16 Aug 2022


8 Step Ethical Decision Making

Format: APA

Academic level: Ph.D.

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1616

Pages: 5

Downloads: 2

Step 1 – Identify the Problem or Dilemma 

Precious’ case presents an intricate and delicate ethical dilemma that touches on the physical and sexual abuse of a minor. An ethical dilemma exists as the moral issue surrounds the abuse that was experienced by Precious and the emotional strain that her mother was experiencing by then. The dilemma is a combination of numerous viewpoints. It can take the legal viewpoint as it reveals abuse that was subjected to a minor; it is also ethical as it touches on varied values held the counselor. Many moral underpinnings have been overlooked by Precious’ mother including the hatred she developed towards her child. It can be viewed as clinical because of the psychological and emotional distress experienced by the mother. Identifying the nature of the problem lies in recognizing the root cause of the abuse that was experienced by Precious ( Wilkins & Whittaker, 2018) . As revealed by the mother, it was the hate for her daughter that drove her to allow her child get abused. I would not consult at this early stage as I need to fully understand the problem. This cannot happen by only engaging with them for a limited amount of time. It is therefore necessary to begin the process of consultation with them to ensure the problem is understood in its entirety. 

Step 2 – Identify the Potential Issues Involved 

To best evaluate the rights of all those involved in the case, I would need to analyze how all parties are affected and the likely consequences for all depending on the roles they play. Once aware of all these aspects, I would then recognize everyone’s rights responsibilities and welfare including those I hold. I would best promote my client’s independence and self-determination by according her a session to tell her story without interference from her mother or a third party. During the initial interaction, only Precious’ mother explained what happened. It would be prudent to accord Precious the chance to tell her story in private. To ensure the least harm towards Precious, it is crucial to first understanding why her environment was abusive before determining if it would be best if she was back in the same environment, even as a grown up. The decision that will help safeguard her welfare is to allow her stay in a safe environment that is away from her mother until it is safe for her to be reunited with her mother. A collaborative and trusting environment would only be possible if my clients have the opportunity to share their experiences without feeling judged. The necessary step here would be to explore with them their sides of the story holistically without making statements or expressions that make them feel judged. Ethical principles applicable at this stage are service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person ( Congress, 2017) . These would ensure the client feels they are the focus of the process and that their worth is identified. The clients can help determine potential ethical issues if they are aware of such issues. Therefore, informing them of potential ethical issues would help them be cognizant and speak out when they feel there is an ethical issue present. 

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Step 3 – Review the Relevant Ethical Codes 

The ethical codes present numerous standards for ethical decision making. My value for human life and dignity agrees with the specific ethical code in question. This code is the commitment to the client and I believe that valuing her and promoting her dignity merges well with this code. The codes that apply to the problem are clear and straight forward since the dilemma touches on issue of abuse of a minor whose ethical underpinnings are clearly established. The codes are consistent with state laws especially those that touch on child abuse and neglect. 

Step 4 – Know the Applicable Laws and Regulations 

The current case involves sexual and physical abuse experienced by a minor. It is a heavy social issue with numerous laws surrounding it. There is a statute in place focusing on child abuse and neglect and it requires the involved professional to report and respond to it, maintain records connected to this abuse and protecting children from abuse ( Zeanah & Humphreys, 2018) . The codes are consistent with these applicable laws. The primary ethical code calls for full commitment to the client which encompasses placing the interest of the client at the forefront ( Lang-Anttila, 2017) . Therefore, fulfilling the requirements of the statute on child abuse and committing to the client as called for by the ethical code both serve the interests of the client. 

Step 5 – Otain Consultation 

Precious’ case is delicate and difficult to a given extent which calls for extensive consultation with peers and supervisors. I understand that the aforementioned individuals are likely to have encountered a case similar to that of my client and can offer helpful information. When consulting with a peer or supervisor, my expectations would be that these individuals provide insight into areas of difficult concerning the case. This insight may include how to best analyze the case to ensure that my client gets the deserved justice while making sure that everything she desires is fulfilled. Mainly I would want to make sure that I do not work on achieving what I want but what is best for Precious. Some questions I would ask include: 

How can I determine the sincerity in the story given by my client or accounts from third parties? 

Would it be prudent to have the client and her mother together in session during my interactions with Precious? 

Would it be wise to analyze Precious’ feelings towards her mother and try to find out if she would be willing to re-unite with her? 

I would seek consultation from individuals with different perspectives. My previous strategies may have worked before but my not present the best approach for the current problem. Therefore, understanding the problem from different perspectives would help ensure that all areas surrounding it are identified and a holistic solution is developed in the process ( Lang-Anttila, 2017) . When consulting, I would suggest various ways through which the problem can be handled and inquire on the thoughts of my peers and supervisor concerning the proposed solution. Information I would document would include questions to ask to ensure I get the appropriate information, solutions that have been applied in similar problems ensuring to note those that have worked and those that may not have worked. I would make use of the consultation process after fully understanding the problem and working towards a solution. At this level, I may not be stuck but I would consult to ensure I develop the best course of action for my client. 

Step 6 – Consider Possible and Probable Courses of Action 

I would brainstorm possible courses of action through consideration of available courses and those identified through the consultation process. This strategy would ensure that I identify and record all available strategies. My strategy for analyzing ethical obligations and possible courses of action involves connecting every course with the ethical obligation it serves. This ensures that all courses of action are identified as the best as depicted by the obligations they fulfill. I would be willing to involve the client in the discussion of the various courses. They would help determine which course would best fit their problem and choose one they are comfortable with. This would also ensure that the client takes a certain level of responsibility in choosing the course of action and would therefore be willing to embrace it. When interacting with the client, I would document all the courses of actions identified, ensuring to list the pros and cons under each. 

Step 7 – Enumerate the Consequences of various Decisions 

Ways of enumerating possible course of action would be developing a possible consequence for each course. Here, I would imagine the probable end result of every course of action and decide which would best fit the current problem. I would ensure to note the consequences down as seeing them would help identify the weight held by each course. I would be willing to involve the client in discussing the implication of each course and its consequences. This would ensure the client is well-aware of all possible courses of action and how they affect the problem at hand. The ethical principles I would use as a framework for evaluation include integrity, competence and how best the identified course serves Precious’ interests ( Thomas, 2020) . The consequences of various decisions may include possible legal action against Precious’ mother, her not interacting with her mother in the future, being forced to talk to her mother when she may not be comfortable doing it. Some consequences for the counselor and the profession are that the identified course of action will eventually achieve the needed justice for Precious and this would highlight my competence and promote the effectiveness of the profession. 

Step 8 – Decide on what Appears to be the Best Course of Action 

I would identify the best course of action through recognizing what the client believes would work best for them and also considering the course of action with the most advantages from the client, for me as the counselor and for the profession at large. The client’s input would be critical when deciding the best course of action. It would be implemented in her life and, therefore, Precious needs to be fully involved in deciding the best course with support from the counselor. I would get feedback from my peers concerning the identified course of action as they would help shed light on the expected consequences, probable challenges and how to address them. I would evaluate the chosen course of action by determining the positive difference or lack thereof in the client’s life. Positive consequences would mean that the course of action is working as intended. I would ensure to engage in following up as this would demonstrate Precious’ progress with the chosen course, any challenges and areas that would need to be adjusted for the course to work effectively. It would also help provide support for the client, further increase the effectiveness of the identified course of action. 


Congress, E. (2000). What Social Workers Should Know About Ethics: Understanding and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas.  Advances In Social Work 1 (1), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.18060/124 

Lang-Anttila, M. (2017).  Ethical Dilemmas for Social Workers Utilizing NASW Code of Ethics in Rural K-12 Public Schools . Repository.stcloudstate.edu. Retrieved 10 April 2021, from https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=msw_etds&httpsredir=1&referer=. 

Thomas, G. (2020).  Block-1 Codes of ethics for social workers . Egyankosh.ac.in. Retrieved 10 April 2021, from http://egyankosh.ac.in//handle/123456789/59008. 

Wilkins, D., & Whittaker, C. (2017). Doing Child-Protection Social Work with Parents: What Are the Barriers in Practice?.  The British Journal Of Social Work 48 (7), 2003-2019. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcx139 

Zeanah, C., & Humphreys, K. (2018). Child Abuse and Neglect.  Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 57 (9), 637-644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2018.06.007 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). 8 Step Ethical Decision Making.


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