15 Nov 2022


Applied Personality Project: The Science of Personality

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Summary and Analysis 

The focus of the article by Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault is on personality disorders. Personality disorders are characterized as a group of mental disorders that results in unhealthy and rigid behaving, functioning and thinking patterns. People with personality disorders will tend to have issues relating and perceiving to people and situations. The major long-term impacts of personality disorders include substantial limitations and problems in school, work, social activities and relationships. The onset of personality disorders begins during early teenage or adulthood years. There are a variety of personality disorders such as paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant and dependent. According to the article by Salters-Pedneault (2019), its focus is on the incidence of suicides amongst the population suffering from one borderline personality disorder. The article cites that more than 70 of people with borderline personality disorder ill attempt at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime while a considerable number of others will attempt many other suicide attempts.

Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most common personality disorders affecting different people across the globe. An individual with BDP will tend to affect people interact with the world around them and who they see themselves. BPD is a challenging mental health disorder and tracking its prevalence is at times marred by problems such as underdiagnoses or misdiagnosis. However, more than 1.6% of the USA population suffer from BPD, and despite this seeming quite a small number, the large population of the USA indicates that over 4 million people in the nation have BPD. Similarly, around 9% of people with Borderline Personality Disorder will attempt a successful suicide, and this is 50 times the rate of complete suicidal attempts from the general population. This is an indication that BPD is a very serious mental health problem and if it is not correctly diagnosed, many young people will end up committing suicide.

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Understanding one’s individual personality is vital in improving emotional well-being. Personality is unique to every individual as it makes one who he/she is and influences everything from one’s way of life to relationships. Personality psychology aims at the various types of personality, their variations across different people and their similarities. The focus of the article is on personality disorders and how they tend to interfere with a person’s day-to-day life. Personality disorders will tend to affect how people respond to various situations, and thus it has an impact on the personality. In order to fully understand and study personality psychology, it is crucial for psychologists and researchers to try and understand the various factors that affect personality such as personality disorders. Therefore, personality disorder comprises some of the various inventories, assessments and personality tests that help psychologist in learning about the diverse personality aspects.

The article by Salters-Pedneault (2019) indicates that there are various factors that lead to increased suicidal attempts by people with BPD. Borderline Personality Disorders is characterized by severe negative emotional pain, and thus the people try to find a way of escaping which leads them to attempt suicide. Similarly, BPD is a chronic, and long-lasting mental health condition and suicidal ideation are one of the unique aspects. The people with BPD will feel like there is no other way out of the suffering despite there being some effective forms of treatments and thus attempt suicides. Borderline Personality Disorders has intense comorbidity, and it is linked to other mental disorders such as schizoaffective disorders, major depression ab bipolar disorder. Other factors that tend to increase suicidal attempts in people with BPD include impulsivity, substance use and brain abnormalities. Similarly, the article has outlined how individuals with BPD can seek assistance in the event of suicidal attempts by providing various hotline numbers , 911 for USA and Canada and a 24/7 free hotline number 1-800-273-8255 linked to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

However, the article has not focused on the various effective treatment options available for BPD. The article has only cited there are treatment options, but none is outlined. By laying down some of these options, it would have been helpful to the readers for, through treatment, one can control BPD sand thus eliminate the suicidal attempt thoughts.

Research Application 

According to the study by Soloff & Chiappetta (2012), it aimed at determining the lethality of suicidal behavior in people with Borderline Personality Disorder. Conferring to the research, despite people with BPD having favorable outcomes, about 10 dies because of complete suicide. The onset of recurrent suicidal behavior in people with Borderline Personality Disorder as it stands at 46 per cent to 92 per cent of the patients and suicide completion at 3 per cent to 10 per cent of the patients. It is an indication that a vast majority of borderline psychiatric disorder patient has positive outcomes. However, a minority of the patients have a fatal outcome in this case death because of suicide. The study aimed at filling a gap in knowledge on just who is at the greatest risk of death because of suicide. The study also sought to determine the most evident and common predictors of attempted suicide in BPD patients.

The researchers sought the approval of the Institutional Review Board before carrying out the study. A prospective longitudinal study was used in answering the research questions. The major aim of longitudinal studies is to study the variation in particular outcomes within a similar cohort through repetitive measures over a period in most cases years. An advertisement was used in recurring participants who were drawn from the Western Psychiatric Institute inpatient and outpatient center. The maintenance of the diagnostic continuity in the study was facilitated by using DIB and DSM III-R. 252 Borderline Personality Disorder patients were eligible for the study. 180 participants were categorized as first-time suicide attempters at the time if intake while 1954 were lifetime suicide attempters. A logistic regression analysis was used in determining the lethality status and relationship between the various discriminating variables. Trajectory analysis was also used in determining the lethality rating scale scores of the repeat suicide attempters (Soloff & Chiappetta, 2012).

According to the study, the researchers found out that the major risk factors that lead to complete suicide and high lethality attempts in people with Borderline Personality Disorder include financial, social and vocational stressors, lower SES and older age. The study also found out that impulsivity and anti-social behavior increases the risk of suicidal attempts in BDP patients. These findings were also supported by studies such as Chesin, Jeglic & Stanley (2010) who found out that the major causes of suicidal attempts in BPD patients regardless of where they are considered as high or low lethality attempters include aggression and impulsivity. The study also found out that poor psychological functions are another risk factor of suicidal behavior in Borderline personality disorder patients. In coming up with these findings, the researchers relied on standardized instruments such as the Columbia Suicide History, Suicide Intent Scale, and Lethality Rating Scale. Through these scales, they allowed the researchers to ensuring that their result is credible and reliable. The study was able to conclude that patients with a higher risk of suicide attempts include those with older age and those with substantial disease severity, family and friends’ estrangement and vocational failures. Similarly, other factors that contributed to high suicide attempts include lifetime substance abuse and comorbidity. Therefore, the researchers did not over-emphasize their findings, as what they found out is what most researchers have also been able to determine as the major causes of suicidal attempt in BPD patients.

The key strength of the research is that it relied on a set of standardized instruments that boosted the credibility and reliability of the results. The Columbia Suicide History was developed by Columbia University-based researchers to help in the evaluation of suicide risk. The Lethality Rating Scale is used to determine the lethality of a suicide attempt, while the Suicide Intent Scale is used to ascertain the intent of suicide attempts. From the three scales, they allowed the researchers in accurately answering their research questions. Another key strength of the study is that it involved the use of longitudinal study design. In order to study a condition such as suicide attempts amongst BPD patients, a researcher must study the factors over time in order to effectively determine the patterns. This type of study design is also known to offer the researcher results that are highly accurate. The study sample as also effective as it involved 252 participants and thus the results could be generalized to the entire BPD population.

The major limitation of the study is that it had a considerable number of negative findings. The study found no relationship between MDD and BPD lethality suicide attempts as it was inconsistent. During the first year of the study, MDD was a major cause of suicide through after two years and beyond, it was not. Similarly, many studies have found out that impulsivity and aggression are major causes of suicide in BPD patients. Nonetheless, the study found out that various cor-morbidities such as ASPD, aggression and impulsivity are not predictors of suicide in BPD. Similarly, the study population was rather small basing on the fact that a trajectory analysis requires a large sample size to come up with findings.

The research was carried out to ascertain the lethality of suicidal attempts amongst patients with BPD. BPD is one of the many factors that affect personality development amongst people. From this research, it is an indication that are many elements that come into play towards determining an individual’s personality. A significant number of these factors may be interdependent or independent, and they can include; individual characteristics, social influences, hereditary and environmental. Therefore, the amalgamation of an individual’s patterns and traits that affect their emotions, motivations, thoughts and behavior can negatively or positively be affected by the various factors. Over time, these factors will strongly influence individual values, attitudes, perceptions and expectations. From the research, it is an indication that factors such as personality disorders may end up having negative impacts on an individual as witnessed from the case of suicidal attempts in BPD patients.

According to the article by Salters-Pedneault (2019), it is intended for the general audience readers and is written to inform and persuade the public. Popular sources aim at answering where, when, what and who type of questions though they tend to lack some form of credibility for they lack complete citations to some of the information given. However, the article by Soloff & Chiappetta (2012) is a scholarly article aims at allowing readers to gain connections between various variables, events or issues. From the article by Salters-Pedneault, it has cited there is connection between BPD and suicide attempts. The research article by Soloff and Chiappetta has carried out in-depth research into the relationship between suicide attempts and BPD and been able to prove that indeed there is a connection. Therefore, the conclusions from the research article align with the message from the news article by Salters-Pedneault on the positive relationship between BPD and suicide.

Personality Theory 

Theory 1: Trait Theory 

According to the trait theories of personality, they believed that by having an awareness of the various behavioral characteristics certain traits of people, one could easily understand their personalities. The personalities of people are exhibited using a wide range of personal and social contexts the major trait theory proponents’ include Gordon Allport who categorized traits unto three hierarchy levels; cardinal, central and secondary. According to Allport, phenotypes and genotypes have a huge influence on the individual’s behavior and personality. Other major trait theory theorist includes Raymond Cattell, Hans Eysenck and D.W Fiske.

Trait theories help in the facilitation of the exploration of the affiliation between various behaviors and personality (Mohamed, Fattah & El Masry, 2014). By understanding the personality traits one will have an awareness of fully comprehending the cause of suicidal behavior in people. A vast majority of suicidal attempts occur in people personality disorders and psychiatric disorders. Patients who tend to feel entrapped or enslaved such as those with BPD will tend to have higher rates of suicidal ideation. Using the stress-diathesis model, various personality trait has been linked to increasing the incidence of suicide such as irritability, resentment, guilt, hopelessness, anger, aggression, impulsivity and introversion (Bi et al., 2017). One of the most notable risk factor associated with suicide amongst a majority of people are impulsivity and aggression that are largely associated with BPD.

Similarly, personality traits such as neuroticism that is mainly linked to depression comorbidity of depression is a major determinant of suicidal attempts. However, the affiliation between suicidal ideation and personality traits has continued to become a complex issue. However, a study by Bi et al. (2017) found out that there are a greater suicidal ideation attempts amongst individuals suffering from various personality and psychiatric disorders and this was mainly amongst those showing personality traits of aggression and impulsivity.

Theory 2: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 

Abraham Maslow’s theory is part of the humanistic group of theories that focus mostly on personal awareness, free will and psychological growth. The humanistic group of theories are mostly focused on how every individual has the ability to attain their won potential. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory states that for an individual to live normal lives, it must be fulfilled by the most basic needs such as water and food. However, the needs continue to change as they continue to move up the hierarchy as they become centered more on the self-actualization and esteem.

There are varieties of motivations that drive people into committing suicide. Basing on

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, some of the human needs tend to feel more important than others do. Maslow believed that an individual could not progress into another level of needs without fulfilling those that are at the bottom. One had to first meet the belongingness and love needs before pursuing the self-esteem needs. Through the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs law, one can visibly witness a potential motivation for suicidal attempts not only amongst Borderline Personality Disorder patients but also across the general population. The most common motivators for suicides amongst BPD patients is low self-esteem, and social isolation and these two needs are evident from the Hierarchy of Needs as presented by Maslow.

Maslow’s theory is because for an individual to fulfil a much higher need, one has to first meet those that are at the bottom. However, in case an individual does not feel safe within their surroundings or feel worthy, one will not have an ability to progress and will end up stick at their current miserable state. Individual who suffer from various mental health-related issues need an environment filled with positivity for them to move up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs levels. However, in case such people do not find routes, they will find it hard to escape from the miseries and thus end up being field by horrifying thoughts that plague and edge them towards committing suicide. BPD is an example of a mental health disorder that can plague an individual into committing suicide once the person lacks the ability to climb up the hierarchy of needs.

Theory 3: Social Learning Theory 

According to the Social Learning Theory, it has its roots from the behaviorist group of theories. This group of theories are based on the impact of external stimuli on the behavior of human beings (Mueller &7 Abrutyn, 2015). An example of the behaviorist personality theories is the Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura. This theory is based on the tenet that through modelling, imitation and observation, an individual is able to learn from another. The Social Learning theory has been known as a bridge between the cognitive and behaviorist personality theories as it encompasses memory, motivation and attention.

It has always been argued that suicide is an inherited trait. However, other external factors bring about suicidal attempts in people at a particular point in their life. According to the social learning theory, suicidal attempts have been cited as being part of the learned responses to stressful situations (Mueller & Abrutyn, 2015). This is mostly based on what people tend to learn from various societal factors. As people get to access information on suicidal attempt amongst other BPD patients, the likelihood of committing suicide will increase, as they will end up thinking that suicide is the best option for getting through the condition. An individual encounters these experiences during their entire life that will thus determine their involvement in suicidal related activities.

Personal Reflection 

The material in the article is important in my life in that a close friend of mine suffers from BPD. From the article, I have been able to understand that BPD does not only affect those diagnosed with the disorder but also those who care about them. In the case of my close friend, we have known each other for over ten years, and it is only two years ago that I came to learn of his situation. My friend has had a tough time trying to regulate his behavior and emotions, and this has not only taken toll on me but also the family and other friends. People suffering from BPD tend to have a hard time keeping up with relationships mostly those who are close to them and form the article, suicidal ideation is one of the main adverse outcomes of the disorder. The increased rates of irrational and impulsive behavior chronic abandonment fears, angry outbursts and mood swings at times tends to leave me off balance, abused and helpless. However, from the article, I have been able to determine that it is not right to give up on my friend as this can bring about fatal outcomes.

Basing on the research related to the article, it is an indication that knowing one’s personality type is important. It is crucial for one also to determine the different personality disorders that an individual is suffering from. Different people might have different perceptions and reactions to a similar situation. This determines the various worldviews whereby people have diverse means of interaction and seeing the world. Understanding one’s personality and those of others are crucial as it can aid in preventing fatal outcomes such as suicidal attempts in case of BPD. By understanding and being aware of each other’s personality traits, and disorders, one will have an ability to better react to the desires of your loved ones and thus building a stronger and lasting relationship.

Initially, I believed that people should always view the world from my point of view. People who did not see things from my point of view were at times regarded as being enemies. Additionally, I was not able to view things from the perspectives of others, and this made it hard for me to understand people. However, form the research on personality, I have been able to understand that people have different types of personalities and they are determined by various factors whether it is hereditary, social, environmental or individual characteristics. The research has opened up my eyes by better comprehending about all the perceptions and reactions that different individuals might have related to similar situations as we all have different ways of seeing and interacting with the universe.

My major concern about the article is that it has not provided treatment options for an individual with BPD. This is despite the fact that the article acknowledges around 9% of people with Borderline Personality Disorder will attempt a successful suicide, and this is 50 times the rate of complete suicidal attempts from the general population. These statistics are alarming, and they display just how BPD is a chronic and dangerous illness. The article should at least have provided some treatment options for people with BPD instead of only highlighting some hotline numbers. Very few people have the guts of calling for help that they are on the verge of committing suicide, as one is liable to some jail time under the law.


Bi, B., Liu, W., Zhou, D., Fu, X., Qin, X., & Wu, J. (2017). Personality traits and suicide attempts with and without psychiatric disorders: analysis of impulsivity and neuroticism.  BMC Psychiatry 17 (1), 294.

Chesin, M. S., Jeglic, E. L., & Stanley, B. (2010). Pathways to high-lethality suicide attempts in individuals with borderline personality disorder.  Archives of Suicide Research 14 (4), 342-362.

Mohamed, A. E., Fattah, N. R. A., & El Masry, N. M. (2014). Demographic and personality assessment in relation to suicidal ideation in depressive disorders.  Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 35 (3), 151.

Mueller, A. S., & Abrutyn, S. (2015). Suicidal disclosures among friends: using social network data to understand suicide contagion.  Journal of Health and Social Behavior 56 (1), 131-148.

Salters-Pedneault, K. (2019, September 8). Suicidality in borderline personality disorder: Why it is common and how to help. Very Well Mind . Retrieved on 9 October 2019, from https://www.verywellmind.com/suicidality-in-borderline-personality-disorder-425485

Soloff, P. H., & Chiappetta, L. (2012). Subtyping borderline personality disorder by suicidal behavior.  Journal of Personality Disorders 26 (3), 468-480

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