settings. Folktales are genres enshrining proverbs, mythical stories, songs, and world events handed over from generations.  

Rhetorical Situation 

Rhetorical situation denotes to settings that bring forth writing into being. The perception of rhetorical situation underscores that bringing text into existence is produced by an individual(s) and is a social engagement created within a given circumstance for specific objectives. Thus, any writing created should be interpreted within the context and needs of the individual who built it. For example, a writer needs to focus on delivering a text within circumstances that responds to the needs, expectations, and values of others in society. A reader concentrates on the rhetorical situation of a book and comes up with a detailed understanding of the text read.  

The paper analyzes three texts/books using the above elements; audience, genre, and rhetorical situation. The books/articles are; Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, I was a Cable Guy. I saw The Worst of America by Lauren Hough, and Obama’s Inaugural Speech “We Will Remake America: Delivering the Gift of Freedom to Future Generations.” 

Obama’s Inaugural Speech 

Obama’s inaugural speech was aimed at the broader American population. At the same time, his address aimed at reassuring the larger world of America’s exceptional commitment to the rule of law and democratic ideals. His speech also targeted future generations of American’s to come. It also entailed confronting America’s delicate position of a superpower ready to re-make and re-define its gift to present and future generations. The speech highlighted better tidings for the citizens, their democratic resolution to change and urge to make the country great (Obama, 2009). Obama tailored his texts to fit the people’s quest for change, and that would guarantee them prosperity and freedom as a public servant, worker, parent, or better citizen.  

Obama’s “We Will Remake America: Delivering the Gift of Freedom to Future Generations” can be classified as a speech and as a memoir. The text was a memoir that emphasized his relationships with the citizens as a President. Further, it was a speech that stirred the reasons why he decided to pursue public office and make better the lives of Americans. As his first inauguration, Obama aimed at striking an agreement and a political deal with the American population. As a memoir, the speech focused on the critical relationship that he aspired to have with citizens as President of the United States. Obama emphasized that “time had come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift...” In essence, Obama tailored his speech to fit within the delicate relationship he would have with the Americans concerning his Presidential ambitions. 

The inaugural speech was delivered within the backdrop of a badly damaged economy, irresponsibility on the part of leaders, and an ongoing war in the Middle East. The healthcare was costly, failed schools, shuttered businesses, and the threat of terrorism (Obama, 2009). The countries poorly placed political, social, and economic situation formed the background of the speech. Obama acknowledged that the unfortunate and deplorable condition of the country was a clear indication of a state in crisis. The challenges remained real, inevitable, and nagging. However, he committed that despite the short time, his objective of remarking America would be met. 

Between the World and Me 

Coates between the World and Me is intended for the younger African-American population, diverse racial groups in the then early America that was unrepresented. The book is focused on those who faced frustrations due to racial inequality in the United States. The author focuses on groups of people like him and had the same feeling. At the same time, he addresses workers who faced poor racial conditions that denied them quality. Coates targeted the black in Washington, DC, Chicago, West Baltimore, and Harlem. 

Between the World and Me is a description of Coates life involving his life, relationships, family, work, and personal experience as a black person in the United States. Notably, it is a biography where he expresses his realities, symbolism, and feelings to his son. He also targeted the wider public audience and how to live in the country in a black body. 

Coates wrote the letter to his youthful son about the realities of being black in the United States. He recapitulates the history of the country, racial violence that is deeply woven in the country’s culture ( Coates, 2015) . He draws detailed accounts of youth’s experiences in the shantytowns of Baltimore, focusing on how public institutions such as the streets, police, and schools threaten, endanger, and discipline blacks. The letter is written during racial discrimination in the country when being black was then a big curse. According to Coates (2015) white supremacy dominated while blacks struggled to fit within the system, a struggle that was faced with imprisonment, torture, discrimination, and even death. The system was permanent and could not be defeated, erased, or evaded.     

I was a Cable Guy. I Saw the Worst of America 

I Was a Cable Guy. I Saw the Worst of America is a personal work experience by Lauren Hough. Hough details her tribulations as she went about her cable job. The article is intended majorly for a general audience but in particular, the field workers who have wide-experience in their day to day work engagement. At the same time, it targets the household owners who call on door service for repairs and sales. The article details on the various good, nasty, poor, and worst experience of beings Cable Guy in the American Society.  

The article is a realistic fiction that details the real life of a cable guy in the suburban of American society. The author narrates on her personal experience through the various homes and offices that she went for work ( Hough, 2018) . The narration stems from an own perspective, detailing on observed details, listened to conversations, personal encounters, and feelings and reactions of being a cable guy.  

The article is written within the context of a professional cable guy out to make a living by servicing people cables, wiring connections, and apparatus. The circumstances surrounding his work are professional despite the good, fair, poor, and worst conditions of his engagement. Some of his experiences left him with bad feelings, but he maintained a professional attitude. According to Hough (2018) his days unfolded with mixed encounters, some good, others pathetic, while others are worst. He acknowledged that he was ready for anything, good or bad. However, he maintained a certified attitude towards his work and engagement with his customers. His circumstances and working conditions varied, but he optimized the opportunity in the best way possible. From threats to dealing with drunks, illiterate, and unreasonable clients, the author narrates his settings with clarity and in-depth details. Despite the horrible conditions of his work, he always managed to maintain a cordial relationship with his clients.  


Understanding a book's genre, rhetorical situation and audience increases the likelihood of achieving the primary purpose of their writing. Focusing on the audience expectation is critical in having an in-depth understanding of the writing style applied. The three attributes allow a writer to move beyond using prose solely to pass information and facts. Bearing in mind the three discussed concepts is critical in bringing a text or prose nearer to poetic expression. Obama's inaugural speech is given behind the backdrop of a struggling economy, a divided nation, and amid high political temperatures. He aims his message to the entire country to assure them of making America great. I was a Cable Guy. I Saw the Worst of America is aimed at a general population and especially the working class who have to bear with severe working conditions. The text is realistic fiction written against the backdrop of young professionals struggling to break through the job market. On the other hand, Between Me and The World is a biography revolving on racial discrimination in the United States. The letter is intended for blacks where they are provided with the reality of being black in America. The three tools are important in understanding a text and in guiding an author while authoring a text. 


Coates, T. N. (2015).  Between the world and me . Text publishing. 

Obama, B. (2009). Vital Speeches. Retrieved from https://www.vsotd.com/issue/2099-fixme/we-will-remake-america 

HuffPost, O. A. F. (2018, December 30). I Was A Cable Guy. I Saw The Worst Of America. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cable-tech-dick-cheney-sex-dungeon_n_5c0ea571e4b06484c9fd4c21?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJWHC17MOzBb4grO-7unm8d37TXHbFPYbdYVBiRO_kFrF9zc6tOqDVtTJCNeFk3KkAtZzOPtHjGi4-mX7T448Bxf4eeq4CC0p68J2JQ0RaC_IrSCJXlbmtbzvv8_OGTZaWRlTuJolyL7Dz76_3ZzQqd0NMD9Cz_YtppaMEQtjG-f 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Best Literary Writing of 2021.


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