27 May 2022


Application of Psychometrics, Utility, and Cultural Competence to a Test

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Psychometrics according to Mair (2017) is the field of study in psychology that deals with the qualitative and quantitative measurement of data, its collection, organization, and analysis. As this involves an ever-changing human complex, there is the insatiable demand for developments to ensure accuracy in the research undertaken. The measure requires the practitioners to partner with other scientists outside their scope of the study to formulate methods based on their findings and correlate them to the psychology, that is to say, the measures works well for the statisticians and other medical practitioners. 

There has been the extensive study on this particular science with numerous publications available in the psychology section. Psychological measurement is the assigning of numerical results to individuals to represent their unique traits as compared to other people so as to establish or disapprove theories. Mental constructs, for example, the ability to apply knowledge, self-regard, and misery are factors that are not individually detectable because they speak to behavioral propensities or multiple standards of conduct and internal procedures. An immediate objective of the logical research is to characterize mental develops in ways that precisely depict them thoughtfully. (Libraries Publishing, 2017). 

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According to (Constantine & Ponterotto, 2006), the most broadly utilized tests are self-report instruments which are often polls or overviews where respondents share their sentiments, states of mind, practices, and capacities in regards to particular issues or develop. The article in review in this assignment is, What Is Compassion and how can we measure it? A Review of Definitions and Measures. (Strauss et al.). The scholarly journal duly states that the significance of compassion is accepted as a norm and is accorded expanding research considerations. However, there is an absence of agreement on the definition and a lack of psychometrically candid measures of this development. Without a concurred definition and adequate standards, one can't contemplate compassion, measure it or assess whether intrusions intended to upgrade sympathy are viable. It continues to propose the particular psychological meaning of compassion and offers a voluntary survey of self and second party appraised scores. 

The methods employed in the psychometric analysis to decide on the instruments were: inclusion and exclusion criteria, literature review, consultation with relevant authorities, and quality tests. In the validation of quality, there were sub-cases that were looked into, and these included: content efficacy, structures of the factors, internal compactness, test-retest consistency, concurrent and discriminant validation, floor and ceiling issue, ability to be interpreted. The report on the validity of the study was that while the ratings of content validations were low mainly due to unproven psychometric attributes, there were relatively high scores on internal compactness. Consequently, indications for the proposed structures of factors of a few scales were feeble or missing. It was clear that the existence of floor and roof impacts was not inspected for any scale, though the test–retest dependability was analyzed for just a single level. Concurrent relationships were considerable and in the conventional bearings, yet discriminant legitimacy was not evaluated. Low-quality evaluations could likewise be credited to measures being in their initial phases of advancement, and previous scholarly works were probably not going to incorporate an exhaustive trial of psychometric properties. Quality evaluations for compassion measures may enhance after some time with additional research including psychometric studies. 

Compassion has been referred to reverently by the society to have a spiritual connotation to it; it tends to attach a level of spirituality to those who express actions related, and a lack therein to those who overlook. The issue in the discussion then is how much is needed for a person to make them respond emotionally to suffering and eventually take action to stop or to lessen the adversity, and if there are measures that can be taken to fasten this response. This is imperative because there are continuous occurrences of natural disasters, increased crime rates, economic meltdowns that force people to endure severe conditions. 


Constantine, G and Ponterotto, J. 2006: An Overview of Coefficient Alpha and a Reliability Matrix for Estimating Adequacy of Internal Consistency Coefficients with Psychological Research Measures : Evaluating and Selecting Psychological Measures for Research Purposes. Retrieved from https://wesfiles.wesleyan.edu/courses/PSYC-213-01-clwilkins/week%206/ch07%20-%20Constantine%20%26%20Ponterotto.PDF on 26 Feb 2016. 

Libraries Publishing, 2017. 5.1 Understanding Psychological Measurement | Research Methods In Psychology Retrieved from.  http://open.lib.umn.edu/psychologyresearchmethods/chapter/5-1-understanding-psychological-measurement / , 2017 on 26 Feb. 2017. 

Mair, Patrick, 2017 CRAN Task View: Psychometric Models and Methods. Retrieved from https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Psychometrics.htm on 26 Feb. 2017. 

Strauss, C., Lever Taylor, B., Gu, J., Kuyken, W., Baer, R., Jones, F., & Cavanagh, K. (2016).  What is compassion and how can we measure it? A Review of Definitions and Measures ScienceDirect . Retrieved 26 February 2017, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272735816300216 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Application of Psychometrics, Utility, and Cultural Competence to a Test.


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