23 Jun 2022


A Business Plan for Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC)’s Substance Recovery Program

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Academic level: Ph.D.

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1386

Pages: 5

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HCBHC will develop a program aimed at addressing the increased rates of substance abuse disorders among adolescents. The target population will be individuals and families affected by this problem. Among the caregivers include doctors, psychologists, and counselors. This program will be a culturally-based intervention that addresses the needs, traditions, and values of young people from diverse backgrounds. The incorporation of both evidence-based practices and cultural dimensions will make this initiative successful. This review will highlight the program's details, target market, competition, operations, management, and finances. 

Description of the New Program 

HCHBC will unveil a program focusing on providing high-quality care services to adolescents with substance abuse problems. This program will comprise community programs to engage young people during the weekends, awareness sessions, and education. Besides, it will have two approaches, namely selective and indicated interventions. The indicated intervention will focus on the young people involved in risky behaviors but have not developed substance abuse disorder ( Substance, Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US) & Office of the Surgeon General (US), 2016 ). HCBHC will provide leaflets, brochures, and posters to school-going children that address the effects of substance abuse, mainly opioids. Under selective intervention, HCHBC will deliver care services to particular communities, families, and adolescents who are at high risk of substance abuse problems ( Substance, Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US) & Office of the Surgeon General (US), 2016 ). This program will target the families living in poverty, and adolescents indulging in substance abuse. HCBHC will increase its efforts and allocate additional resources to reduce the identified risk factors and increase protective measures. Besides, a culturally relevant program is highly needed since it acknowledges different communities' beliefs and practices (Blume, 2016). Instead of focusing on the individuals, this program will incorporate family in the care settings. Such a family-oriented approach will emphasize the significance of interdependence and commonly held principles that families apply when resolving the problems that affect individual members. Doctors, nurse practitioners, psychologists, counselors, and family members will work together to develop learning sessions, communication strategies, and parental monitoring programs (Blume, 2016). The primary focus of this initiative is to enhance the child-parent relationships, refusal skills, and self-efficacy. 

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HBHC will create a program for fun activities and skill-building projects such as sports to keep young people preoccupied during the weekends. The center will organize competitions, such as football matches, chess, and video games, to improve young people’s teamwork, leadership, and time management skills (Blume, 2016). Besides, these competitions will teach young people how to be responsible and handle societal and psychological pressure. HCBHC will also organize community-based projects that entail young people cleaning their environment and delivering low-income families' donations. These initiatives will enable young people to gain vital life skills, such as decision-making, self-awareness, and critical thinking. 

Target Market 

This program initiative will target adolescents and low-income families living in Harbor City. The adolescents are the most vulnerable group since the adaptive roles of reward, and risk-related behaviors dominate this age group (Jordan & Andersen, 2017). They are trying to overcome the pressures that originate from physical, mental, and psychological changes, and thus, they are most likely to engage in substance abuse. Adolescence is a period marked with puberty changes that stimulate adult social behaviors (Jordan & Andersen, 2017). Hence, young people tend to practice complex physical and social skills to increase their survival and reproductive fitness chances. These behaviors predispose young people to experimentation, usage, and dependency on drugs. Some of them seek acceptance from their peers. As a result, substance abuse among adolescents in Harbor City needs to be addressed urgently. 

Notably, the majority of adolescents with substance abuse problems come from low-income families. Children from such backgrounds tend to be exposed to inappropriate role models who engage in substance abuse and criminal activities (Font & Maguire-Jack, 2020). As a result, young people are likely to copy these social behaviors. Besides, children from low-income backgrounds have inadequate access to healthcare services and parental supervision. Some parents ignore their children's academic performance and conduct due to busy schedules (Font & Maguire-Jack, 2020). The lack of attention and leadership among adolescents from low-income backgrounds may predispose them to substance abuse. 

Hence, young people need comprehensive care to address their physical, social, psychological, and emotional needs. This program will assess the emotional dysregulation and psychological responses among adolescents (Jordan & Andersen, 2017). As a result, young people will report improved self-awareness and develop refusal skills. 


HCBHC faces competition from three healthcare centers in the Harbor City, namely BNI Treatment Centers for Teens, Paradigm Treatment-Teens & Young Adults, and Meridian Mentoring LLC. These healthcare institutions have programs that address opioid addiction and substance abuse disorders. Some of the strengths of BNI Treatment Centers for Teens include private sessions for parents and guardians that teach them how to guide adolescents who have substance abuse disorders (“Teens & Adolescent Residential Treatment Centers,” n.d.). This institution also focuses on depression and anxiety that can predispose young people to drug use and addiction. BNI Treatment Centers for Teens' weaknesses include serving middle- and high-income families and lacking community-based projects. Paradigm Treatment-Teens & Young Adults’ strengths include the use of culturally-based, evidence-based, and progressive therapeutic approaches when delivering care to young people with substance abuse disorders (“Teens & Adolescent Residential Treatment Centers” n.d.). This center conducts physiological and psychological evaluations to formulate the effective treatment and prevention plans for every patient. Its weaknesses include expensive care plans and small area coverage. Meridian Mentoring LLC’s strengths include the use of recreational therapy, which provides an opportunity for young people to interact with the natural environment during the recovery process (“Teens & Adolescent Residential Treatment Centers,” n.d.). This center ensures that the adolescents are busy by engaging them in activities such as swimming, fishing, and horse-riding. Besides, there is a weekly education session for young men that guides them on being responsible. This center’s weaknesses include a focus on Christianity, young men, and nature. It overlooks other vulnerable populations such as teenage girls and the non-believers. 


In the first year, the organization will engage intensive communications plans. HCBHC will continue the spread of awareness about the new program through traditional and digital media. The print media, including newspapers, billboards, and magazines, will inform Harbor City community members about the substance abuse program. These platforms are crucial since some family members have magazines and newspapers subscription. Besides, billboards can reach a large group of people at once. The most effective traditional medium will be referrals. In the first year, HCBHC will ensure that it offers the best care services for adolescents with substance abuse and involve their parents in the process. Upon completing the program and recovering, the parents and adolescents will inform their friends, peers, and colleagues about this program. HCHBC will also use digital platforms. There will be posters and messages on the company’s website and social media pages that offer insight into the program. The patients who have gone through the initiative will have an opportunity to provide feedback about the service quality. This strategy will inform HCBHC about the areas that need improvement and attract potential clients (De Pelsmacker et al., 2018). Social media advertising on platforms like Twitter and Facebook will target young people. On Twitter, for example, HCBHC will hold conversations that include testimonies of adolescents who had substance abuse disorders but overcome them by joining the current program. Admittedly, digital and traditional mediums will stimulate the program’s awareness in the first year. 

In the next five years, the organization will focus on growth strategies and the obstacles encountered in the first few years. One of the challenges will be financial constraints. Currently, the HCBHC is attempting to increase its expenditure to include modern technologies. Thus, the advertising costs may be too high for this organization. Besides, the organization will need to hire more staff members, such as psychologists, to attend to the patients' needs. However, this organization will overcome these challenges by optimizing its expense. The organization will reduce routine purchase, processing, and storage of excess medical instruments since they contribute to budgetary constraints ( Cichos et al., 2019). HCBHC will also ensure that this program is closer to the patients. The SingleHop app will be used to make appointments and ensure that patients can communicate with healthcare practitioners. HCHBC will also work with the stakeholders, including the local and state governments and community members, to increase the awareness of this program. 


This program will be under the leadership and guidance of four members, including the CEO, healthcare administrator, doctors’ and nurses’ representatives, and chief psychologist. The CEO will perform management responsibilities, such as providing objectives and guiding the employees on executing their tasks. Meanwhile, the healthcare administrator will ensure that the program's objectives are linked to the needs of young people. The administrator will also oversee the activities of the doctors and nurses and the implementation of the program. Doctors’ and nurses’ representatives will be among the new hires whose responsibility will include making clinical decisions related to substance abuse disorders and supervising nurses' and doctors' activities. The chief psychologist will also be another hire who will provide evidence-based measures for treating substance abuse disorders among young people and supervise the psychologists and counselors. 



Activity/Personnel  Budget per Year 
Psychologists and counselors  $1000000 
Advertising  $50000 
Meetings  $6000 
Staff training and development  $11000 
Total  $1067000 


Activity/Personnel  Budget per year 
Patients  $950000 
Consultation  $100000 
Private donations  $50000 
Events  $25000 
Total  $1125000 


Blume, A. W. (2016). Advances in substance abuse prevention and treatment interventions among racial, ethnic, and sexual minority populations.  Alcohol Research: Current Reviews 38 (1), 47-54. 

Cichos, K. H., Hyde, Z. B., Mabry, S. E., Ghanem, E. S., Brabston, E. W., Hayes, L. W., Ponce, B. A., et al. (2019). Optimization of orthopedic surgical instrument trays: Lean principles to reduce fixed operating room expenses.  The Journal of Arthroplasty 34 (12), 2834-2840. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arth.2019.07.040 

De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S., & Holthof, C. (2018). Digital marketing strategies, online reviews, and hotel performance.  International Journal of Hospitality Management 72 , 47-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.01.003 

Font, S. A., & Maguire-Jack, K. (2020). It’s not “Just poverty”: Educational, social, and economic functioning among young adults exposed to childhood neglect, abuse, and poverty.  Child Abuse & Neglect 101 , 104356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104356 

Jordan, C. J., & Andersen, S. L. (2017). Sensitive periods of substance abuse: Early risk for the transition to dependence.  Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 25 , 29-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2016.10.004 

Substance, Abuse, and Mental Health Services Administration (US) & Office of the Surgeon General (US). (2016). Facing addiction in America: The Surgeon General's report on alcohol, drugs, and health. US Department of Health and Human Services . In Chapter 3: Prevention Programs And Policies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK424850/ 

Teens & adolescent residential treatment centers in Harbor City, CA .(n.d.). Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/treatment-rehab/teens-adolescent-residential/ca/harbor-city 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). A Business Plan for Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC)’s Substance Recovery Program.


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