24 Jun 2022


An Evaluation of the Elder Care Program at Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC)

Format: APA

Academic level: Ph.D.

Paper type: Term Paper

Words: 2607

Pages: 8

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Mental health issues are highly pervasive among elderly populations across the globe. The prevalence of health conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, stress and anxiety, and depression, among others, has led to a dramatic decline in the quality of life among older adults. As a result, this has created a need for more Elder Care Programs, like the one implemented by HCBHC, that administer non-pharmacological and pharmacological behavioral interventions to improve the overall well-being of senior citizens. Program evaluators must perform thorough assessments by adopting effective research methodologies, engaging key stakeholders in the evaluation process, performing regular needs assessment and routine program implementation appraisals, and developing effective communication plans that allow stakeholders to examine evaluation data and determine the changes required to heighten the efficacy of the program. 

A Brief Description of the Hospital 

Harbor City Behavioral Health Center is a medical institution that has endeavored to improve the quality of life among the elderly citizens of Harbor city. The hospital started in 1988 as a mental health facility. However, it was later acquired by the Harbor City Medical Group in 2008 and introduced a wide range of first-class behavioral and mental healthcare services to the adult population. The hospital has distinguished itself from other healthcare organizations by providing compassionate and high-touch care to its patients. The current study examines the data collection methods used to gather relevant information based on the intended outcome needs. It will also identify the parties responsible for collecting different types of data and their specific roles and determine the strategies that will be employed to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program. 

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Data Collection Methods 

A range of qualitative research approaches will be used to obtain data regarding the effectiveness of the Eldercare program at HCBHC. The program is aimed at improving the health of elderly patients. Based on these outcome needs, the research will focus on determining patient’s length of stay in hospitals and discharge destinations because they are two of the most significant outcome measures that can be employed to determine whether a program meets the required needs or not. According to Sarkies et al. (2015), th e time patients spend confined in hospitals can allow the team to gauge the efficiency of the medical interventions used to treat the various behavioral and psychological disorders affecting patients. Likewise, the number of patients discharged from the hospital during a specified period, coupled with information on patients' discharge destinations, enable the research team to determine the usefulness of the treatment schemes taken to treat patients with different health conditions ( Gregory et al., 2020 ). The crew will, therefore, prioritize these critical metrics during the data collection process. 

The program evaluation team will apply a qualitative methodology for data acquisition. Rahman (2017) defines qualitative research as any systematic data collection method that generates findings without using non-quantifiable and statistical measures. The team will first interview patients enrolled in the Elder Care Program at HCBHC to gather information on the quality of care provided and the levels of patient satisfaction with the program. All the patients eligible for the interview will be required to sign an informed consent form before the process begins. The team members will provide information regarding the purpose of the study and its associated risks, and the rights of participants to the patients. McGrath et al. (2019) suggest that this process allows participants to access the information they require to decide whether or not they will participate in the study. The team will, therefore, satisfy the obligatory ethical requirements before conducting the interviews. 

Additionally, the members of the program evaluation group will also gather data manually from ward-based records and obtain retrospective administrative data due to their effectiveness in providing factual and empirical data. Critical records such as discharge and transfer records, in-patient medical records, and patient mortality records will be obtained to determine the average amount of time patients spend in the hospital, and whether a significant proportion of these individuals die or go home after discharge. These qualitative strategies enable individuals to analyze original data gathered for other non-research based purposes ( Sarkies et al., 2015 ). The group will scrutinize nursing notes, admission and discharge reports, and laboratory and diagnostic records to acquire data that can be used to gauge the efficiency of the treatment interventions used. The program evaluation crew will access data that is pertinent to the study using these qualitative tactics. 

Staff and Stakeholder Engagement during Evaluation 

Stakeholder engagement is one of the significant factors that promote practical program evaluation. The project appraising team will adopt several core strategies to improve stakeholder engagement during this project. Firstly, the group will ensure all stakeholder groups are evenly represented to increase their “buy-in” to the activity and ensure they profoundly comprehend their roles during different phases of the program evaluation task ( Boaz et al., 2018 ). The strategy will foster the establishment of healthy professional relationships among key stakeholders, facilitate neutral deliberations among them, and ensure they are highly engaged throughout the project. 

The appraisers will carefully select the most appropriate stakeholders for the advisory and the working groups to achieve a balanced representation of various stakeholder categories such as policymakers, patients, and healthcare providers. Afterward, the team will set a meeting and clearly define the roles of each party. Sulemana et al. (2018 ) suggest that stakeholders maintain exceptional levels of motivation and contribute meaningfully during the data collection process when they have a comprehensive understanding of their key roles and responsibilities. The team will also initiate and facilitate neutral discussions on critical topics related to the program and strive to create an ideal environment that favors teamwork by emphasizing the need for those involved in the process to treat each other courteously ( Sulemana et al., 2018 ). They will also listen to the grievances of the group and strive to resolve any issues that arise before the process begins and endeavor to create an inclusive environment that offers people equal opportunities to convey their ideas and find common ground ( Sulemana et al., 2018 ). Taking these steps will foster the smooth running of the project, allow stakeholders to focus on their tasks with minimal distractions, and foster the acquisition of more accurate assessments. 

Each of these individuals will have a pivotal role to play during the process. The evaluators will establish a working group comprising five to ten clinicians, five patients, and one to two health plan representatives. One of the primary responsibilities of this team will be to determine the suitability of various treatment approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy in alleviating the symptoms of depression and dysthymia, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and dementia among patients. The group will also gauge the efficacy of various behavioral interventions such as Yoga, nutritional education, support programs, and wellness education in improving the quality of life among elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, among others. 

The members will also review patient records, as suggested by Sarkies et al. (2015), who argue that this allows researchers to determine the number of individuals whose health has improved following the use of the employed interventions. If the group deems the interventions ineffective due to a significant decline in quality of life as a result of the interventions, clinicians will conduct studies to determine other pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches that are effective for treating specific conditions affecting elderly patients. The information will allow the evaluator to provide evidence-based recommendations during the final stages of the evaluation. 

Conducting Regular Needs Assessment 

A well-designed needs assessment plan enables individuals to identify the prevailing health needs that should be met and the factors that have hampered the satisfaction of these needs. A program evaluation team will take some essential steps to conduct quality needs assessments and ensure that the implemented program gratifies the health requirements of elderly patients effusively. Gaspard and Yang (2016) highlight the integral role of partnerships in allowing project teams to conduct more accurate assessments. With this in mind, the team will establish partnerships with internal and external stakeholders interested in the program. The group will partner with patients, medical practitioners, and public health agencies. They will also strive to develop common ground, as suggested by Gaspard and Yang (2016), who claim that this action promotes a deeper understanding of how such a partnership can address a specific health concern. 

Secondly, the team will design and establish a needs assessment plan. One of the factors that hamper the acquisition of the relevant information during this type of evaluation is the lack of a well-defined and detailed plan ( Gaspard & Yang, 2016 ). The program appraisers will include their partners in making decisions regarding the needs evaluation, improve trust, and increase support for the course of actions recommended during the process. In this stage, the crew will define the goals and objectives of the needs assessment and ensure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. The roles and responsibilities of the members will also be articulated and each party assigned tasks that are consistent with their abilities. Additionally, the resources needed during the process will also be identified to ensure their efficient utilization. 

In the final phase, the group will identify the population segments affected by the identified health issue. They will also research the demographics of the targeted population to acquire accurate information on the number of individuals affected by the various mental conditions, their age, gender, race, educational background, and employment status, among others. Additionally, the needs assessment group will determine the rates of mortalities that have occurred due to the health issue and the existing deficiencies in healthcare that have contributed to the decline in the quality of life among the targeted individuals. The team will also conduct research to identify evidence-based strategies that can be used to meet the identified needs. The team will adapt these steps to perform regular needs assessments that occur at least once a month. Gaspard and Yang (2016 ) suggest that frequent evaluations allow program stakeholders to identify the most pressing needs they should prioritize over others. It also enables stakeholders to offer personalized treatment and care to different groups of patients with various mental health issues. 

The Approaches Used to Collect Data on the Target Population Regularly 

The program evaluation team will collect data on the target population regularly to identify issues that require modification to heighten the efficiency of the program. The members will rely on clinical data as the primary source of patient information. They will also assess the clinical data gathered by medical professionals during the provision of care to patients, and any information collected during clinics. A comprehensive analysis of electronic health records, administrative data, and health surveys will take place to determine the health-related changes that have taken place among different patients and to determine if there is any need for more aggressive interventions. 

A Routine Assessment of the Program’s Implementation 

The project members will employ several tactics to assess if the program is implemented effectively. Firstly, they will examine the data collection approaches used and determine if they promote access to relevant data on patient demographics and the health-related needs that should be met. The team will also strive to determine if the program is implemented according to the original plan by determining the number of elderly patients treated during a specific period and the resources used to achieve this feat 

The members will also gather self-report and observational data and make comparisons to determine if the results have high levels of consistency, validity, and reliability. Hoekstra et al. (2017) underscore the need for program evaluators to assess the significant impacts of the program and compare them with the goals and objectives of the program to determine whether it is effective or not. The group will prioritize this issue and review patient satisfaction scores to determine if the program has a negative or positive impact on the health of the targeted patients. The results obtained from this evaluation will improve the ongoing quality, fidelity, and reach of the programs and initiatives. The findings will enable the team to determine the execution fidelity trajectories of the project that can be used to improve the employed stratagems and heighten the quality of the implementation process ( Hoekstra et al., 2017 ). Hoekstra et al. (2017) also suggest that such findings can allow the evaluators to determine the extents to which the program is implemented according to the protocol and if it is suitably adapted to the local context. Accessing such critical information will enable the project appraisers to modify the existing policies and initiatives to ensure those undertaking this process maintain exceptional levels of fidelity that can increase the efficiency of the Elder Care Program at HCBHC 

Data Collection and Result Distribution among Project Stakeholders 

Program evaluators should adopt effective data collection strategies to access relevant, consistent, valid data. Pandi-Perumal et al. (2015) claim that project teams should also develop a communication plan to determine the most effective mediums of communication they can use to disseminate information to key stakeholders. The team will perform a qualitative research methodology to access data on the program’s stakeholders. Rahman (2017) underscores the usefulness of this methodology in enabling scholars to access valuable information on the demographics of various target groups. The members will manually review the hospital's documents to identify stakeholders at the local, county, state, and national levels interested in the health initiative. Scrutinizing the organization’s stakeholder records will allow the group to determine the identities of critical stakeholders to gauge what they will do with the evaluation findings, for instance, if they will fund the program or provide recommendations. The methodology will also allow the team to determine the types of communication mediums that the stakeholders prefer and those they can quickly respond to. 

After acquiring all the information pertinent to the program's stakeholders, the team will then evaluate the most effective communication channel that can be used to share the findings with chief stakeholders. In this case, the appraisers will conduct significant research on the effectiveness of mass media, interpersonal media, and new media channels in disseminating crucial information to relevant parties. The most effective communication channel, for instance, print, broadcast media, or social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, will then be selected and the required information sent to the intended audience at the local, county, state, and national levels. Kapoor et al. (2018) underscore the effectiveness of these channels, particularly social platforms, in distributing information to a broader audience, within a short period, and at a cost-effective price. The crew will develop comprehensive reports with charts and graphs that indicate the measurable outcomes of the program. The reports will also highlight the health impacts of the program on patient health to inform political decision-makers and funders of the value of the Elder Care Initiative at HCBHC. Access to such critical information will allow stakeholders to make more informed decisions on whether they should fund or support the program. 

Organizing Regular Meetings to Review Evaluation Data and Plan for Changes 

One of the significant challenges faced by program evaluators is scheduling regular meetings at times that are convenient for each stakeholder to attend. The team will prioritize some steps to ensure regular meetings are scheduled to review evaluation data and to determine the changes needed to make the program a success. Firstly, the members will send emails to different stakeholders to determine the days they will be available from two-to-three selected dates. The group will then review the responses provided, select the date chosen by the majority of the stakeholders, and make personal phone calls to notify the involved parties when the stakeholder meetings will take place. The crew will also send emails to each stakeholder, inviting them to a meeting to review the data obtained from the evaluation. 


Skilled appraisers perform accurate assessments of different programs by adopting the best data collection approaches, devising strategies to maintain exceptional levels of staff engagement, and monitoring the way the programs are implemented to ensure they are consistent with the original plan. The team will adopt a qualitative methodology to obtain relevant data on the Elder Care Program at HCBHC. It will also strive to determine the prevailing health needs of the elderly population at Harbor City and determine if the health interventions used are explicitly tailored to these requirements. The program evaluation crew will strictly follow the steps outlined in this study to achieve the goals and objectives it has set for the project. 


Boaz, A., Hanney, S., Borst, R., O’Shea, A., & Kok, M. (2018). How to engage stakeholders 

In research: Design principles to support improvement.  Health research policy 

And systems 16 (1), 60. 

Gaspard, J., & Yang, C. M. (2016). Training needs assessment of health care professionals in a developing country: the example of Saint Lucia.  BMC Medical Education 16 (1), 1-6. 

Gregory, A. J., Atkins, J. P., Midgley, G., & Hodgson, A. M. (2020). Stakeholder 

Identification and engagement in problem structuring interventions.  European Journal of Operational Research 283 (1), 321-340. 

Hoekstra, F., van Offenbeek, M. A., Dekker, R., Hettinga, F. J., Hoekstra, T., van der Woude, L. H., & van der Schans, C. P. (2017). Implementation fidelity trajectories of a health promotion program in multidisciplinary settings: managing tensions in rehabilitation care.  Implementation Science 12 (1), 143. 

Kapoor, K. K., Tamilmani, K., Rana, N. P., Patil, P., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Nerur, S. (2018). Advances in social media research: Past, present, and future.  Information Systems Frontiers 20 (3), 531-558. 

McGrath, C., Palmgren, P. J., & Liljedahl, M. (2019). Twelve tips for conducting 

Qualitative research interviews.  Medical Teacher 41 (9), 1002-1006. 

Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Akhter, S., Zizi, F., Jean-Louis, G., Ramasubramanian, C., Edward Freeman, R., & Narasimhan, M. (2015). Project stakeholder management in the 

Clinical research environment: how to do it right.  Frontiers in Psychiatry 6 , 71. 

Rahman, M. S. (2017). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Language" Testing and Assessment" Research: A Literature Review.  Journal of Education and Learning 6 (1), 102-112. 

Sarkies, M. N., Bowles, K. A., Skinner, E. H., Mitchell, D., Haas, R., Ho, M., & Plumb, S. (2015). Data collection methods in health services research: hospital length of stay 

And discharge destination.  Applied Clinical Informatics 6 (1), 96. 

Sulemana, M., Musah, A. B., & Simon, K. K. (2018). An assessment of stakeholder 

Participation in monitoring and evaluation of district assembly projects and 

Programs in the Savelugu-Nanton Municipality Assembly, Ghana.  Ghana Journal of Development Studies 15 (1), 173-195. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). An Evaluation of the Elder Care Program at Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC).


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