8 Oct 2022


A Review of Video Modelling and Scripts in Teaching Conversational Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Analysis of the Article

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 515

Pages: 2

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The objective of the researchers was to appraise research findings concerning the utilization of video modeling as well as scripts in the improvement of the skills of verbal communication among children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Therefore, this study was a qualitative secondary research (a literature review) that was prompted by the need for interventions for the communication skills of people with ASD. As the researchers posit, the rate of prevalence of the disorder has been on the rise in the recent past, which warrants the development of evidence-based intervention strategies. 

The fact that the researchers engage in literature review means that they do not collect raw data from respondents. Instead, they use a criterion for inclusion of relevant studies that only use respondents that had been diagnosed with ASD and had reported some forms of verbal communication in empirical evidence (Sng, Carter, and Stephenson, 2014). Therefore, it implies that the study used respondents that had been diagnosed with ASD and required an intervention for verbal communication skills. Specifically, the included studies involved 69 participants that included 9 females and 90 males whose ages ranged from four years to 7 years (Sng, Carter, and Stephenson, 2014). 

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Two interventions were involved in the researches included within the literature review. For instance, twelve of search studies used the scripts as an intervention for the verbal communication skills of the respondents. It means that the remaining group of participants used the video modelling intervention. The findings of the literature review indicate that scripted methods of intervention for verbal communication skills in people suffering from ASD may be as efficient as those interventions that use video modelling. In addition, the authors posit that audio scripts could be better interventions for the same problem compared to visual ones. Furthermore, the researchers establish that a majority of extant literature prior to their appraisal concentrated on relatively simpler conversational elements such as responding and initiating. For this reason, they indicated a limitation in the body of research, suggesting the need for additional investigation for the clarification of their findings. 

The article is presented clearly. For instance, there are distinct sections of the research article that are labelled clearly to guide readers in reading it. Specifically, the paper starts with an abstract just below its title, a brief introduction of the study topic, the methodology used, and the results, discussion of the same results, conclusions, and references. This arrangement, therefore, indicates that the researchers adhered to professional requirements for publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in which it was published. 

The implications for future research indicate that researchers should consider the efficiency of using same-aged peers against older guides in the interventions for verbal communication among people with ASD. For this reason, the players in the education sector are supposed to consider the use of the interventions described in the research alongside the different categories of people that may involve fellow students and teachers. For example, it is mentioned that students find it easier to learn verbal communication when fellow students model the interventions. It means that as much as the teachers are supposed to be in control of their learners, they are supposed to consider how effective free interactions among students might become to determine when they should intervene the processes. 


Sng, C. Y., Carter, M., & Stephenson, J. (2014). A review of video modelling and scripts in teaching conversational skills to individuals with autism spectrum disorders.  Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1 (2), 110-123 .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). A Review of Video Modelling and Scripts in Teaching Conversational Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Analysis of the Article.


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