19 Dec 2022


Areas of Biology and Life Sciences

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Academic level: College

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Words: 571

Pages: 2

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Biology and life sciences are among the most diverse sciences. As disciplines, biology and life sciences cover all aspects of living organisms, starting from the most fundamental aspect which is the gene to the ecosystems that living organisms occupy ( Blomquist & Bagnères, 2010 ). Some of the areas that biology and life sciences, as disciplines, cover include molecular basics of life, the physiological functions of various cells, the biochemistry of molecules like proteins, DNA, and RNA, organ and organ system, the complex interactions which take place between living organisms, and the effect of evolutionary relationships on biological problems. 

Normally, for a discipline to be considered as a science, its study has to involve the use particular methods for discovering new things or broadening existing knowledge. These methods must subject themselves to a systematic approach and replication to scientific inquiry ( McFall-Ngai et al., 2013) . In biology and life sciences, there are various methods which are used to carry out scientific inquiry. The methods which are used in the study of biology and life sciences include carrying out experiments and investigations and formulating hypotheses. 

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Knowledge production in biology and life sciences is an ongoing endeavor which normally takes place gradually. However, occasionally, insights and knowledge in biology and life sciences take a big leap forward as a new theory or new knowledge replaces what was accepted previously ( McFall-Ngai et al., 2013) . Like all knowledge, scientific knowledge in biology and life sciences changes with time as scientists continually improve their knowledge about living organisms and the word in general. Scientific investigations, in general, are mostly about things which are poorly understood or ones which are not understood at all. In biology and life sciences, like in all other sciences, scientists are often involved in disagreements and debates in a bid to improve their knowledge ( Blomquist & Bagnères, 2010 ). As more individuals take part in these investigations, they reach a consensus about how the world works and how things generally are. In biology and life sciences, scientists continue exploring the unknown about the living things. They tackle questions such as ‘what exactly is the human mind?’ 

The purpose of studying biology and life sciences 

The study of biology and life sciences is aimed to achieve a number of things. They include the development of scientific knowledge in biology and life sciences, the development of science process skills, and the development of an understanding of the role of biology and life sciences in society ( McFall-Ngai et al., 2013) . 

Scientists study biology and life sciences in order to develop scientific knowledge so that they can answer questions about living things and the living world. Scientific knowledge in biology and life sciences prepare learners for self-expression. It also lays the foundation for further studies about living organisms ( Blomquist & Bagnères, 2010 ). The study of biology and life sciences also involves the development of science process skills which can then be used to investigate, communicate, reflect, and synthesize knowledge in biology and life sciences. This helps to enhance the development of knowledge in the field. Lastly, the study of biology and life sciences is aimed to create an understanding about the role of science in society through analyzing the relationship between society and science. 


Basically, biology and life sciences are among the most diverse sciences since they cover all aspects of living organisms, starting from the most fundamental aspect which is the gene to the ecosystems that living organisms occupy. The study of biology and life sciences helps in the development of scientific knowledge in biology and life sciences, the development of science process skills, and the development of an understanding of the role of biology and life sciences in society. As such, it is a crucial discipline. 


Blomquist, G. J., & Bagnères, A. G. (Eds.). (2010). Insect hydrocarbons: biology, biochemistry, and chemical ecology . Cambridge University Press. 

McFall-Ngai, M., Hadfield, M. G., Bosch, T. C., Carey, H. V., Domazet-Lošo, T., Douglas, A. E., & Hentschel, U. (2013). Animals in a bacterial world, a new imperative for the life sciences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 110 (9), 3229-3236. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Areas of Biology and Life Sciences.


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