2 Nov 2022


Atheism and religious liberty

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 373

Pages: 1

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American history is founded on the principle of religious liberty and the separation of church and state. The founders, commonly identified as the Pilgrim Fathers, identified themselves with the Christian faith than other religions. It is astonishing that the number of Americans identifying with atheistic beliefs or those who consider religion as non-important is increasing significantly. It is also astonishing that majority of those who believe so are younger, well-educated and of white origin. They believe that science is the true guide that is just but the ideas of man; in reality, they believe in man for guidance.

The definition of atheist is very categorical which makes it difficult to classify those who identify themselves as atheists. Instead of being specific about their disbelief in the existence of a divine being or spirit, atheists today are undecided; they seem to believe and believe not that there is a divine being. Perhaps the understanding and definition of an atheist are transforming, or those who perceive themselves as atheistic are holding to their previous convictions of God or those interviewed were undergoing conversion to Christianity.

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The atheists' interaction with nature should be convincing evidence for the existence of a Devine being who is truly involved in the affairs of His creation. This should work out a desire for interaction with such a being, but that is not the case. Does this explain their unwillingness to discuss religious matters with religious people; are they afraid that they will be converted? Nearly half of the Americans would not support an atheist for the presidency; the same proportion is not strongly convicted that religion has a great influence on a person's morals. This indicates a great confusion among Americans on what should provide moral guidance. Their indication that they would not support an atheist candidate is confusing when in history we have democratic candidates who have a great leaning towards atheism!

Some of the important questions that arise from the presented facts include

Why blacks and other races are not skeptical about religion as is among the whites’ males? 

Why is it, that majority of atheists are male whites? 

Why are there fewer female atheists as compared to male atheists? 

What is the contribution of education in atheism? 

What are the party ideologies of the Democrats that predispose them to become atheistic and liberals? 

What factors have led to the transformation of Americans from the main faith of the Pilgrim Fathers to an atheistic orientation? 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Atheism and religious liberty.


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