19 Aug 2022


20th Century American Popular Music

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 561

Pages: 1

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General Traits of Twentieth-Century American Popular Music 

A review and comparison of twentieth century American popular music suggests that this type of music projects several key traits, which are common and seek to give audience that sense of attraction to the type of music. The first general trait is that the twentieth century American popular music tends to have a dance oriented rhythm, which is important in projecting effectiveness for this type of music (Society of American Music, 2017). Music from the American pop culture has become a common occurrence in dance theatres and night clubs around the world attributed to the dance oriented rhythms associated with such music. An example of an American popular music composer is “Ne-Yo” with one of his composition “Am so Sick of Love Songs” recorded as one of the top songs around the world, thus, highlighting its appeal due to its dance rhythm.

The second general trait associated with the twentieth century American popular music is that they have adopted the verse-chorus song structure in which the composer or singer incorporates a chorus between verses (The Parlor Songs Academy, 2017). This is song structure that was developed by American popular musicians in the late 20 th century as part of creating some form of identity that would help in projecting effectiveness of their songs. The long-term effect of using this particular type of song structure is that it has not only played a key role in supporting this type of music but has also been of value in creating a sense of identity for American pop musicians and composers. Currently, composers find themselves embracing the same song structure attributed to the fact that it seeks to support the social identity brought about through the American pop music and culture.

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The third notable trait of the twentieth century American popular music revolves around the fact that the music seeks to appeal to a wider audience when compared to other types of music, which are considered as culture-oriented (Society of American Music, 2017). American popular music has become a common phenomenon in different parts of the world attributed to the position that it seeks to create some sense of appeal to a wider audience. An example of a composer, who has been able to create a wide sense of musical appeal, is Chris Brown, who is also considered as one of the leading musicians associated with the American popular music culture. One of his key compositions, Loyal, has not only been listed as one of the top songs in charts around the world but has also allowed him to hold concerts in different parts of the world regardless of the cultural differentiations.


While embarking on my analysis of the 20 th century American popular music, several websites played a central role in enhancing my understanding of this type of music and its impact on the society. The first website is the Society of American Music website, http://www.american-music.org/ , which seeks to provide internet users with information on the evolution of American music to its current position. The information on this website helped in boosting my perspective of the American popular music, as it sought to highlight some of the key changes associated with this type of music in the 20 th century. The second website, which I believe helped in changing my perspective on American music, is The Parlor Songs Academy website, http://www.parlorsongs.com/ . This website changed my perspective, as it provided me with a platform for comparison of music associated with the American popular culture with music from other cultures.


Society of American Music. (2017). American Music Course Syllabi . Retrieved from http://www.american-music.org/resources/ClassroomSyllabi.php 

The Parlor Songs Academy. (2017). In Search Of American Popular Song . Retrieved from http://parlorsongs.com/insearch/insearch.php 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). 20th Century American Popular Music.


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