3 Sep 2022


Annotated Bibliography - Personality and Personality Disorder

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Personality and personality disorders can have an impact on the quality of one’s life. Personality disorders could include several challenges such as mental illnesses and addictions to drug and alcohol use. Personality could include traits such as extroversion, introversion, and one’s sensitivity. The basis of the selection of the research articles was thus guided by the topic of the effect of personality and personality disorders. The study involved a selection of articles that were grouped into qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods. The articles that were selected were scholarly peer-reviewed research articles that provided empirical evidence regarding the topic. Through globalization, there have been several changes in the modern world and it makes it important to understand how people today are adapting based on their personalities and with personality disorders. The following studies thus explore how one’s personality and personality disorders can impact the quality of life that people live. 

Qualitative Article 1 

Grailey, K. E., Murray, E. J., Billings, J., & Brett, S. J. (2020). How do critical care staff respond to organisational challenge? A qualitative exploration into personality types and cognitive processing in critical care. PloS one, 15(1), e0226800. 

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The researchers sought to determine how personality types and cognitive processing in critical care determines how critical care staff can respond to organizational challenges. Critical care staff often face stressful scenarios and it was important to determine whether how they counter those challenges was influenced by their personality types. The researchers theorized that the way staff can respond or counter organizational challenges can be influenced by one’s personality type or their preferred style of cognitive processing. Previous studies had indicated that different individuals respond differently to the pressures associated with the challenges of different clinical situations. The 16 personality factor (16PF) was a credible way to assess personality. The method used was through qualitative interviews of 31 participants. The participants completed the 16 PF assessment and a qualitative interview. The qualitative interview involved participants being given challenging questions and their responses observed. The results showed that most participants had average scores for 16 PF assessment with most of them having perfectionist and pragmatic cognitive processing style. A small percentage were however perfectionists and sensitive and thus required increased support to decrease stress and cognitive dissonance when making difficult decisions. 


The research topic was relevant as it sought to provide information regarding how people respond to different stressors based on their personalities. Organizations can use the data to provide leadership support for individuals that may have perfectionist and sensitive tendencies as it can result in increased stress. The research design involved a comparison of qualitative interview data and 16 PF survey provided a baseline to ensure the validity of the result. It is thus expected that the research can be replicated in other organizations and arrive at similar conclusions. The theoretical framework involved the development from past research regarding individuals with the 16PF responding differently to different challenges. One of the limitations of the research was its small sample size which could be used to disprove the results. It is thus recommended that the research should be done with a larger sample size and in different environments to determine whether it is replicable. 


The topic that the researchers examined is unique as it determined how personality through the 16PF could influence how one handles organizational challenges. The research aims to build on the gap in literature regarding how personality traits such as perfectionism, reasoning ability, emotional stability, and sensitivity can influence the ability to handle pressure and stressful situations. The limited number of participants only provided data regarding how perfectionists responded to difficult situations. Conducting a similar research on a larger sample size can be used to specifically determine how people with other personality traits can solve organizational challenges. 

Qualitative Article 2 

Juurlink, T. T., Vukadin, M., Stringer, B., Westerman, M. J., Lamers, F., Anema, J. R., ... & van Marle, H. J. (2019). Barriers and facilitators to employment in borderline personality disorder: A qualitative study among patients, mental health practitioners and insurance physicians. PloS one, 14(7). 


The researchers sought to identify some of the facilitators and barriers that individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) could face when gaining and maintaining employment. The specific perspectives that were sought was from patients, mental health practitioners (MHPs), and insurance physicians (IPs). Previous studies had indicated that individuals with BPD often face issues with unemployment and impaired functioning. A previous review showed that approximately 50% of individuals with BPD find employment and only 20% of those can maintain the employment. The research design used to gather the evidence was a qualitative study through semi-structured interviews. The total number of participants were 29 and it included 16 patients, 7 MHPs and 6 IPs. The patients were provided with 15 semi-structured interviews while MHPs and IPs interviews lasted about 100 minutes. The interviews were recorded via an audiotape and taken for recording. The conclusion established by the researchers was that individuals with BPD faced challenges through stigma, lack of emotional regulations, and personality boundaries while supporting factors included enhanced emotion regulation, increased collaboration, and increased knowledge about BPD. 


The research was the first qualitative study that examined the barriers and facilitators of employment in BPD among patients, MHPs, and IPs. The research involved an improvement from previous studies that had focused on employment challenges that BPD patients faced. The design of the study involved triangulation of different perspectives from patients, MHPs, and IPs which assisted in provided an in-depth understanding of the topic. The different perspectives from the different fields of practice was used to eliminate bias. The sample of participants was diverse as it included patients that were from different backgrounds in terms of treatment history, work history, and age. The researchers made use of snowballing to find eligible participants and this may have introduced an element of bias. The research participants were also limited to only patients that had complemented treatment. The results could not thus be generalized to the entire BPD population. The number of participants was also small sample and this placed a question regarding whether the research could be replicated. 


The research would be applicable to the analysis of how personality disorders can impact one’s life by indicating that it could impact the ability to gain and maintain employment. The research would further show ways to support individuals with personality disorders through increased collaboration, emotional regulation, and making sure that the population is knowledgeable about the personality disorder. The research filled the gap in literature by providing the perspectives from MHPs and IPs. Future research should take into consideration whether diminishing symptoms and an increased support could facilitate employment retention for BPD patients. 

Quantitative Article 1 

Wilmot, M. P., Wanberg, C. R., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., & Ones, D. S. (2019). Extraversion advantages at work: A quantitative review and synthesis of the meta-analytic evidence.  Journal of Applied Psychology


The researchers determined to examine the extent which specific characteristics of extraversion have advantages in the workplace. The theoretical framework established by the researchers was based on the notion that many people have in the modern workplace setting that extraversion has positive outcomes on one’s work. However, different studies had shown that there was a debate regarding the specific advantageous variables for extraversion. The method applied was a quantitative analysis of meta-analytic evidence where 97 published meta-analyses on extraversion was examined. 165 distinct work relevant extraversion variables were identified and 58 variables of lower older traits also identified. The effects were then organized into four career domains that included job application, education, on the job, and career or lifespan. The conceptual categories were divided into motivations, emotional, interpersonal, and performance advantages. The conclusion arrived by the author was that extraversion has positive effects that include its sociability factor and positive emotions and negative effects of sensation-seeking that was disadvantageous. The research thus extends the knowledge regarding the advantages of extraversion at the workplace. 


The topic that the researchers were examining is relevant since it the topic of whether extroverts are more advantaged to the modern workplace setting is a hotly debated issue. The researchers first established various theories by previous authors that had been used to examine the current debate. The analysis showed that the advantages and disadvantages of extraversion is a topic that has been neglected. One of the strengths with the analysis is that it was based on several variables from a larger array of meta-analysis articles. The conclusions that were arrived at could thus be replicated through another research. One of the inherent limitations of the methods was the data which came from meta-analysis articles. Some of the variables being examined could not be found in the data. Such a research design could be replicated with similar outcomes. The research design was also based on the assumption that extraversion is the only sole determinant of work and career success. Future studies could focus on other personality traits, cognitive abilities, and other characteristics so as to remove this assumption. The conclusions arrived at were an addition to the hotly debated topic of extraversion versus introversion. The advantages and disadvantages were clearly identified. 


When considering the topic of personality traits and its impacts, one of the debated issues is whether personality has an impact on one’s performance in the workplace. The debate is ongoing and the research provided a new perspective to the topic by considering multiple variables and coming up with the advantages and disadvantages. The concise conclusion was that extraversion has advantages of sociability and positive emotions and negative effects of sensation-seeking. Future research should consider other personality traits and cognitive abilities to ensure the validity of the data. 

Quantitative Article 2 

Haeyen, S., van Hooren, S., van der Veld, W. M., & Hutschemaekers, G. (2018). Promoting mental health versus reducing mental illness in art therapy with patients with personality disorders: a quantitative study.  The Arts in Psychotherapy 58 , 11-16. 


The topic that the researchers examined was the ways whether art therapy improves mental health and mental illnesses. The researchers also sought to determine whether there is a relationship between mental health and mental illness. The theoretical framework of the research was based on the shift by art therapists from focusing on improving mental health initiatives had shifted from simply reducing symptoms to actually realizing positive mental health. The comparison of past and recent studies indicated that art therapists had shifting from focusing reducing mental illness towards realizing positive symptoms with mental illness. The method that was applied by the researchers was the analysis of 74 patients diagnosed with personality disorders. The participants went through art therapy intervention in 10 weeks and the status of the mental health and mental illness was measured afterwards. The results showed art therapy improved mental illness and mental health. It was also observed that there was a strong correlation between the two domains of mental health and mental illness suggesting that the two areas of study are similar. 


The topic of the study was significant and timely since mental health and mental illness is a modern challenging healthcare issue. Previous studies had indicated that there was a shift to mental healthcare by most therapists such as art therapists. The findings of the researchers would be used to validate whether the shift towards positive mental health was true. One of the limitations of the method was that the number of patients was small. Secondary data from a randomized control trial where the effects of patients diagnosed with personality disorders had been established. While this made the work of the researchers easy, it could overlook the limitations that the previous researchers had encountered. The design of using quantitative data was accurate as it enabled having data to conduct statistical analysis. The accurate use of various statistical tools such as SPSS 22 and ANOVA measures ensured the reliability of the data. The conclusion was relevant as the results was used to shade light regarding the effects that art therapy has on reducing psychopathology symptoms and increasing mental health and well-being. 


The research is applicable as it shows how mental illness as a personality disorder can impact one’s mental health. The research adds knowledge to the research on the positive effects of therapy. It provided insight towards understanding the scope and benefits and scope of art therapy. The study also contributed to the general discussion about mental health and mental illness by observing that the two fields of study are related. However, the validity of the research could be verified by focusing on a larger sample and using primary data. 

Mixed-Method Article 1 

Hurley, M., Dickson, K., Hallett, R., Grant, R., Hauari, H., Walsh, N., ... & Oliver, S. (2018). Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with hip, knee or hip and knee osteoarthritis: a mixed methods review.  Cochrane database of systematic reviews , (4). 


The objective that the researchers with the study was to understand the relationship between pain, exercise, physical function, and psychosocial effects. Previous researchers had indicated that exercise had been recommended as an initiative to be used to improve physical function and reduce joint pain. The mixed research methods entailed a quantitative and qualitative research. For the quantitative research, secondary data was obtained from 21 trials that involved 2,372 participants. The quality of exercise was and the pain reduction from the exercise was examined. For the qualitative research, secondary data from 12 studies were investigated with 29 participants. The patient perspectives regarding ways to improve the quality of exercises was examined. The quantitative results indicated a moderate improvement in pain by 6% through exercising. The qualitative results indicated that there were ways to improve exercising such as providing better information about safety and value of exercises, customizing exercises to patient preferences, and provision of better support during exercising. 


The topic that was examined was relevant and it added to the current body of research regarding the significance of exercises. It also provided new knowledge regarding the effect that exercise has on one’s psychosocial function such as health beliefs, depression, anxiety, and the quality of life. The previous theoretical framework had been limited by identifying the benefits of exercising but not conducting a psychoanalysis of patients that experience joint pain and the impact that their beliefs on their recovery had not been previously established. One of the strength of the research was in its mixed design. Researchers were able to gather quantitative data to measure improvements of patient’s pain when exercising and compare it with qualitative data regarding patient’s views, opinions, and beliefs. Secondary data was used and it could have the disadvantages in the reliability of the data. However, the research benefited from having a large sample of data and participants. The conclusion was arrived by carrying out a thorough statistical analysis and thorough analysis of patient opinions. While the conclusion was accurate, its validity could be further established by making use of primary data. 


While the research does not specifically consider how personality and personality disorders, it considers how mental attitudes and beliefs can affect one’s quality of life. It was established that people’s beliefs about chronic pain can shape their attitudes about behaviors of managing their pain. People that had personality traits of adaptability was specifically established to have a strong influence on positive exercise behaviors. The research thus adds new knowledge regarding the literature that explores personality and the quality of life. 

Mixed-Method Article 2 

Hines, S., Carey, T. A., Hirvonen, T., Martin, K., & Cibich, M. (2019). Effectiveness and appropriateness of culturally adapted approaches to treating alcohol use disorders in Indigenous people: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol.  JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports


The topic examined was the appropriateness and effectiveness of culturally adopted practices to treat alcohol disorders among indigenous residents of USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Previous literature regarding alcohol disorders had only emphasized the prevalence and impact of alcohol disorders and various treatment procedures that could be adopted. However, there was a gap in literature where evidence-based therapies have not considered cultural considerations when treating alcohol disorders. The method applied was a mixed method where data was extracted from databases to formulate both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative aspect sought to consider culturally competent approaches by considering outcomes such as participation, engagement, and attendance to treatment. The qualitative aspect sought to consider opinions regarding relevance, meaningfulness of the treatment. The conclusions expected by the researchers was that culturally competent treatment would have positive outcomes compared to non-culturally based treatments. It was also expected patients would have positive opinions regarding culturally-based treatments. 


The topic of treating alcohol disorders is a relevant topic that many people face. The article provides new information regarding on one of the ways that can be used to treat alcohol disorders. The theoretical framework was accurate as it established the problem of alcohol disorder and how many people have not undergone successful treatments. The research thus strived to establish a new theoretical basis by stating that alcohol disorders treatment would be ineffective without considering cultural aspects of the patients. The design considered a mixed method was advantageous in getting opinions and tabulating evidence to get a strong evidence. However, the method applied of using secondary data was inefficient as the data could be biased. The results and conclusions that were arrived at by the authors were also not quite clear. The research had to be replicated so as to ensure the validity of the findings. 


The research would be applicable to the topic of personality and personality disorders by considering how alcohol addiction as a personality disorder could impact the quality of life of an individual. It was also established from the research that alcohol addiction was a relapsing condition that often required continual treatment. The research provided a new perspective regarding the treatment of personality disorders. The observation is that treatment should be culturally-based so as to be effective. 


The analysis of the different research articles established that one’s personality and personality disorders could impact the quality of life that one lives. The specific personality traits that were identified included extraversion, introversion, emotional stability, perfectionism, and sensitivity. Grailey et al., (2020) determined that personality types such as perfectionism and sensitivity could impact one’s ability to perform well in the work environment. Extraversion was identified to have positive effects such as positive emotions and sociability and negative effects of sensation seeking (Wilmot, Wanberg, Kammeyer-Mueller, & Ones 2019). There were various interventions to treat personality disorders that were determined as the use of art therapy (Haeyen et al., 2018), should be culturally-based (Hines et al, 2019), and provision of emotional support (Juurlink et al., 2019). The articles had an accurate theoretical framework and this was used to provide a new knowledge regarding the relationship between personality and personality disorders in one’s life. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Annotated Bibliography - Personality and Personality Disorder.


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