7 Jun 2022


2002 Olympic Games Bid Process

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Academic level: College

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Words: 313

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After every period of two years, world cities interested in hosting the Olympic Games send their bids to the “International Olympics Commission” requesting selection to host these profitable games. Initially, most Olympic Games, particularly the Winter Olympics, cities were selected based on how common they are in hosting winter sports. Differently, today, for cities to be chosen, they have to go through a rigorous process. In the past, the bidding process has had issues related to bribery, with some cities utilizing unacceptable techniques to win the bid. One of these Olympic bid processes that were faced with bribery challenges is the 2002 Olympic Winter Games bid process. 

The scandal that took place during the bidding process was a scandal that involved accusations of corruption, which was applied so that Salt Lake City could win the rights to host the Olympic Games. Before the city succeeded in the bid process in 1995, the city had made four attempts without any success (Gorrell, 2010). In 1998, the International Olympic Committee members faced allegations that they had received some gifts from the Salt Lake Organizing Committee, an act which happened during the bidding process. As a result, some of the IOC members were expulsed, and new bidding rules were adopted by IOC (Benson, 2001). Even though the act of receiving gifts was not illegal, it was still felt that the act reflected immoral uprightness. Investigations on the matter began, and two heads of SLOC resigned from their positions. Many others soon followed. Charges of corruption and deception were filed, and investigations launched on the previous bidding process in other cities. The results reflected that IOC members had received bribery during the last two bidding processes. 

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The Bidding Process for the 2002 Olympic Winter games reflected some of the unethical activities that take place during the bidding process for profitable games. However, the results of the investigations from the suspected bribery and fraud resulted in the biddings being changed, and the IOC has now adopted new, stricter rules. 


Benson, L. (2001). Lee Benson's Inside Guide to the Games 2002 Salt Lake City, Provo, Utah. Deseret Publishing Company. . 

Gorrell, M. (2010). "Juan Antonio Samaranch remembered for Salt Lake City's Olympics and scandal". Salt Lake Tribune. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). 2002 Olympic Games Bid Process.


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