11 Nov 2022


Biological Evolution: What It Is and How It Works

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 301

Pages: 1

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The article by Meng et al (2019), identifies the duck egg white proteins as having more biological importance as compared to chicken egg white, which is from the same genus and related glycosylation. The difference between the duck egg white and the chicken egg white N-glycoproteins is on their biological and molecular properties. 

There was the use of technology, and the technology used was Gene ontology analysis. The technology was to elucidate the bio functions of duck egg white N-glycoproteins. The information obtained could be compared with what is available in the national center for biotechnology information library (NCBI). When there are differences, then it meant that the duck egg white has evolved, and the glycoproteins are not similar. In this study, a total of 231 N-glycosites from 68 N-glycoproteins were identified. The bio functions of the duck egg white N-glycoproteins were also examined through bioinformatic analysis. The results showed that the duck egg white has different allergenicity and antibacterial abilities as compared to their chicken egg white counterparts. 

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The methods used included sampling of the duck egg white and the chicken egg white then the proteins were extracted. In a bid to obtain the N-glycoproteins, the proteins were subjected to trypsin digestion. What was obtained from trypsin digestion was subjected to deglycosylation in water. The N-glycoproteins were characterized by liquid chromatography with mass spectrophotometry, and finally, bioinformatics was done so that the results could be compared. There was no new species discovered in this study. What was found is a difference in allergenicity and antibacterial properties of the duck egg white. The discoveries were groundbreaking because the discovery in of disagreements of the N-glycoproteins of duck egg white could allow scientists to extract the glycoproteins and use in bioprospecting of new antibacterial drugs. The discovery can also be used to do genetic engineering to ensure that the duck egg white can survive in adverse environments. 


Meng, Y., Qiu, N., Geng, F., Huo, Y., Sun, H., & Keast, R. (2019). Identification of the Duck Egg White N-Glycoproteome and Insight into the Course of Biological Evolution. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry , 67 (35), 9950-9957. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Biological Evolution: What It Is and How It Works .


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